It Came From the Haunting Building

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In a Kraang compound, a squad of Kraang are chasing after a slender foxlike creature that has many cables trailing from its limbs. The slender creature looked like an extremely strong female fox. She has thick luxurious white fur that sweeps out to either side above her black legs, arms, and neck. She also has large white pointed ears, gleaming red eyes, and sharp teeth. The foxlike creature fought viciously against the Kraang squad, leading her victorious escape into the streets of New York.

But suddenly, one of the Kraang's laser gun hit the creature's arm. Despite getting wounded in the arm, the creature was able to escape into the streets undetected.


In the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas are having a casual relaxing day. Ella was playing on her red handheld game console, Donna was doing mystical research on her laptop, Ellie was cooking something special in the kitchen, and Lee was flipping through channels with the remote.

"Who wants to try my red velvet brownies?" Ellie announced as she entered the living room with a tray of brownies in her hands.

Ella, Donna, and Lee turned to look at the tray that Ellie was holding.

"Sure." Donna said.

Ellie's eyes glowed bright orange and three mini tornadoes lifted plates of brownies as each one levitated itself to each mystic's lap before they vanished into harmless breeze.

"Thanks." Donna smiled.

Donna, Ella, and Lee took a bite with delightful smiles. Then suddenly, a TV news story caught their attention.

"I'm Joan Grody." A female human reporter announced. "With a building shocking news about city construction workers mutant creatures?"

"The creature was like part woman, part fox." A frightening construction worker said to Joan Grody on the camera. "It came out of nowhere and started attacking me!"

Lee and Donna stared at Ella as they believed that one of her rebellious spells has something to do with the news story.

"Hey, it wasn't me!" Ella said defensively. "I swear!"

"Are there more malicious mutants menacing Manhattan?" Joan Grody announced onscreen. "Find out next on Grody to the Max."

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Donna said slowly.

"We've got to track this mutant down and stop it ourselves." Lee said. "Let's move."


As the girls walked through the abandoned building that was shown on TV, they found a trail of medium-sized footprints that looked somewhat normal than any average mutants they fought before. They followed the mutant footprints until they heard a loud hiss and the sound of gunshots echoing the room. The girls ran forward and looked around the corner to watch a beautiful female snow fox mutant battling against another squad of Kraang as they hid at the entrance to the tunnel and peeked out to watch the whole battle in shock and surprise. The mutant snow fox was ripping the Kraang droids to shreds with her claws as the Kraang's laser guns continue to fire neon pink energy laser blasts at her, which only made the mutant snow fox's anger pushing further and made her screech furiously.

"You know, I have never thought I would ever feel sorry for the Kraang until now." Donna said to her sisters.

"Agreed." Lee said with a nod.

The Lotus Ninjas turned back to the battle as they watched the Kraang droids stunned the mutant snow fox with short thin silver sticks with neon pink electrocution.

"Tell Kraang in what place can be found the power cell that Kraang wishes to find the place of." One of the Kraang droids demanded.

"Forget it." The mutant snow fox growled. "I will never tell."

Then, the Kraang zapped the mutant snow fox until she fell on the ground unconsciously. Ellie couldn't take the horror anymore and turned to her older sisters with a worry look on her face.

"C'mon, we have to help her!" Ellie said urgently.

"Are you insane?" Ella said. "There's no way we're going way near this fight!"

"Ellie, that creature could be more dangerous than the Kraang or any other mutants we know." Lee said.

"But that fox needs our help!" Ellie snapped. "We all can't just sit here and watch her suffering the pain from the Kraang."

"That fox has shown to be vicious and violent." Donna pointed out. "I'm not sure if we can even help her despite her fight with the Kraang."

"Fine, I'm going to do something about it with or without your help!" Ellie yelled angrily.

Lee, Ella, and Donna had their eyes widened wide open in surprise for their sister's anger that she has never expressed before. Ellie charged forward to attack the Kraang with a strong beam of concentrated air that send the alien robots hitting against the wall, leaving her three older sisters watch in shock as they started to realize that their youngest sister has a caring heart for everyone. Especially if it was a mutant. Lee, Donna, and Ella summoned out their elemental magic and charged forward to attack the Kraang droids. The fight was over when Ellie took down two remaining Kraang droids easily with her wind slices.

"Well, guess that settles it." Donna said with a shrug.

"Let's get outta here before more Kraang droids show up." Lee said firmly.

"And we are taking her with us." Ellie said as she ran over to the fox mutant protectively. "We can't just leave her here and let the Kraang find her!"

"We are not taking that monster home with us!" Lee shouted as she crossed her arms over her chest. "And that's final."

"She's not a monster!" Ellie retorted. "She's a Kraang hating mutant! Come on! Please!"

"Okay, let's do it." Lee sighed.

Lee, Donna, and Ella helped Ellie lifting the snow fox back to the fortress.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas placed the snow fox mutant to the couch in the living room.

"I still can't believe Ellie had talked us into this." Ella muttered as she placed her hands on her hips.

Donna stepped forward into the living room and carried black steel chains in her hands.

"Hey, we are not chaining her!" Ellie said with a glare to Donna.

"Well, we can't keep her in here without being chained." Donna answered firmly. "Plus, I casted a spell to make this chain totally indestructible."

Suddenly, the snow fox mutant's red eyes opened and jumped up off the couch to land her feet towards the Lotus Ninjas with a deadly glare. Her tail immediately seized Donna by the neck and slammed her mercilessly onto the ground several times. Ella quickly twisted her hand into a fist and opened her fist at the mutant snow fox to teleport her younger sister on the couch from the fox's tail. Lee waved her hands around in a circle to release a blue mist that paralyzed the snow fox in the process. Ellie, Donna, and Ella watched their oldest sister casted a spell to electrocute the snow fox, causing the mutant to collapse hard to the floor unconsciously.

"What's all the noise?" Saldana demanded as she levitated herself in the living room.

"Ask Ellie, mother! She's the one who made us bring the mutant back to attack us!" Ella explained as she immediately pointed her finger at her youngest sister.

"But she needs our help." Ellie retorted.

"Uh, hello! She's a dangerous mutant monster!" Ella shouted.

"We can't let people judge her by her looks." Ellie said. "It's just not right for her or us if everyone else found out who we really are."

"In case you haven't noticed, she had me by the neck, Ellie!" Donna shouted as she got off from the couch and stood next to her younger sister.

"Because she was lost and confused." Ellie said.

"So, what's this have to do with the Kraang?" Saldana asked.

"They wanted her to tell them about some power cell by force." Lee replied.

"Well, Michelle had made a wise decision." Saldana said sternly. "She has a heart to seek compassion through this mutant."

Lee, Ella, and Donna stared at their mother in surprise as Ellie grinned proudly.

"Huh?" Lee, Ella, and Donna said in confusion.

"Yes, this is the first time I've ever say that." Saldana said with a shrug. "Michelle, find a way to befriend her with kindness and obtain information when she awakens."

"You can count on me." Ellie said with a wink.

"In the meantime, you three must find the power cell before the Kraang." Saldana instructed Lee, Donna, and Ella.

"Okay, but after we chain her up first." Donna said quickly as she held up the black chains in her hands.

"Of course. I am a compassionate woman, not an insane brainiac." Saldana commented.


After the three mystic kunoichis exited the Crete Fortress on their search for the power cell, Ellie was left alone in the kitchen cooking food for the snow fox mutant. Few seconds later, the snow fox mutant woke up to find herself chained to the floor in the living room.

"What's going on?" The snow fox mutant asked as she was struggling to break the chains. "Where am I?"

"Hey, you're awake." Ellie smiled as she ran into the living room with a bowl in her hands and stood in front of the mutant. "Look, I'm really sorry about the chains. My sisters had to lock you down, up so you won't attack us."

"And who are you?" The snow fox mutant demanded.

"I'm Michelle." Ellie introduced with a bright smile. "My sisters and I saved you from the Kraang, but you're safe now." She placed a bowl of fresh noodles on the floor in front of the mutant snow fox. "So, take me my noodle soup."

The snow fox mutant sniffed the noodle soup and tasted the delicious food.

"This meal is delicious." The snow fox mutant smiled.

"I know. Everybody loves my cooking." Ellie smiled in delight. She sat down on the floor while the snow fox mutant sat up holding the bowl to finish eating the food. "So, what's your name?"

"I actually don't have one." The snow fox mutant replied with a frown.

"That's awful. But lucky for you, I'm totally good at naming stuff." Ellie gasped. She got up and looked around at the snow fox mutant from top to bottom. "I've got it! I'll call you Mala! It's perfect for you!"

"Then, I forever keep that name." The snow fox mutant now known as Mala smiled. "Thank you."

"Hey, it's what I do." Ellie grinned, sitting back on the floor. "But why do you attack my sister Donna with your tail?"

"Ever since the Kraang experimented me when they took me away from my home, I began to lose control of myself." Mala explained with an ashamed look on her face. "But I do feel sorry for the things that I have done. A monster like me deserves to be chained for other's safety."

"Or maybe you think that you are a monster because people treats you that way." Ellie said softly.

"You are very wise, young one." Mala said with a nod.

"Yeah, I get that a lot occasionally." Ellie chuckled.


Meanwhile, Ellie's three older sisters explored a closed empty building in search of the power cell, thanks to Donna's tracking system back at the lab. They were searching through the metal body parts from the Kraang droids on the floor in a dark basement. When Ella tossed away the droid's arm over her shoulder, it landed somewhere to the wall. Lee and Donna ran to Ella's side and watched as the purple mystic kunoichi touched the wall and focused on her earth powers to open it in half that led the girls to the secret passageway. They quietly walked into the passageway until they came upon the hall that is riddled with homemade booby traps ready to set on them as primary targets once the place started to shake.

"Booby traps!" Donna exclaimed. "We gotta move!"

Lee, Ella, and Donna ran down the hall screaming out loud as many flying road signs began flying and stabbing towards them while several floor spikes started popping out of the ground that almost impaled them below. The girls realized they were trapped when they came across the dead end wall. That's when Donna lifted her hands in front of her face and opened the wall through her earth-based magic. The girls jumped forward and landed safety on the ground inside the chamber.

"You know, being a mystic can be quite helpful sometimes." Ella said.

Suddenly, a large stop sign came flying out of nowhere into the chamber towards the girls. Lee and Donna dodged down and watched the sign attached itself in the wall. Lee and Donna turned around to notice that their red mystic sister's head was gone, causing them to scream in terror until Ella pulled her head out of her body with a quick touch of her magic.

"Especially in crazy situations." Ella said with wide eyes.

Then, the girls got up from the ground and looked around the chamber. Donna pressed her hand against the nearby wall and her eyes closed shut as she used her seismic sense to feel something behind it with the most minute vibrations in the earth in many remarkable levels. Donna opened her eyes quickly and pressed her fingers to the wall, sliding it to crack open. Lee, Ella, and Donna gasped when they saw a large glowing pink crystal contained inside the glass tube.

"Wow, no wonder that fox stole this crystal from the Kraang." Donna said, taking out a couple wires and using the right components to touch the tube. "There's some crazy, amazing amount of energy within the crystal that could power almost anything."

Suddenly, the crystal from the tube shocked Donna painfully with a flash of pink electricity that sent the purple mystic kunoichi flying across the room against the wall with a glare. Even her hair became fuzzy when she was electrified.

"I am really tried to be the only one who always got zapped by Kraang tech!" Donna yelled in frustration.

"But why would that fox want to hide this crystal anyway?" Lee asked as she stared back at the power cell.

"Let's this crystal back home and ask her ourselves." Ella suggested.

"Yeah, but who's gonna ask her?" Donna asked, fixing her hair with her magic.

Lee and Ella exchanged looks before grinning back at their younger sister.

"Oh, come on!" Donna groaned.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the three mystic kunoichis came back into the living room with the power cell. Ellie quickly ran into her three older sisters and stood in front of them with some happy news.

"Hey girls!" Ellie greeted happily. "I have some great news."

"You didn't set her free, don't you?" Ella shouted as she, Lee, and Donna immediately stood over their youngest sister.

"What? No. The great news is that Mala has finally calm down now." Ellie said slowly.

Lee, Donna, and Ella sighed with relief as they slumped close together.

"And then I set her free!" Ellie smiled.

"What?!" Lee, Donna, and Ella squealed in terror.

Lee, Donna, and Ella clutched together with their arms to look at Mala, who was still eating the noodle soup with delight on the couch.

"You let that crazed mutant out?" Donna said nervously. She quickly turned back to Ellie with a serious look on her face. "I think you forgot that she grabbed me by the neck. So, I'll remind you one more time. She grabbed me by the neck!"

"Oh, come down. You can't help it when you were so scrawny." Ella smirked.

"You're not helping." Donna snapped with a glare.

"Don't worry, girls." Ellie smiled. "It's like I said, she's calm now."

"Okay." Lee said nervously. "So, she's ready to talk about the Kraang?"

"Yup." Ellie replied with a smile. "Now, go ahead and ask her."

Lee exchanged nervous glances with Ella, who nodded her head in agreement. Lee and Ella pushed Donna forward towards Mala with their magic. Donna turned to glare at her older sisters and took a deep breath as she walked forward cautiously with the Kraang power cell from her hands.

"Uh, Mala, do you know why the Kraang are using this crystal?" Donna asked as she was showing the snow fox mutant the power cell in her hands.

Mala gazed at the power cell and her red eyes glowed radiantly, losing control of herself at the sight of the power cell in Donna's hands.

"That power cell must be hidden away from the Kraang!" Mala hissed angrily.

Mala seized Donna's neck again with her tail and held the purple mystic kunoichi high in the air.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Donna shouted as her words choked by the mutant snow fox's tail.

Lee, Ella, and Ellie summoned their elemental magic and ready to take down the mindless snow fox mutant. Lee attacked first with a water blast, but she got swatted away easily to the wall by Mala's fist. Ella launched herself into the air and went to attack the snow fox mutant, who threw Donna at her that caused both red and purple mystic kunoichi to land in a pile next to their unconscious older sister. The power cell was released from Donna's hands and rolled itself on the floor, making Mala turn her face towards the last mystic standing. Ellie watched her three sisters passed out to the floor and then turned to watch Mala walking towards her with fear.

Suddenly, Saldana arrived in the living room and glared furiously at Mala, who let out a hiss and went to attack Saldana. But the white mystic's speed and white energy-based magic weren't enough against Mala's catlike reflexes.

"Leave my home!" Saldana snapped. "Now!"

Mala did what Saldana said and took the power cell with her as she ran out of the fortress.

"Girls, are you alright?" Saldana asked, rushing to check on her daughters.

"Yeah, we're okay." Lee grunted as she pushed herself off the floor with her hands and knees.

"But where's Michelle?" Saldana asked, looking around to notice that her youngest daughter isn't present in the room.

"Wait a minute. Did she went after Mala?" Donna inquired as she lifted her head up off the floor.

"Ha! You're joking, right?" Lee said with a soft chuckle.

Lee blinked when she looked at the exit with Ella and Donna.

"Oh boy." Lee sighed.


Outside the city, Ellie was tracking down Mala with a tracking spell that led her all the way to an empty warehouse. She raced into the entrance and found a room that has bright lights on. Mala settled herself on the floor and played an old vinyl jazz record, calming down her feline rage in the process. She then looked over her shoulder to see Ellie opening the doors and walked in the large room.

"Mala, what's the matter with you?" Ellie said angrily. "You attacked my family!"

"I'm sorry, Michelle. I don't mean to hurt them." Mala said. "I cannot control the dangerous force inside of me. You must stay away from me."

Ellie looked at the snow fox mutant sympathically until she turned around to notice that her three older sisters had arrived in the room.

"Mala!" Lee shouted.

Ella, Lee, and Donna ran into the room and circled around Ellie in their offensive position.

"Get away from Ellie or we'll turn you into a fur coat!" Ella said.

"Please, you must understand." Mala pleaded. "The Kraang are the ones who made me this way. That's why I stole the power cell when I escaped through the portal that they use to travel to earth five months ago."

"But why?" Donna asked, staring at the power cell with her sisters.

"It's the key to power their portal." Mala explained, holding the power cell in her hands. "Without it, no Kraang can enter or leave this dimension. I swore herself to keep it from their evil intentions, even at the cost of my own life."

Suddenly, a squad of Kraang droids busted through the doors and walked in the room with their laser guns armed and ready. Mala clutched the power cell in her hands protectively.

"Give to Kraang the power cell that the Kraang has come to demand that you give to Kraang!" The Kraang droid demanded.

"It's the Kraang!" Ellie cried.

"Quick!" Lee shouted. "I'll create a shield while you girls attack!"

Lee quickly conjured up a shield of water that'll protected herself, her sisters, and Mala from inside. Ella launched several large orbs of fire from her hands, Ellie released a large pressurized blast of wind from her palms, and Donna unleashed many spikes of earth at the Kraang droids in their sight. But there were too many Kraang droids that the girls can't hold them very long. Several Kraang droids used their gun saws cut through the water shield, making Lee drop her knees to the ground.

"We're completely surrounded!" Ella exclaimed as she continued shooting out medium-sized balls of fire at the Kraang droids.

"We can't hold them off!" Ellie cried.

"Donna, use the power cell to get your spell casting up and running!" Lee said, turning to the purple mystic kunoichi.

"You really expect me to use the crystal to power up my magic?" Donna asked frantically. "Okay, but I'll need time!"

"I'll buy you some time." Mala said. She walked over to Ellie and handed the power cell to the orange mystic kunoichi. "You have trusted me, now I am trusting you with the power cell, Michelle. I will deal with the Kraang myself."

Lee moved aside to allow Mala jump out of the water shield to decimate the Kraang squad.

Ellie handed Donna the power cell and Donna focused on her magic with the crystal. Lee released her water shield and ran behind Ella and Ellie as they focused their magic on the crystal with Donna.

"Koko kara watashitachi o terepōto!" Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie casted.

Thanks to their combined magic, the power cell had supercharged the mystics' spell that suddenly rocketed them out of the building at unbelievable speed. The girls screamed loud as they gripped the speeding power cell, but Donna immediately moved her index finger in a circle and pointed her magic at the entire team. That slowed the mystics down and they landed hard on the sandy ground. The Lotus Ninjas lifted their heads up and looked around to find themselves one the sandy shore.

"Whoa, what a ride." Lee breathed.

"Where the heck are we?" Ella asked.

"According to my calculations, we're at the beach." Donna replied.

"Wow, we should totally come here sometime." Ellie said in awe as she looked at the beach.


Back at the old warehouse, two badly mangled Kraang came together as they were the only ones that survived the brutal battle against Mala.

"We must notify Kraang that the ones called the Lotus have taken Kraang's power cell from Kraang." The broken Kraang droid informed to the other broken Kraang droid.

Suddenly, Mala approached over the broken down Kraang droids with a glare.

"You two won't be telling anyone anything." Mala snarled. "Not when I'm around."

Mala quickly lunged to annihilate the alien droids with her razor-sharp claws.

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