Enemy of My Enemy

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The Lotus Ninjas stood on a building rooftop under a night sky. Lee was peering through the binoculars at the TCRI building, Ella sat on the edge of the rooftop with her arms crossed over her chest, Ellie sat cross-legged on the ground while playing an app game on her L-Phone, and Donna stared at her L-phone with boredom.

"Well, there's nothing happening at TCRI." Lee reported as she lowered the binoculars down.

"Not yet anyway." Donna pointed out.

"We've been sitting here for hours and the Kraang still haven't released their evil scheme." Ellie said.

"You got something, Donna?" Ella asked.

"According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, the Kraang scouting ship is coming through the portal tonight." Donna explained.

"Okay, so we all have to stay alert at any cost." Lee said sternly.

"Yeah, whatever's going on here must be pretty important then."

The Lotus Ninjas spun around to the source of that familiar voice. They saw the Shadow Clan ninja Kage walking out the portal made of dark energy as it disappeared right behind him. Kage stood in front of the mystic kunoichis with a smug face.

"Kage, I'm really not in a mood to play with you right now." Lee said as she placed her hand on her right hip.

"You're not, but I am." Kage smirked.

Kage constructed a tanto sword made of dark energy in his hand and charged forward towards Lee, who swiftly constructed a katana sword made of water and blocked Kage's tanto sword that made her step away from her sisters.

"We don't have time for this right now." Lee said impatiently. "Girls!"

Ella, Ellie, and Donna instantly summoned their elemental magic in their fighting stances. Kage forced Lee's water katana aside that made the blue mystic back away.

"You really know how to make a guy feel fun." Kage said with a smirk. "But relax, girls. I'm not here to fight."

"You're not?" Ellie asked in confusion.

"I'm here to chat with you." Kage said with a smirk. He pointed his dark tanto sword at Donna. "I heard the geeky one mention the Kraang. Care to tell me?"

"None of your business, Kage!" Lee retorted.

"And I prefer studious than geeky!" Donna snapped.

"Aw, c'mon, spill it. I'm in the mode for some fun." Kage said.

"Look, we're trying to stop an alien invasion right now." Ella snapped impatiently. "So, do all of us a favor and back off!"

Then suddenly, Kage's smug smile faded away by the words "alien invasion" coming out of Ella's mouth.

"An alien invasion?" Kage exclaimed with a serious tone. "Are you joking, right?"

Suddenly, the five mystics saw a purple light flashing from the opening door on the top of the TCRI building. A freaky weird ship came floating out the building. It has a round metallic silver main body with three short tentacles sprouting from the belly and a strange-looking dark neon pink eye in the center of the main body.

"Nope. We're not." Ellie said.

"Oh, this can't be good." Lee commented.

Even Kage stared with a hint of fear in his wide eyes as the Kraang ship came floating straight towards the mystics.

"Do you have a plan for fighting that thing?" Kage asked.

"Just one." Lee said nervously. "Run!"

The Kraang ship fired a pink lightning energy beam at the mystics, causing them to run frantically from the flying object. The Kraang ship started pursuing the mystics, who were jumping off the building they were standing on. As the Kraang ship fired another pink lightning energy beam, the Lotus Ninjas and Kage landed their feet on the street ground as they quickly continued running away from the Kraang ship.

"What the heck is that thing?" Kage gasped as he glanced over his shoulder at the Kraang ship.

"Not sure." Lee said quickly. "But the Kraang are obviously using it for flying and shooting lasers on anything."

One pink lightning energy beam coming from the Kraang ship made the Lotus Ninjas and Kage separated each other. Kage darted quickly into the alley to blend into the shadows, leaving the Lotus Ninjas running into another alley to hide inside the dumpster. Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie lifted the lid slightly open to watch the Kraang ship hovering past the alley. Kage watched the Kraang ship scanning the area before disappearing out of sight. He noticed the Lotus Ninjas got out of the dumpster in the alley nearby and vanished in the shadows.

Then, the Lotus Ninjas opened up a portal with their magic and retreated into the fortress for a plan.


At the Shadow Clan HQ, Kage walked through the doors into the throne room and marched closer to Lady Shade, who was sitting on her throne chair with a calm face from her mask. He approached her with a kneeling bow down to the floor and began informing the serious, horrific threat from the Kraang he'd experienced.

"The Kraang are plotting an alien invasion, mother." Kage explained. "They've got some serious hardware from that ship of theirs. We have to do something before it's too late."

Kage looked up to notice that Lady Shade didn't say a word at all.

"Mother?" Kage asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We shall proceed our main objective as planned." Lady Shade said.

"But..." Kage said.

"We will receive a shipment of new weapons from an old friend tomorrow." Lady Shade said. "Those weapons will help us put an end to the Lotus and Saldana once and for all. We can deal with the so-called Kraang afterwards."

Kage rolled his eyes in annoyance as he had enough with his mother's largely unavailing vendetta against Saldana.

"Haven't you been listening to a thing I've said?" Kage snapped. "You know, I'm getting sick and tired of your blindness right now!"

Lady Shade slammed her fist on the throne chair handle that silenced Kage from talking back.

"Enough, Kage! You have your say. Now you will do as you were told." Lady Shade ordered.

"Yes, mother." Kage responded begrudgingly.


In the Crete Fortress, three Lotus Ninjas was minding their own business in the living room. Ella was hitting the punching dummy with her fists. Ellie was playing her orange handheld game console on the couch. Lee was pace around the room in a desperate manner. But Donna was doing on her business inside her lab.

"That Kraang ship has proven to be incredibly dangerous." Lee said with a sigh as she halted her pacing for a minute. "We've gotta figure out the Kraang's plans on using it."

"Or we can just destroy it and call it a night." Ella said, halting her fists from the training dummy.

"That's pretty tough coming from you, Ella." Ellie commented as she placed her console down on the couch and stared at Ella. "Besides, how are we gonna hit a Kraang ship that can turn itself invisible?"

"Obviously, we load up the Sonicruiser and challenge that Kraang ship." Ella replied.

"That doesn't sound too smart." Lee replied. "We need a way a way to find an invisible ship just in case you haven't notice."

"And that's when I came in." Donna said as she came out of her lab. She took a small metallic silver star-shaped device with three antennas sticking out at the center. "I was able to build radar beacons that can shoot waves of electromagnetic radiation. If the Kraang ship gets anywhere near us, I'll get an alarm on my L-Phone."

"Nice work, Donna!" Lee said. "Let's split up and place those beacons."


Outside, the Lotus Ninjas began putting up the beacons on different rooftops around the TCRI building on a normal night. Lee have finished installing up the last of the beacons on the rooftop in the north side of the TCRI building.

"The last beacon has been installed." Lee said from her L-Phone.

"Good. That's the last of them." Donna said over Lee's L-Phone. "Ella and Ellie should be done by now."

"Roger that." Lee said. "See you back at the Sonicruiser."

Lee hung up her L-Phone and stood still for a moment. She closed her eyes to focus on a familiar black aura around the rooftop area. She quickly opened her eyes and turned around just in time to see Kage walking out the portal made of dark energy as it disappeared right behind him.

"Alright, Kage. What do you want?" Lee asked.

"I know what you're thinking, but I'm not here to fight you again." Kage spoke. "I want to help you fight the Kraang."

"You want to an alliance with me and my team?" Lee asked with a raised eyebrow. "Are you serious? One, we're enemies. Two, you wanna destroy us. And three, you're loyal to Shade. So why would you want to team up with me?"

"Because if the Kraang win, we don't have a planet anymore." Kage explained. "That's sad to lose everything, doesn't it?"

"And what if Shade found out?" Lee pointed out.

"Look, Shade is stubborn and short-sighted that she drives me crazy because of her stupid vendetta!" Kage snapped. "She may be blind to see the real problem, but I know you're not. So, what do you say?"

Kage held out a hand for Lee, who was staring down at his hand with a hard gaze.

"Just give me some time to think about it." Lee said.

Lee leaped backwards from the rooftop and disappeared out of sight, leaving Kage alone on the roof.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas gathered together in the dojo. They knelt in front of their mother while Casey was standing next to Saldana as Lee was explaining her story about encountering Kage.

"Look, I know we shouldn't trust, Kage." Lee said. "But I got the sense that he really had enough with Lady Shade."

"Uh, hello? That's just what he wants you to think." Ella snapped.

Lee ignored Ella and looked up at Saldana.

"Mother, is there any chance he's telling the truth?" Lee asked.

"It's possible." Saldana replied. "Loyalties are known to shift from time to time, but deception is the key to any trained mystic's advantage. You must trust your own instincts, but you have to be aware the trap of believing something you wish it to be true."

"So, you're saying that I should trust my instincts whenever he either will or won't betray us unless my instincts are wrong?" Lee questioned slowly.

"Correct." Saldana said with a nod.

"Okay, that's too much for me to understand this." Ellie said. "Especially it involves Kage."

"Oh, come on." Ella said. "There's no way we're forming an alliance with Kage! I don't know why are we even talking about this!"

"Well, it would be nice to have an experienced fighter on our side." Donna said.

"Hey." Casey said as he approached Donna. "You're saying I don't have enough experience to fight?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Donna said quickly as her eyes went shockingly wide. "It's just it would be nice to have Kage as part of our team."

"Yeah, because even though he's your mortal enemy, he's so cool and awesome." Casey said with a firm face.

"Wait! That's not true! What I mean is...!" Donna said.

Ella suddenly clamped her hand over Donna's mouth.

"Don't fight it." Ella said. "This conservation is sad enough as it is."


Meanwhile, the Lotus Ninjas went patrolling the city in the Sonicruiser.

"Girls, I've got something!" Donna said suddenly as she was looking at her L-Phone. "It's the Kraang ship!

Lee rotated the wheel to turn the Sonicruiser around the corner and halted the vehicle to see the Kraang scouting ship floating above them.

"Oh boy." Ellie groaned slowly.

The Kraang scouting ship powered the pink lightning blast at the Sonicruiser, but Lee was able to reverse the Sonicruiser and then turned the vehicle to drive away. The Kraang scouting ship flew after them as it began firing pink lightning blasts that barely hit the speeding vehicle.

"Step on it, Lee!" Ella shouted as she started shooting the laser cannons at the Kraang scouting ship.

"Hang on!" Lee yelled.

Lee rotated the wheel to turn the Sonicruiser into a sharp corner through street roads, but the Kraang scouting ship wasn't going to let them go that easily.

"I think I've figured out the ship's mission and it's us! "Donna said in alarm.

"Ellie, we could really need an escape route right now!" Lee called.

"Most of the alleys are dead end!" Ellie said as she scanned the map. "I can't find an escape route!"

Suddenly, the Lotus Ninjas saw a familiar figure launching his motorcycle off the rooftop and landed himself on the Kraang scouting ship. Lee hit the brake as Ella, Donna, and Ellie came up to the driver station to watch the view screen. The Kraang scouting ship stopped firing pink lightning blasts and started spinning itself around, making the ship flying off course with a dark mystic ninja standing on it.

"Kage!" Lee said. "We have to go back and help him."

"We do?" Ellie asked.

"Look, Kage can take care of himself." Ella said with a firm face. "We have to focus on us getting away from the ship."

"Plus, the Sonicruiser needs full repair from the ship's firing blasts." Donna added.

"Then I'll save Kage myself." Lee said as she stepped out of the driver's seat. "Ella, you drive! I'll meet you girls back in any alley you can find."

Ella quickly sat on the driver's seat as Lee opened the hatch and jumped into the Nitro Bike, ejecting the motorcycle from the Sonicruiser to ride after the flying Kraang scouting ship.

As the Kraang scouting ship continued to jerk around the city, Kage was forced to hang on so the ship can't knock him off.

"This may be no be fun, but this thing is going down!" Kage grunted.

Kage stabbed his dark energized claws at the Kraang scouting ship and began using his dark magic to destroy the circuits from the inside. But that made the Kraang scouting ship turn upside down, causing Kage to fall off of it. Kage didn't have time to react during the fall, but Lee drove her Nitro Bike to make him land on the seat behind her.

"Are you ok, Kage?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me." Kage responded.

"You thanking me? That's a start." Lee remarked with a grin.

"I guess." Kage grinned with a shrug.

Lee revved the motorcycle and drove away from the Kraang scouting ship without being detected.


The powered down Sonicruiser parked itself in a dead-end alley. Ella, Donna, and Ellie were waiting for Lee to return until the Nitro Bike hatch was finally opened.

"We're back." Lee announced.

Lee climbed inside the Sonicruiser as Kage climbed out behind Lee and looked around the stations with an admiring face.

"Hey, what's he doing in here?" Ella snapped.

"Wicked ride." Kage said with a grin. "You girls really upgraded this car into a whole new level of awesomeness."

"Kage just risked his life to save us. Let's just hear him out." Lee said.

"Hey, you're the leader." Ella sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Look, like it or not, you four need my help." Kage said with a serious face. "If you really wanted to take out that ship down, you're gonna need a powerful weapon."

"Oh yeah? What kind of powerful weapon?" Ella asked skeptically.

"A shoulder fired missile launcher." Kage replied.

"I'm starting to like him." Ella admitted to Lee.

"And how are you gonna get a shoulder fired missile launcher anyway?" Donna asked with a raised eyebrow.

"From Lady Shade." Kage said simply.

"Wait, what?" Ellie asked. "You're kidding, right?"

"Yeah, there's no way she's gonna share her toys with us." Ella said.

"She won't know about it. I promise you." Kage said assuredly. "She's actually buying a big shipment of weapons down at the docks tomorrow night. All your four need to do is sneak into the shipment without getting caught."

"Are you sure you're not leading us into a trap?" Ella asked with a wary face.

"Why would I do that?" Kage snapped. "You're the only ones who know about the Kraang more than the Shadow Clan."

"He has a point there, Ella." Donna admitted to Ella.

"But if neither of you believe me, I'll get the missile launcher myself." Kage said with a careless shrug.

The Lotus Ninjas exchanged each other's looks.

"Why are you willing to steal a weapon from Shade?" Lee questioned.

"Look, the Kraang have to be stopped." Kage said. "If Shade's not gonna do anything about it, then I will. With or without your help."

Lee looked to her younger sisters with a firm look. Donna and Ellie nodded in agreement while Ella turned away with her arms crossed over her chest in a "I don't care" manner.

"Okay, we're in." Lee said with a small grin. "Get us the missile launcher and we'll team up."

"Deal." Kage smirked.

Kage and Lee shook their hands.


The next day, Kage and Lady Shade teleported themselves together on the dock. They stood on the giant metal cargo boxes and stared down to see a beautiful Russian mystic below. They also saw two familiar figures confronting the Russian human man on the docks below. One was a Japanese man. He has a slim, muscular body with a tall stature. He wore a shiny chrome plate armor on his chest, shoulders, arms and lower legs worn over a maroon outfit with a dark blue cape hanging over his back. He also wore a metallic silver samurai/damio-style helmet with a removable mouth plate on his face. Another was a Japanese teenage girl. She was approximately close to Kage's height with a lean, slender figure. She has short black hair with a large portion of dyed blonde at the back in a style of angled bob with long eartails. She has amber eyes, several black earrings, and bright red eyeliner over the tips of her eyebrows. She wore a full-body black bodysuit worn under a silver armor attached to her chest, part on the thighs, and around the shoulders, arms, and legs. She also wore traditional Japanese shoes and a purple belt around the waist.

With wide eyes on their faces, Kage and Lady Shade leaped up and landed on the ground as they walked towards their familiar figures. The two figures turned around to watch Lady Shade and Kage standing in front of them.

"Burakkurozu Rozu, lovely and deadly as ever." The Japanese man greeted in a pleasant tone.

"I've heard of the name." The Japanese girl said. "She's Lady Shade, right?"

"Yes, and that boy is her son Kage." The Japanese man replied. He looked from the teenaged girl to Kage. "I see your son has grown into a master ninja no doubt."

"It's really a pleasure to see you again, Oroku Saki." Lady Shade said with a grin.

"Wait a minute. That's the Shredder I've been hearing about, right?" Kage asked.

"Indeed, and that girl is his daughter Karai." Lady Shade replied. She looked from Kage to the teenaged girl. "And it's an honor to meet your daughter as a master kunoichi."

Karai and Kage walked forward to shake their hands until they looked at each other with wide eyes. They made eye contact and they felt a magical attraction as if they instantly felt something for one another. Their gaze was more focused than any gaze should be. Rebellious eyes—the exact same color that the earth had possessed. Their eyes were sparkled with fearlessness, loyalty, and edginess on the faces. They could feel a new kind of heat glowing through them. Everything that made them who they are—their love for their parent, their clan, their sense of honor, their name, themselves—disconnected from them in that second and floated up into space. They could see that now—how the universe swirled around them as they felt the gravity no longer tied them to their position. It was the human kunoichi and the mystic ninja that held them here now.

"Now that we're all here, let's get down to business." Shredder said as he interrupted the moment between his daughter and Lady Shade's son.

"Agreed." Lady Shade concurred.

Kage and Karai released their hands from their shake as they followed their parents to the Russians while turning away with tiny smiles.

"Where is the shipment?" Shredder demanded.

"You brought what we requested?" Lady Shade said.

The Russian man turned around to face Shredder and fixed up his tie. The Russian mystic turned around to face Shade with a professional look on her face. The Russians took out the briefcases out of the car. With a nod from the Shredder, one of the two Foot Ninjas walked up to the Russian man with a briefcase and opened the case. After short seconds, the Foot Ninja closed the case. With a two-fingered signal from Lady Shade, one of the two Shadow Ninjas walked up to the Russian mystic with a briefcase and opened the case. After short seconds, the Shadow Ninja closed the case.

"I'll inspect the merchandise." Karai said as she climbed down from the car and moved towards the large crates.

"They will have to do better than that if they want to get me impressed." Kage said as he climbed down from the car and moved next to Karai.

The Russian man moved to get inside his car, but the second Foot Ninja stopped him from doing so. The Russian mystic was ready to summon her magic until the second Shadow Ninja tied her hands tight with chains.

"Don't you trust me?" The Russian man asked Shredder with a worried smile. "We're old friends."

"I will never betray you, Shade." The Russian mystic said to Lady Shade. "We've known each other for years."

"Then you won't mind keeping me company while she checks." Shredder countered darkly.

"I will allow you to do the same as he observes." Lady Shade retorted cynically.

Karai and Kage smirked as they opened two of the crates and looked inside to lift two of the missile launcher. Karai was inspecting the weapon while Kage was already amazed by the weapon.

"Okay. Now, I'm impressed." Kage grinned.

Kage and Karai went inspecting for more interesting weapons from the crates, but Kage noticed Karai turn to look up with a frown and moved next to her.

"What is it?" Kage asked.

"They're here." Karai breathed.

Kage followed Karai's gaze to see four mutant turtles on some of the shipping crates from above. Karai and Kage looked towards Shredder and Lady Shade as they both knew exactly the mutants are about to do. As the mutants suddenly released the grenade from their water balloon launcher, Kage and Karai quickly ran towards Shredder and Lady Shade with fast speed.

"Look out!" Karai and Kage yelled.

As Karai and Kage launched themselves to push their parents out of the way, the grenade hit the car that electrocuted the Russians, two Foot Ninjas, and two Shadow Ninjas to knock them out to unconsciousness.

The Lotus Ninjas stood behind a steel storage box and saw what's happening near the edge of the dock.

"Huh?" Donna gasped.

"What the heck?" Ellie exclaimed.

"What just happened?" Ella asked in shock.

"I don't know, but we have to move." Lee said.

"Wait, we got another problem." Donna said, taking out her L-Phone and looked down on the screen.

"And what's that?" Ella asked.

"The Kraang ship is nearby!" Donna replied. "Two of them!"

Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie looked up to see two Kraang scouting ships flying above the dock with wide eyes.

"Let's move." Lee ordered.

The Lotus Ninjas disappeared in the maze of shipping crates as they weren't aware of Lady Shade and the Kraang ship following after them. Kage noticed the four mystics running with Lady Shade behind them that forced him to hide into the shadows. Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie avoided through the maze of storage boxes until they reached to a dead end. They spun around to confront Lady Shade, whose hands were engulfing in black energy.

"Bestow the location of your mother Saldana and I may let you live." Lady Shade said threateningly.

The Lotus Ninjas and Lady Shade looked up to see the Kraang scouting ship hovering above them.

"Are you kidding me?" Lee said with an exasperate sigh.

"Honto ni wa?" Lady Shade exclaimed sharply in Japanese.

The Kraang scouting ship fired a pink lightning blast that made the Lotus Ninjas scatter out of the way. Lady Shade dodged the blasts into a storage box, leaving the Kraang scouting ship flying off into the sky. Lee darted forward to the storage box and pushed the box door shut, locking the handle shut to trap Lady Shade inside.

"Come on! Let's stop the Kraang ship!" Lee said to her sisters.

Lee ran forward as Ella, Donna, and Ellie followed their oldest sister.

But suddenly, a black energized claw sliced through the door out of the storage box. The Lotus Ninjas stopped immediately and watched the claw destroying the handle. When the doors were kicked open, Lady Shade walked out of the storage box and turned to the mystics. Ella, Donna, and Ellie summoned their magic as Lady Shade blocked their way from escaping.

"Lee, you stop the Kraang ship! We'll handle Shade!" Donna called to Lee.

Lee nodded her head and sprang into the air, leaving her younger sisters fighting against the Shadow Clan leader.


Lee stood her feet on top of the storage box with a missile launcher in her hands until she turned around to see Kage standing in front of her.

"So, you're smarter than I thought." Kage said with a smile. "You really are my friend. I was starting to give my hopes up."

"I kept my words." Lee said. "Besides, who was shooting a grenade at you and Karai?"

"Some mutants. Four of them." Kage replied. "They looked like turtles with masks and ninja weapons."

Lee's eyes widened wide when the word "turtles" came out of Kage's mouth, knowing that Leonardo was here during the dealership with the Shredder and Lady Shade.

"Besides, how do you know Karai?" Kage asked.

Lee shook her head and focused on Kage.

"Oh, she's an old friend from Japan." Lee replied.

"Well, I soultouched her during Shredder and Shade's long reunion." Kage said.

"Wait a minute. You soultouched my best friend?" Lee gasped in surprise.

"Yeah, she's hot." Kage admitted. "She got the whole bad girl rebel type and I like it."

"Yup, that's her." Lee said with a shrug. Her voice then became serious. "But why are you save Lady Shade from the grenade? You said she was driving you crazy."

"Because she's my mother." Kage said firmly.

"Lady Shade is your mother and you are Shade's son?" Lee exclaimed surprisingly.

"The one and only." Kage said with a shrug. His voice then became serious. "Look, Lee, I'll be back to see you again as soon as I figure out what these strange images are all about. But I'm gonna need your help on this."

"I will. I promise." Lee said with a nod. She let out a smile on her face. "I always knew you have a good side in you."

"Don't push your luck." Kage smirked. "Now, hurry up and shoot that ship."

With a nod, Lee held the missile launcher on her left shoulder and aimed the target at the flying Kraang scouting ship. She fired the missile that was coming fast towards the ship and hit it at the eye, causing the Kraang scouting ship to spiral out of control in the sky.


Meanwhile, three Lotus Ninjas managed to hold their own against Lady Shade as the fight took them back to the dock. Lady Shade looked down at the mystic kunoichis from on top of a storage box.

"I'm asking you one more time. Where is Saldana?" Lady Shade demanded.

"We will never tell you, witch!" Ella snapped.

"Very well then." Lady Shade said, charging up a black magical sphere between her hands. "Die!"

Three Lotus Ninjas looked up sharply to see the Kraang scouting ship coming down towards them.

"Incoming!" Ella warned as she pointed her index finger in the air.

Ella, Donna, and Ellie moved aside just when the Kraang scouting ship crashed into Lady Shade and crashed hard into the water along with her.

"Mother!" Kage shouted. He turned to Lee with a serious face. "We'll see each other again soon, Lee. No matter what happen, I still got your back."

Kage sprang high into the air and dove himself into water. Lee looked out over the water with a smile and tossed the missile launcher away. She turned to see her sisters standing behind her and they turned to run off from the dock.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas sat on the couch with soda in their hands for relaxation. Donna took a sip of her grape soda and turned to notice that Lee was smiling on her face.

"Lee, you just blew up the Kraang ship!" Donna said. "What can you possibly be happy about?"

"I'm just happy that Kage is on our side now." Lee grinned. "In secret, that is."

"But remember, he is Shade's son." Ella reminded. "If he betrays us, I'll strike him down."

"Yeah, yeah." Lee smiled, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her blueberry soda.

"Besides, I wonder how's Kage doing when he went in to save Shade." Ellie wondered.


Meanwhile, Kage gasped as he soared into the air out of the water with a pair of dark energized wings. He used all his strength to fly himself and his mother towards the docks. Kage landed on his feet and placed Lady Shade down on the ground as Lady Shade coughed up water from her lungs and started to breathe deeply.

"Well done, Kage." Lady Shade said. "Plus, I have a surprise for you."

Kage looked down in surprise as Lady Shade lifted one of the Kraang aliens with one hand.

"Looks like you were right after all." Lady Shade said with a cruel grin. "This blob could be useful for us in the Shadow Clan."

The Kraang was struggling to break free from Lady Shade's grasp and began squealing with a snarl.

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