Beware of Sapphire

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In the Shadow Clan HQ, Lady Shade gazed her face straight at the glass window as Scarlett and Sapphire bowed down to their leader.

"How could my enemy's daughters managed to defeat you?" Lady Shade questioned. "They are mystics just like us."

"But they are advanced mystics unlike the rest of us." Scarlett informed.

"Which is why you should have let me finish them when I have the chance." Sapphire said with a snarl.

"Silence!" Lady Shade said. She walked down the stairs and halted in front of Scarlett with a threatening glare. "I really expected much more from you, Scarlett."

"Please, mistress." Scarlett begged fearfully. "Give me one more chance and I won't fail you again."

"No, you won't get another chance." Lady Shade said. She turned her eyes to Sapphire. "Sapphire, will be in charge of this mission."

Sapphire nodded her head and glanced at Scarlett with a sideway grin.

"I won't take any orders from this street mystic trash." Scarlett snarled.

"Is that so?" Lady Shade asked threateningly.

Lady Shade's right hand engulfed in blazing black energy claws and pointed it down at Scarlett, whose eyes widened wide open in complete fear.

"Unless you want me to, mistress." Scarlett said quickly.

"I've already sent out few ninjas to spy on the Lotus." Sapphire explained. "And when I find them, I will drop them on your feet."

"Very well. Proceed to your objective." Lady Shade said.

As Lady Shade walked back to her throne, Sapphire grinned proudly at Scarlett and got up to exit the throne room. Scarlett hissed under her breath before following Sapphire out.


Outside, the Lotus Ninjas are walking behind Casey through the streets. But they were wearing their causal outfits. Lee wore a blue asymmetrical one-shoulder shirt over a long white strappy tank top, black jeans, and blue caty wedges. Ella wore a sleeveless red tank top under a black leather biker jacket, black ripped jeans, red high-top sneakers, and two rhinestone spiked bracelets on each wrist. Donna wore a light grey cross back tank top under a purple cardigan sweater, black skinny jeans, and purple sneakers. And Ellie wore an orange tank top under a white leather biker jacket, black skinny jeans, and orange high top sneakers.

"Uh, Casey, where exactly are you taking us?" Donna asked.

"Yeah, we can't handle the surprise anymore." Ellie said with a smile.

"I know, but tonight you girls are gonna do something besides hitting people." Casey said with a smirk.

"Oh, come on. That's no fun." Ella groaned in disappointment.

"So, I'm taking you to this noodle place I've found." Casey added.

"A noodle shop?" Lee repeated with surprise eyes.

"Oh yeah." Casey replied with a nod. "Mr. Murakami owns the place and he's completely blind."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Ellie declared with a grin.

As Casey and the Lotus Ninjas arrived at the noodle shop, they spotted familiar female twins wrecking the restaurant and beating up the blind owner through the window.

"The Wuju Twins." Casey said grimly. "Those chicks are up to no good again."

"So much for not hitting people tonight." Lee said with a firm look.

"Let's do this!" Ella shrugged with a wide grin.

Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie casted their magic to change into their mystic kunoichi attire. Casey puts on his mask and took out his baseball bat. Together, they rushed into the restaurant in offensive stances.

"Let the man go now." Lee ordered.

"Or else." Ella said threateningly.

The Wuju Twins spun around to glare at the Lotus Ninjas and Casey Jones.

"Oh, great." Juni groaned. "You guys again! Juli, looks like we're up for round 2."

"Indeed, Juni." Juli agreed. "Let's do this."

The Wuju Twins charged forward to fight against the Lotus Ninjas. Juni ran across the counter towards Donna with a swift punch, but Donna dodged out of the way as Ellie leapt over the purple mystic kunoichi's shoulders and delivered a few strong air kicks that sent Juni flying into the wall. Ella charged forward towards Juli and jumped over to kick her in the back that sent Juli straight at Casey, who swung his baseball bat a couple times until Juli fell on the floor unconsciously. As the Wuju Twins swiftly got back up on their feet, Lee was left against them. The blue mystic kunoichi delivered the twins with several powerful punches and kicks until her left boot pushed Juni to the floor and her right boot pushed Juli against the wall by the neck. As Lee was ready to deliver a final blow with her fist, she saw Juli clenching his eyes tight for her doom. Lee became hesitated for a moment and then released Juli from her boot.

"Leave now." Lee warned. "Or there's plenty more beating coming at your way."

Juli stared at Lee in surprise and went to help Juni on her feet.

"C'mon! We're outta here!" Juli said to Juni. She turned back to the Lotus Ninjas and pointed her index finger at Lee. "This isn't over!"

Then, the Wuju Twins exited the restaurant.

"What the heck was that? You just let her go?" Ella shouted as she walked over to Lee.

"They weren't exactly a threat, Ella." Lee said with a stern face. "And for your information, they had enough."

"And in case you haven't noticed, they were beating up a blind guy!" Ella yelled. "Now, they'll think we're chumps with no strength to finish what we've started!"

Lee glanced away from Ella with a firm look on her face.

"Wow!" Casey cheered as he was helping Mr. Murakami off the floor. "We totally kicked their butts!"

"Yeah, we did!" Donna said with a smile.

"Thank you for helping me. As a token of my gratitude, allow me to make you a free meal." Mr. Murakami offered.

"We can live with that." Ella said.

"What is your favorite dish?" Mr. Murakami asked.

"Pizza, please!" Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie answered together with excitement.

The Lotus Ninjas and Caset sat together at the counter as they watched Mr. Murakami was using his amazing cooking skills that surprised them in awe.

"Murakami-San, that was incredible!" Donna exclaimed.

"You're like a food ninja like me!" Ellie beamed. "I got to learn a few tricks from him."

Finally, Mr. Murakami set five long plates in front of the teenagers, who gazed down to see the plate held only ten dumplings.

"Pizza Gyoza!" Mr. Murakami said.

"Let's try it." Casey said to his mystic friends.

Lee, Ella, Donna, Ellie, and Casey picked up a dumpling with their chopsticks as they ate them at the same time. Then, they quickly froze at the delicious taste of the food as their eyes widened wide in surprise.

"Wow!" Casey said as he ate another dumpling. "I'm definitely taking this home to my dad and sister!"

"This is unbelievable, Murakami!" Donna said.

"So, Murakami-San, what did the Wuju Twins want from you?" Lee asked with concern.

"They want protection money from me like the Purple Dragons, but I refuse to pay." Mr. Murakami explained with a sigh. "The four mutant turtle-san save me from those evil Purple Dragons criminals, but now the twins will return once again for me."

"Yeah, thanks to someone who wimp out from the fight." Ella said as she was glaring at Lee.

Lee ignored her hotheaded sister and continued to eat her dumplings.


In the Crete Fortress, Lee was pounding her fists at the training dummy through her frustration.

"Whoa there, Lee." Ella grinned as she came behind the training dummy. "This guy had enough. Maybe you should let him go."

"Zip it." Lee snapped irritatedly. "You're just making fun of me about our fight with the Wuju Twins."

"Yes, I am." Ella said honestly. "Because you show weakness."

"And I'm listening to you about that because?" Lee said with a glare.

"Because we can't go soft on those twin punks." Ella said.

"Showing mercy is not the sign of weakness, Rafaela." Saldana said as she walked into the living room. "But it is a sign of true strength."

"But they are criminals, mother!" Ella said. "This is war!"

"In our culture, mystics never forget the possibility of war in times of peace." Saldana said firmly. "But in times of war, we never forget compassion."

"I'm guessing those mystics lost a lot of brutal wars in their sad times." Ella commented.

Saldana's eyes narrowed coldly that made Ella gasp when the palm of her mother nearly punched her face.

"So close." Ellie muttered with a giggle.

"You see?" Saldana said. "Mercy."

"So, we'll track down the twins and make sure they got the message." Lee said.

"But how we gonna track someone down?" Donna asked.

"Don't worry, ladies! Casey Jones knows just where to track them!" Casey grinned proudly.


Meanwhile, the Lotus Ninjas followed Casey to the seemingly abandoned tattoo shop. They saw Juli exiting out of the place down on the sidewalk. The heroes quietly followed the black-haired twin from the rooftops and found her heading to an unfamiliar building.

Together, the heroes crashed through the building's window and faced the Wuju Twins in offensive stances. But they realized that they're interrupting a meeting between the Wuju Twins and two Shadow Clan warriors.

"Now we finally can have some fight." Sapphire said with a deadly smirk.

"It's Scarlett von Lake!" Ellie said. "But who's the other woman?"

"The name is Sapphire." Sapphire said. She engulfed her hands in blazing magenta plasma energy. "So, let's get this fight started."

The Wuju Twins, Scarlett, and Sapphire charged forward to attack the heroes at once. Casey fought against Juni, Donna and Ellie fought against Scarlett, Ella fought against Sapphire, and Lee fought against Juli once again. She easily had the criminal in her grasp with her water tentacle and pointed another water tentacle into her face, but she was beginning to feel regret through her core that made her release Juli away from her.

But then, the walls exploded with several Shadow Ninjas that made the heroes back away slowly.

"Guys, retreat!" Lee ordered.

"What? You got to be kidding me! We're giving up again?" Ella shouted.

"Just shut up and move!" Lee snapped.

Lee made her way to the opening window with Casey, Ella, Donna, and Ellie following behind as they jumped out the broken window after avoiding the barrage of shuriken coming from the Shadow Ninjas.

"Once a coward, always a coward!" Sapphire shouted from the window.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the living room was completely quiet with the presence of depression. Ellie and Donna sat on the couch, Lee sat on the floor, and Ella sat near the training dummy. Lee, Donna, and Ellie noticed that Ella was extremely furious about their retreat.

"I couldn't believe it!" Ella spoke furiously. "Can this day get any worse?"

"Look, it's called fighting smart, Ella." Lee sighed. "Besides, the Wuju Twins have Sapphire and Scarlett on their side now because last time we barely beat those women. We hardly stand a chance against them."

"That's because they know how to fight to the finish!" Ella snapped to Lee. "The only way to beat them is to be just as ruthless as they are!"

"Rafaela." Saldana said as she walked in the living room with a firm face. "Being ruthless will make any mystic dangerously destructive, but it does not make them strong to their potential."

"But Sapphire wins fights with her guts and skills!" Ella explained. "And she never shows anyone mercy."

Hearing the word "mercy" made Lee look away to the ground.

Suddenly, the Lotus Ninjas got a serious text from Casey that said "Meet me outside of Mr. Murakami's noodle shop". The girls quickly exited the fortress to the destination.


As Casey was pacing back and forth in front of the noodle shop, the Lotus Ninjas arrived inside and walked towards their vigilante friend.

"Girls, I'm so glad you're here." Casey said.

"We've got your message. What's the matter?" Lee said.

"It's Murakami." Casey replied. "The Shadow Clan took him away and left with this note."

Casey held out a note in his hand. Donna took the note from Casey and read it aloud.

"No more running. If you want the old man so bad, meet us out on the roof of the abandoned factory." Donna said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Ella said. "Let's go!"

"Not so fast, Ella." Lee said firmly. "We have to think first."

"That's one thing Ella can't do." Donna commented with a smile to Ellie.

"This is obviously a trap from us to walk on." Lee continued.

"Well, do you have other ideas?" Ella said. "Because I'm all ears!"

"We need to think more like Sapphire." Lee said with narrow eyes. "I know what mother said before, but Sapphire crossed the line and dragged Murakami into this. We gotta show her we can cross the line too."

"Finally!" Ella grinned. "And I think I know just the way to do it."


On the rooftop near the Tattoo Company, the Lotus Ninjas stood up and waited for their target on the rooftop ledge.

"Ok, everybody know the plan?" Lee whispered.

Donnie, Ellie and Ella nodded their heads. The girls quietly watched their target exiting out of her dojo. It was Scarlett von Lake! As she walked through the streets, Ella landed right behind her with a grin. Scarlett immediately sensed the red mystic kunoichi and turned to her with an ink whip-like blade on her right arm. Ellie came in with the chains and quickly tied Scarlett tightly. Lee placed Scarlett in a trash can and chained it shut. And Donna locked it with a padlock.

"Ladies." Lee announced with a smile. "Welcome to the other side of the line."

"Oh yeah." Ellie said happily.

Ella and Ellie carried the trash can in her hands, but the heavy weight allowed them to drop it that crash into a building. They could hear Scarlett groaning in pain inside.

"Oops." Ellie and Ella grinned.


Few minutes later, the Lotus Ninjas rolled the trash can and then peeked around the corner of the exact location that Sapphire wrote on the note.

"Uh oh, look." Donna said.

Lee, Ella, and Ellie followed Donna's finger that was pointing to Mr. Murakami hanging helplessly outside the building tied up. They could see Sapphire was grinning in delight and satisfaction.

"Man, Sapphire's cruel to the core." Ellie said.

"Let's go." Lee said.

The Lotus Ninjas sprang high in the air and landed onto the building roof, where their enemies were waiting for them.

"We're here, Sapphire!" Lee called. "Now let's the old man go!"

"I would love to." Sapphire smirked. "But unfortunately, there has been a change of plans."

Suddenly, the Shadow Ninjas jumped onto the rooftop with their weapons ready.

"Actually, there's been another change of plans." Lee countered with a grin.

Ella melted the chains with her flaming hand and Ellie opened the trash can to reveal a tied-up Scarlett as Donna held her still when she summoned two rocky hands from the ground.

"I just love it when a change of plan comes together." Donna said with a smile.

"You let our friend go and we'll let your friend go!" Lee said.

"That's too bad. Because she's not my friend!" Sapphire grinned.

The Lotus Ninjas glanced at Scarlett in deep confusion. They know that Scarlett and Sapphire are always together as a team. Is Sapphire saying that to distract them or does she really mean it? They looked back at the plasma mystic, who was walking over the wooden plank with a sly grin on her face. Donna motioned her hands to release the ink mystic kunoichi from the rocky hands and Ella quickly lifted Scarlett to the edge of the building.

"We're not kidding, Sapphire. So stop kidding around or we'll toss her out of the sky." Lee said.

"Go ahead, it'll save me the trouble." Sapphire smirked.

"Uh...Ella...!" Lee said.

Ella sighed heavily and tossed Scarlett onto the rooftop.

"That's what I thought." Sapphire smiled. "Attack!"

The Shadow Ninjas attacked the Lotus Ninjas at Sapphire's command. Lee jumped up in the air with her feet engulfed in water and then twirled her upside-down body to attack the first group of Shadow Ninjas with her legs like helicopter blades. Ella quickly unleashed a sudden barrage of flaming bolts at the four incoming Shadow Ninjas in low and high direction. Donna performed a diagonal down-forward one-legged driving earth kick with deadly force at each Shadow Ninja coming in her way. And Ellie delivered a series of high-damage wind somersaults to each Shadow Ninja coming in her way.

Then, the Lotus Ninjas came together when the Shadow Ninjas surrounded around them in a circle. Scarlett was free from the ropes and she stood forward next to Sapphire.

"Alright, let's finish this!" Scarlett snarled.

"Hey, we're the ones who didn't throw you off the roof, remember that?" Donna snapped.

Scarlett, Sapphire, and the Shadow Ninjas charged forward at the Lotus Ninjas. In few minutes of punching and kicking, Donna and Ellie were down and out by Scarlett while Ella was knocked out by Sapphire. Lee was now the last one standing against Scarlett and Sapphire. Sapphire ran forward and released a swarm of six magenta plasma energy bombs from behind while Scarlett delivered a series of black ink ripple-like waves at the blue mystic kunoichi that sent her landing towards her younger sisters.

"Now that's how you catch four mystics." Sapphire said as she walked ominously over the Lotus Ninjas and lifted her magenta plasma engulfed hand towards her face. "And now I'll show you how to finish them off."

"No way! You'd never have caught them without my help and you know it!" Scarlett snapped.

"Says the woman trapped inside the trash can!" Sapphire grinned mockingly.

As Scarlett and Sapphire started gloating over their plans, Lee looked up to see Juli was tilting her head to the right that made her starr at the water tower from behind. Lee looked back to watch Juli nodding her head before escaping along with her twin, which made the blue mystic kunoichi smile slightly.

"Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to destroy these mystics once and for all." Sapphire said.

"I don't think so!" Lee said as she got up to her feet and pointed her finger at Sapphire.

Lee jumped on top of the water tower and motioned her hands in the air, summoning the sound of huge water roaming inside the tower. As the stream of water burst out of the tower, Lee fired a powerful water energy beam that washed Sapphire, Scarlett, and the Shadow Ninjas off the rooftop.

Immediately, Ellie darted forward and caught the rope that Mr. Murakami was tied into as she pulled him up on the rooftop.

"Don't worry Murakami-San, I got you." Ellie said.

Lee, Ella, and Donna broke the chain that freed Mr. Murakami in the process.


Back at the noodle shop, Mr. Murakami rewarded the Lotus Ninjas with a package of the Pizza Gyoza.

"Cool!" Donna grinned as she held out the box of Pizza Gyoza. "Thanks Murakami-San!"

"You girls earned the token of my gratitude." Mr. Murakami smiled. "And you're welcome, Kunoichi-San."

The Lotus Ninjas bowed with respect and kindness, but they realized something over what Murakami just said.

"Wait. How do you know who we are?" Donna asked.

"I do have my amazing sense, despite myself being blind." Mr. Murakami replied. "Only smell and touch."

"You don't care if we're mystics?" Lee asked.

"Of course not." Mr. Murakami smiled. "You saved my life and you're welcome here any time."

Lee, Ella, and Donna smiled excitingly as Ellie hugged Mr. Murakami.


Back in the Crete Fortress, everyone were sitting in the living room while eating their plate of pizza gyoza. Especially Casey, who was eating his plate of pizza gyoza. Donna gasped but giggled with a smile.

"You girls showed your strength today." Saldana said. "Even though you almost got beaten, your strength was mercy. That's why the Wuju Twins helped you."

"Well? Go on. Say it." Lee smiled smugly to Ella's face.

"Alright. You were right." Ella sighed as she rolled her eyes. She formed a smug grin across her face. "But that proves that your wimpiness wasn't completely useless after all."

"Oh, you ask for it!" Lee grinned.

Lee playfully tackled Ella as Ellie, Donna, and Casey laughed out loud while Saldana grinned slightly.


Back in the Shadow Clan HQ, Lady Shade was deeply displeased with Sapphire and Scarlett's repeated failures.

"This is completely unacceptable!" Shade berated furiously.

"My apologizes, Mistress Shade." Scarlett apologized quickly.

"I swear." Sapphire promised. "Next time, we..."

"Enough!" Lady Shade interrupted harshly. She got up from her throne and walked down the stairs. "We shall deal with those mystics...myself!"

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