Special: Michelle's Hourglass

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At the bottom of the ocean, the Lotus Ninjas arrived inside an underwater shrine temple filled with various hourglasses around the room. Each hourglass was enveloped in a transparent octahedral crystal. Four mystic kunoichis were looking for the hourglass that is perfect for them.

"Hey! How about this one here?" Ellie asked her older sisters as she looked at the smallest hourglass.

"Wait a minute. You want this one?" Donna asked as she walked over to Ellie and looked at the smallest hourglass.

"Yeah, it looks adorable." Ellie smiled.

"Ellie, not all legendary glass of time has to be small and insignificant." Donna explained. She walked over to the next hourglass. "All of them has to be beautiful and grand."

Donna then looked at a medium-sized hourglass excitedly.

"Like this one!" Donna smiled with star-shaped eyes.

"I'll take this one." Lee said as she looked up at the largest hourglass.

"Whoa!" Ellie gasped.

"That biggest one?" Donna said. " How are even supposed to get that back home?"

"I can shrink it." Lee replied.

Lee waved her hand in circles and pointed at her magic to the largest hourglass, causing it to shrink down into hand size. The blue mystic kunoichi carefully picked it up from the ground.

"Hey, girls. I've found mine." Ella called out as she picked up a diamond-shaped hourglass. "This one right here!"

Suddenly, the underwater shrine started to shake. The shrine's roof broke that poured a huge amount of ocean water into the temple to flood the place.

"Ella! You choose the wrong one!" Donna yelled.

"Oh, my bad." Ella apologized as she looked at her chosen hourglass. "But hey, it was worth it."

"We don't have much time." Lee said. "Let's move!"

Lee, Donna, and Ella dodged the water to the opening portal. But Ellie ran towards the tiny hourglass.

"Ellie!" Lee, Donna, and Ella shouted.

Ellie quickly picked up the tiny hourglass and ran back to her sisters, but a huge wave of ocean water flowed towards Ellie that made her older sisters panic.

"Hang on, Ellie!" Lee shouted.

Lee waved her hand in circles and pointed at her magic to shapeshift her right arm large enough for her to grab Ellie before pulling her away from the danger to the portal. The Lotus Ninjas quickly jumped into the closing portal right before a huge ocean wave have engulfed the temple.


In the Crete Fortress, the portal opened the Lotus Ninjas back into the dojo with a huge amount of ocean water. Saldana walked out of her room to find the ocean water soaking the whole place and her daughters being wet with a surprising face.

"Wow! That was awesome!" Ellie beamed as she floated on the water. "Can we go back again sometime?"

"Unfortunately, we can't." Donna replied angrily as she removed seaweed from her hair. "Lee and I will have to construct the water shrine if we can ever go back."

"You have a crab on your butt." Lee said with a smile to Donna.

"Huh?" Donna said with a raised eyebrow.

Donna looked down at her backside to find a crab on her butt and began screaming while trying to get it off, making Ella laugh out loud at her younger sister.

"I don't want to alarm you, but do you girls have school to get to in fifteen minutes?" Saldana asked.

"Oh snap! We forgot!" Donna gasped in shock.

The Lotus Ninjas immediately got up from the ground and began to cast a spell on themselves. Lee waved her hands in circles, Donna moved her index finger in a circle, Ella twisted her hand into a fist, and Ellie waved her hand back and forth with a grabbing shape. The Lotus Ninjas then pointed their magic to their ninja attire, changing the clothing into their school outfits.

"Bye, mother!" Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie shouted in unison as they exited out of the dojo.


At Roosevelt High, Ellie was humming to her locker after class. She closed her locker as she saw two female students walking in her direction. One was an Italian girl with tan skin, long chestnut brown hair with bangs, and olive green eyes. She wore an orange jacket over a dark white romper, light white tights, and orange high heel boots. The other was a French boy with fair skin, brushed-back blond hair, and light green eyes. He wore a black unbuttoned shirt with an upturned collar and sleeves rolled up above his elbow over a golden yellow shirt, blue jeans, green sneakers with white laces. Ellie knew them as Christina and Bryce from one of her classes. Christina and Bryce were chatting to each other until they saw Ellie up ahead.

"Well, if it isn't Michelle, the world one track star." Christina mocked.

"Hi, Christine." Ellie said with a heavy sigh.

"Don't tell me you're gonna to the talent show with the famous Casey Jones for your rock and roll band?" Christina asked.

"No, just me and my sisters." Ellie answered.

"Oh please." Christina said as she crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. "I doubt any of your sisters would ever join a band with you."

"They will, Christina." Ellie snapped. "I just have to ask Lee about it since she is my oldest sister."

"Yeah, like the school class president would ever debate on joining a band with you." Christina said with a smirk.

Ellie glared at Christina and stormed away.

"Hey, lay off, sis." Bryce said with a stern face.

"That Christina is such a snobby princess." Ellie mumbled grumpily to herself. "I wish I could snap at her straight back."

The tiny hourglass began to activate itself and Ellie was suddenly back into the conservation with Christina.

"Yeah, like the school class president would ever debate on joining a band with you." Christina said with a smirk.

Ellie gasped confusingly as she doesn't know what happened before realizing what just Christina said to her earlier until now.

"Well, that's why I vote my sister for class president rather than a snobby princess like you!" Ellie snapped.

Christina's eyes widened wide in shock on Ellie's comment.

"You're a joke! You know that, right? You're a big joke!" Christina snapped frustratingly. "It totally make sense why you're not a science nerd or a wrestling champion just like your other two sisters!"

Ellie then stormed away again.

"Hey, lay off, sis." Bryce said with a stern face.

Ellie gasped as she pulled the hourglass out of her pocket in realization.

"It was you! You took me back in time, didn't you?" Ellie muttered with joy. She glanced back at Christina. "Ugh, what's her problem? Calling me a joke. Must be tougher for you Christina, at least my sisters are way more popular than you."

The tiny hourglass began to activate itself again and Ellie was taken back into the conservation with Christina once more.

"You're a joke! You know that, right? You're a big joke!" Christina snapped frustratingly. "It totally make sense why you're not a science nerd or a wrestling champion just like your other two sisters!"

"It must be tougher for you, Christina. At least, my sisters are way more popular than you!" Ellie said with a smirk.

"Wow, Ellie, you're on the roll today!" Bryce grinned as he high-fived Ellie with a laugh.

Ellie snapped her fingers sassily in front of the wide-eyed Christina and walked away with a huge smile on her face.


Ellie entered inside an empty science lab to see Donna experimenting chemicals for her upcoming science club meeting.

"Donna, you won't believe what happened!" Ellie exclaimed. She took out the hourglass out of her pocket. "I was at my locker and Christina was giving me trouble. When she snaps at me, this hourglass took me back in time."

"What? You have that thing whole time?" Donna asked in shock. She stopped what she was doing and moved closer to the hourglass in Ellie's hand. "And now that it's activated, it can only be used by you for its chosen purpose. What exactly did you use it for?"

"Comebacks?" Ellie replied nervously.

"Comebacks? You used it, for comebacks?" Donna snapped angrily.

"Christina was totally asking for it." Ellie said.

Suddenly, Lee and Ella barged through the door with wide eyes.

"Come to the cafeteria now!" Lee yelled in alert.

The Lotus Ninjas immediately rushed over to the cafeteria, where they saw a black ghost-like creature. It has no visible arms or legs as its lower half has several small appendages that resembled a ruffled dress. It has long, flowing lilac-tipped hair and large dark grey eyes with yellow sclera. It has several round purple gems around its neck.

The creature started wandering around the cafeteria and finally stared at the frighten Christina. It flew into Christina's body and began possessing her under its evil control. Christina's hair turned gray and her eyes turned dark orange. She also wears a dark orange dress with a small black jacket, black gloves, and black knee-high boots.

"A Muma!" Donna exclaimed. "It must have follow the signature from the hourglass. Now, it can see the holes that Ellie have ripped in the fabric of time."

"Ellie! When are you gonna stop acting like a nitwit for once?" Ella snapped to Ellie.

Ellie became offended by Ella's comment.

"What?" Ellie gasped in shock.

"Ladies, take her down!" Lee ordered. "We have to separate Muma from Christina!"

Donna, Ella, and Lee summoned their own elemental magic from their hands. They began fighting Christina with full speed and strength. Christina projected black energy to grab Donna's hands and threw her hard to the ground. Ella charged forward to attack Christina and saved Donna, but Christina delivered a black energy blast that threw Ella against the wall.

One by one, the three Lotus Ninjas are easily beaten while Ellie watched the battle.

"Donna! Ella!" Ellie shouted.

"Ellie, help!" Lee cried as she was projecting a shield made of solid water.

Ellie quickly pulled the hourglass out of her pocket.

"Take me back when Ella call her a nitwit." Ellie said frantically.

The tiny hourglass began to activate itself and Ellie was transported back to Ella's snappy comment.

"Ellie! When are you gonna stop acting like a nitwit for once?" Ella snapped to Ellie.

"I'm not a nitwit, hothead. What's your excuse?" Ellie snapped back.

"What did you say?" Ella demanded angrily.

Ellie immediately analyzed the situation and created several blades of wind that attacked Christina that slammed her hard to the wall.

Then suddenly, Christina slowly started to transform into her demonic form. Her arms and legs grew black fur with claws. Her eyes became blazing red. She now wore a black dress with an extra red skirt. She also grew a long tail and bat-like wings.

"Wait a minute. You used the hourglass again, didn't you?" Lee asked Ellie.

"Yes, I did." Ellie replied. "We can't get close to her, but we've got to chain her down for a reverse spell!"

"You got it!" Donna said with a nod.

Lee, Donna, and Ella pointed their magic to pin Christina down to the ground in tight chains with their strength. Ellie waved her hand back and forth with a grabbing shape and pointed her magic on her left hand to conjure her small compact mirror. She held her compact mirror in front of Christina's face, forcing Muma to exit out of its victim once it saw Christina's reflection. Christina became unconscious as Muma flew up in the air to escape. Ellie then pointed her magic to capture Muma in a transparent sphere cage.

"Oh, yeah, baby!" Ellie cheered with a victory smile to her older sisters. "I saved Christina and I saved you girls!"

"Whoa, whoa, hold up. You better tell us why did you use the hourglass in the first place?" Donna asked.

"Well, the school has a talent show tonight and I wanted to do a band with us together." Ellie explained. "But Christina made fun of me because she doesn't think you three will form a band with me. That's why I used the hourglass for comebacks, but I didn't know that the Muma will track it. I swear."

"But, Ellie, we were thinking about entering the talent show as a band." Donna said.

"What?" Ellie gasped with wide eyes.

"Yeah, we have been practicing musical instruments many times since we came to New York as kids." Ella smiled.

"And we've also decided to let you be the lead singer of the band." Lee grinned.

"Thanks, girls." Ellie smiled softly.

Ellie looked at the hourglass in her hand and smashed it on the ground, breaking it into pieces with small sand pouring on the floor.

"Now, let's get practicing." Ellie smiled as she placed her hands on her hips.


In the school auditorium, the Lotus Ninjas were the last performers to go. Lee wore a short blue sleeveless dress over black shorts and dark blue knee-high boots. Ella wore a short red sleeveless dress over black shorts and dark red knee-high boots. Donna wore a short purple sleeveless dress over black shorts and dark purple knee-high boots. Ellie wore a short orange sleeveless dress over black shorts and dark orange knee-high boots. Donna played a keytar, Lee played the drums, Ella played the electric guitar, and Ellie voiced the microphone with several students, including Casey and April, were listening to the music.

Ellie: Can't you see it in our eyes

We're the one, we're the—


Lee: Two!

Donna: Three!

Ella: Four!

Ellie: We're not like the other girls

Ella: We're not like anybody!

Ellie: By the way, don't go back in time (Lee, Donna, and Ella: Ahh)

Ellie: Or you'll destroy yourself (Lee, Donna, and Ella: Ahh)

Ellie: Ellie and the Lotus Girls

We're gonna make you smile (Lee, Donna, and Ella: Ah, ah, ahh)

I can fly up to the clouds to ultimate mile

Ellie and the Lotus Girls

Come on, now, don't be shy (Lee, Donna, and Ella: Ah, ah, ahh)

I learned to stay true to myself

Like the big clear sky.

After the song was over, the crowd rose up from their seats and applauded happily for the Lotus Ninjas, who took a bow from their performance.

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