Wolf Hunt

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Through the cold emptiness of New York City, a bunch of Kraang droids are patrolling the streets around every corner on the ground and several giant Kraang robots are scanning the city buildings in the air. Rhona watched the whole thing from the closed window inside her hideout with her partner Domino, who was sitting on the empty table in boredom.

"Rhona, this is ridiculous! It's been months since this stupid alien invasion. There's gonna be a way for us to get out of this city!" Domino complained frustratingly. "We gotta got to get out of here! All of this hiding is getting us absolutely nowhere!"

"You're right, Domino." Rhona agreed. "But since there's no way out, it's nearly impossible to escape since the city is now guarded by the Kraang and I refuse to turn into a mutant freak if we get caught by those aliens!"

"So, what's the plan?" Domino asked.

"Shade is the only one who can get us out of city since she did made her alliance the Kraang along with the Shredder." Rhona replied with a sly smile. "All we have to do is to make a deal with her."

"Brilliant." Domino grinned as she liked the sound of the plan. "But what could Shade possibly wants?"

"Simple. She wants him." Rhona said, holding a black and white picture of Kage in his mystic form. "We just have to find and deliver her son, Kage, to her."

"Wait a minute. Was he mutated by same stuff that makes those other mutants in this city?" Domino questioned.

"Yes." Rhona replied. "Shade has been looking for him ever since that tragic accident."

"So, you're saying that we can use him as a chance to get out of the city?" Domino said cautiously.

"Like Lady Shade have a choice." Rhona smiled darkly.


In the abandoned subway car, Saldana swept the entire wide floor with a broom and Ellie waved her hand back and forth with a grabbing shape to straighten up their new temporary home.

"Looking good, mother." Ellie commented enthusiastically. "Real soon this place will feel like a real home, but we'll add a few new adjustments. So, what do you think?"

Saldana stopped sweeping and sighed heavily that caught Ellie's attention. Ellie knew that her mother wasn't completely focus because she has something in her mind.

"Are you okay, mother?" Ellie asked as she walked closer to Saldana.

"Oh, forgive me, Michelle. My thoughts are lost in space again." Saldana said simply. "It's very dangerous out there in the city and you sisters have been gone for a while now."


Meanwhile, Donna was working on a perfect retromutagen in the back of the subway car where she had set up a lab for scientific expertise. Her new goal was to transform Kage and other mutagen-affected people back to normal with a complete success. She has only started working on the batch recently while trying to make some alterations for the antidote.

"How's the new lab coming along?" Ellie asked as she and her mother stood side by side to the door.

"It's okay." Donna replied. "I'm just brewing a batch of retromutagen that I started back at Aunt Coral's dimensional home, but it's gonna take a while."

"So, we can mutate our brother back, right?" Ellie asked hopefully.

"Well, that's definitely the plan." Donna said with a smile. "And everyone else who got mutated."

Suddenly, a blue and red portal materialized out of nowhere on the lab wall. Lee and Ella jumped out of the portal they created, carrying boxes of stuff in their hands from their stealth mission to the Crete Fortress that was sank to the bottom of the ocean from the second invasion.

"Hey, we're back!" Ella grinned.

"You did it? You two managed to sneak back into the fortress?" Saldana gasped in surprise.

"Yup." Ella said with a smile. She turned her race to Donna and handed the purple mystic kunoichi a box of scientific equipment. "Yo, Donna, check it out! Got you some sweet chemicals!"

"Oh, wow, thank you!" Donna gushed excitedly.

"Despite the Kraang were mad-dogging us back at the fortress, we didn't forget Ellie's only request." Ella continued, handing the orange mystic kunoichi the second box of TV and CD sets.

"Aw, yes!" Ellie screamed happily as she bent down at the box and lifted the TV into the air. "Now we can watch Cybergurlz again!"

Ellie danced around the room happily and ran placed the TV on the table, leaving Donna sigh quietly from her seat.

"We also got something just for you, mother." Lee said, handing the family picture to Saldana.

"You are a good daughter, Leona." Saldana smiled. Her face slowly changed into a sad look as she walked closer to the window and changed the blinds into the sight of the city. "Home for me will never be complete without my son. The longer he's out there alone, the more he's risking on losing his mystic side."

"Not to worry, mother. We can help him. We just have to keep looking." Ellie said abruptly.

"But for all we know, Shade or the Kraang could have capture him." Ella grumbled.

"Not really. I saw him roaming around the streets at night few days ago." Saldana stated. "But my mind isn't straight and I could not help him."

"Well, I believe we can find him. I've been updating my entire surveillance tech and I'm just a few days off from finishing more retro-mutagen!" Donna explained.

"All right, girls. Let's do this!" Lee said immediately.


Meanwhile, Lady Shade sat on her throne chair as she was glaring down at Galva and Masque, who knelt one knees down on the floor and looked up at their mistress in deep fear.

"You two have continue to fail me on searching for my son." Lady Shade growled intimidatingly.

"But, Mistress Shade, Kage is just too stealthy for us to find in this big city." Masque explained.

"He's as swift as a wolf. He could be anywhere in the city." Galva added.

"Well, you better find him or I will turn you both over to Tigress and Amora." Lady Shade ordered threateningly. "They're bored on waiting patiently."

Tigress and Amora grinned deviously in a sadistic manner, making Galva and Masque feel uneasy for a second.

"Right away, mistress!" Galva and Masque said quickly.


Outside, the Lotus Ninjas rode on their Lotus Cycles for their search for Kage in the city. Donna whipped out her DNA tracker to guide the team if they're going to locate Kage around the city. They skidded to a stop on their cycles in the alley and climbed out of them.

"Alright girls, this was the last place mother saw Kage." Lee said as she scanned the area. "Are you getting any readings of that fur, Donna?"

"Scanning now." Donna said. She put on her purple futuristic goggle on her face and studied the pile of black wolf hair on the ground until she found the perfect match. "I've got it! This fur has mystic hybrid DNA sequencing within it. It's Kage!"

"All right, girls. We follow the DNA trail. Lead the way, Donna." Lee commanded.

With a nod, Donna stepped forward and started on tracking down the wolf traces with her sisters following behind. But the Lotus Ninjas aren't the only ones looking for Kage. Rhona and Domino stood on the rooftop of the building as they had already located Kage's fur on the edge of the building and immediately spotted Kage hiding in an alley below.

"Target sighted." Domino said, pointing her finger down to the wolf mystic mutant. "It looks like he's hiding from the Kraang."

"Now, it's time for the taking." Rhona said with a sly smile.

Rhona took out a small pistol dart gun and pointed it down at Kage in her sight. As she was about to tranquilize the wolf mystic mutant, Ellie hopped in front of the dart gun with a cutesy wink.

"You!" Rhona exclaimed. "Then, that means...?"

Rhona and Domino spun around to see Lee, Ella, and Donna standing on the rooftop. They summoned out their weapons and got into their offensive stances.

"Leave Kage alone!" Lee demanded.

"Oh, great, not these girls again!" Domino complained.

"Well, surprise." Ella snapped.

"Alright then. Let's dance!" Domino said.

The Lotus Ninjas divided into two groups to fight against Rhona and Domino. Lee and Donna fought against Domino while Ella and Ellie fought against Rhona. Even the fight caught Kage's attention from below as he hid behind the dumpster and watched the whole thing. Domino's great reflexes and agile helped her dodging many attacks from Lee's twin tessen slashes and Donna's spear energy blasts as she unleashed a dark pink lightning-like energy blasts hurling towards the blue and purple mystic kunoichis, who moved out of the way. Rhona's two crystalline shields gained the upper hand in a fight against Ella's gauntlet punches and Ellie's whip attacks as she unleashed a barrage of crystal shards at the red and orange mystic kunoichis, causing them to move away from the Russian mystic woman.

Then, Rhona grabbed her tranquilizer dart and aimed it on Kage.

"There you are." Rhona whispered.

Just as Rhona pulled the trigger, Ella immediately shoved her to the ground. But Rhona already shot out the dart straight own at Kage. Unfortunately, the dart lodged in the dumpster next to Kage, making him spook by a matter of inches. Kage spun around and took off out of the alley through the streets. Ella and Ellie ran up to Donna and Lee.

"Kage's on the move! We gotta go after him!" Lee ordered.

Quickly, Ellie threw a ninja smoke bomb to the ground and the girls disappeared without a trace in a puff of black smoke.


The Lotus Ninjas followed Kage on the rooftops until they skidded to a stop on the building ledge. Donna lowered her goggles and caught the sight of Kage, who was sprinting across the street while trying to avoid the wandering Kraang droids around the city.

"What's going on, Donna?" Ella asked.

"It's Kage." Donna responded. "He's moving fast. We have to keep follow him."

"Let's do this." Lee ordered.

The Lotus Ninjas leaped down the side of the building and snuck across the street undetected as they tried to avoid the Kraang droids at their sight. They quickly found Kage running inside the warehouse and dashed after him through the broken window as they entered inside the darkened space.

"All right, girls, let's split up and find him." Lee ordered.

The Lotus Ninjas separated into two teams and searched quietly around the area. After few minutes of scanning the place, they regrouped together on the first floor with no luck for their brother. Before they can cast a search spell, Kage jumped out from the shadows and walked towards the girls with a dangerous growl. The Lotus Ninjas took a step back with slight fear from their brother.

"It's okay, Kage." Ellie said gently. "It's us. We're your sisters."

Kage narrowed his eyes as he stared down at the Lotus Ninjas.

"It's no use, guys. He's becoming more wolflike by the second." Donna warned frankly.

"Kage, we're trying to help you!" Lee begged. "We're your sisters. You have to remember who you are!"

Kage stared at Lee for a moment as Lee stood her ground and stared at her brother a firm look on her face. That's when something changed in Kage's eyes when he moved back slightly from his sister.

"Lee?" Kage snarled.

Kage howled in agony as his wolf form was roughly replaced with his mystic form with pale black skin and jade green eyes. He collapsed himself on the floor for a moment and looked up at the Lotus Ninjas.

"No way." Ellie whispered.

"Girls, you have to help me." Kage said in a deep voice. "I can't...control my state of mind...any longer."

"Kage, you have to come with us." Lee pleaded as she crouched next to her brother. "We can help you."

"No, Lee." Kage snarled as he pulled himself away from Lee. "I'm too...dangerous for you. You all must stay away from me."

"I should've known that the Lotus would be here!"

The Lotus Ninjas and Kage turned to the source of that familiar voice as they watched Galva and Masque suddenly dropped down from the skylight and landed on the floor from the either side of them.

"Thanks for making our jobs easier, girls." Masque grinned. "But Kage belongs to Lady Shade."

"I belong to Saldana and the Lotus Ninjas." Kage snapped angrily.

Kage quickly morphed back into his wolf mutant form and snarled at the two mystic mutants. Masque swiftly whipped out a taser gun and fired two small dart-like electrodes on Kage's neck. Kage screamed in pain as the electricity stunned him, knocking him out unconscious to the floor.

"Kage! No!" Lee shouted.

Lee summoned out her twin tessen and dashed forward to the evil mystic mutants as her younger sisters followed with their weapons ready.

"Ta-ta, Lotus scum!" Masque smiled.

Masque took out a dark green smoke bomb and threw it at the Lotus Ninjas, who immediately got caught in the green gas around them. Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie held their breaths for second as the orange mystic kunoichi quickly started spinning her whip around above to protect her older sisters from the poisonous gas.

"Cast a spell! Quick!" Ella shouted.

"Soto terepoto!" Lee casted quickly.

At her words, a blue energy dome surrounded around the Lotus Ninjas that made them all disappear in seconds.


Outside, Galva was carrying the unconscious Kage to Masque's motorcycle parked against the building wall in the alley outside.

"Save your energy. I'll take her to mistress Shade." Masque said as she carried Kage onto the back of her motorcycle.

"Now wait a minute! Why are you taking him to Lady Shade?" Galva asked irritatedly.

"Because you are too inky and slimy to ride my sweet bike." Masque replied.

"Watch it your mouth, ghost face!" Galva snapped.

"Get your slime off me!" Masque retorted.

As Galva and Masque began to argue each other, Domino quietly jumped down from the rooftop above and hopped sneakily onto Masque's motorcycle with Kage still tied onto the back. She revved up the engine that immediately interrupted Masque and Galva's argument.

"Thanks for the ride, ladies!" Domino laughed as she drove away from the shocking mystic mutants and departed into the streets. "And getting the boy for me!"

Suddenly, the blue energy dome reappeared outside of the building followed by the Lotus Ninjas. They dashed up to the nearby building rooftop and watched Domino sped away on Masque's motorcycle that carried an unconscious Kage on the back. Quietly, Donna lifted her hand in front of her face and released a metallic silver dragonfly flying in the sky to follow Domino.

"No! Kage!" Lee cried sadly.

"Not to worry, Lee. I already sent out a spy camera to track the motorcycle." Donna said. "Check it out."

Donna pulled out a purple futuristic compact and opened it up to visualize Rhona and Domino's conservation on the screen when the silver dragonfly landed on the wall in an alley way. Lee, Ella, and Ellie gathered around their sister to stare at the screen. They watched as Rhona was taking out her cell phone to arrange an important phone call.

"Hello, Shade. This is Rhona." Rhona said on the phone. "We have your wolf son. Meet me at the docks in one hour. Dasvidaniya."

Rhona hang up her phone and looked back at Domino.

"All is according to plan." Rhona smiled slyly.

Donna closed her purple compact after the phone call conservation was over. The Lotus Ninjas now knew that Rhona has a plan to provide Shade with Kage's well-being.

"Let's move." Lee ordered. "We have to save Kage."


Meanwhile, the Lotus Ninjas arrived quietly down at the docks as they hid behind the long shipping containers with their narrow eyes.

"Donna, what makes you sure they'll be here?" Lee asked.

"My spy dragonfly doesn't lie." Donna said confidently. She peered out at the open space near the ocean water. "Trust me, they're definitely down there."

Suddenly, Domino moved out into the open space and looked around cautiously. The Lotus Ninjas quietly crouched on top of a white shipping containers and looked down to see Domino was about to be greeted promptly by Lady Shade, who moved out into the open space.

"So, the bad luck thief who stole from my mask wants to make a deal with me." Lady Shade said darkly. "But first thing's first. Where's Kage?"

Domino smirked shortly and pointed her thumb over her shoulder. Rhona moved out from the long green shipping container with Kage trapped inside a crystal force field sphere levitating from her hand. Kage snarled as the Russian mystic walked forward next to Domino. Lady Shade's gaze softened momentarily when her eyes caught the sight of the wolf mystic mutant. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she kept her dangerous glare under her mask.

"Here's the deal, Shade. If you get the two of us out of this city safe, you'll get the boy." Rhona proposed.

"You and I both know that I don't do deals." Lady Shade responded. "But as for you, I'll make an exception."

Lady Shade snapped her fingers and two mystic mutants showed themselves out of the shipping containers as backups for their mistress. Galva and Masque stood on each side of Lady Shade as they glared at Domino and Rhona.

"Now hand over Kage and the two of you will leave this city alive." Lady Shade demanded threateningly.

"Let him go and I'll let all of you walk away alive!" A brave female voice spoke from above.

Lady Shade, Galva, Masque, Rhona, and Domino looked up to see Lee standing on one of the containers. Lee unleashed her twin tessen as Ella, Donna, and Ellie leaped up behind her with their weapons ready in their hands. The mystic villainesses have their eyes narrowed at their enemies. Masque hissed as she charged forward at Domino.

"Oh, this should be fun." Domino smiled as she jumped skillfully away from Masque.

The Lotus Ninjas leaped down to attack Lady Shade, but the black mystic deflected every strike with black energy shield. Ellie leaped down in front of Lady Shade and smacked black mystic across the face with her whip multiple times. Lady Shade glared dangerously and swung her black energized leg at Ellie, who went flipping through the air until she landed on her back roughly. Lee ran forward and swung her twin tessen to slash the black armored mystic, but Lady Shade swiftly kicked the blue mystic kunoichi aside. Ella rushed forward and threw several gauntlet punches at Lady Shade, who only spun around and punched the red mystic kunoichi hard in the stomach that made Ella fall back to the containers. Donna soared towards Lady Shade with her spear, but Lady Shade leaned back and released a large blast of black energy at the purple mystic kunoichi, who was being thrown away from the black mystic.

Meanwhile, Rhona fired several individual crystal shards from her hands at Galva while trying to contain Kage in the crystal sphere at the same time and the blob mystic mutant dashed forward to attack the Russian mystic with a flurry of sharp enlarged blades in several directions. Domino fired dark pink lightning-like energy waves at Masque from her swift hands, but Masque dodged the energy waves and zoomed forward to smash Domino's face with her plasma kick.

The Lotus Ninjas keep attacking Lady Shade nearby. Ella launched multiple red energized gauntlet punches at Lady Shade that sent her flying across the wooden dock, Donna impaled her spear with her hands and unleashed huge purple energy blades coming out of the ground that moved across the black mystic, and Ellie grabbed Lady Shade with her whip to fry her with surges of orange energy and slammed her into the ground.

"Lee, help Kage! We'll hold off Shade." Ella shouted.

Lee nodded as she stepped out of the fight while Donna, Ella, and Ellie gained their strengths to fight off against Lady Shade in their restraints. Lee took out Galva and Rhona very easily, sending them to soar high to the small house on the docks. She sliced the crystal sphere with her twin tessen together that freed Kage from his containment.

"Kage, hurry. You have to go." Lee said as she gently touched Kage's face. "You can't let them take you."

"I...understand." Kage said weakly. His finger pointed to the skyline of the city. "But...meet me...at Comet."

"Comet?" Lee echoed.

In a flash of speed, Kage escaped out of the docks and disappeared into the dark energy portal that appeared out of nowhere.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Lee muttered.

"No! My son!" Lady Shade shouted.

Lee looked over Lady Shade and stood up to see her younger sisters have been knocked out to the ground in pain as she confronted the black mystic with a firm glare.

"He's not your son!" Lee shouted angrily.

"I raised him. Cared for him. He belongs to me and only me!" Lady Shade yelled as she enveloped her fists in blazing black energy.

But it was too late for Lady Shade to attack the team leader when Lee quickly threw a black smoke bomb in Lady Shade's face. Lady Shade growled as the black smoke exploded against her mask and noticed that the four mystic kunoichis are gone when the smoke was cleared out. She slowly turned around and glared angrily down at Domino and Rhona in the clutches of Masque and Galva.

"Take them both to Viral's laboratory." Lady Shade ordered. "I've just got her new lab experiments."


After the Lotus Ninjas made their escape from the docks, they stood on the ground of the building rooftop set near the large ocean.

"What the heck happened back there? We had him right in our hands!" Ella exclaimed.

"We got our butts kicked by Shade, Ella." Donna pointed out. "We'll have to find our brother some other way."

"He did give me a clue to where he's going, at least." Lee said. "He pointed east and said comet."

Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie pondered for a moment as they looked towards the east of the city.


Back in Shadow Clan HQ, Lady Shade was escorting Rhona and Domino into Viral's lab with Masque and Galva right behind them. They spotted Viral typing her fingers on the keyboard above them as the computer virus mystic mutant was preparing the perfect mutagen tank for Domino and Rhona's mutation.

"That gotta be one excellent substance right there to dive in, right?" Masque commented sarcastically.

"Heh, I wouldn't wanna be whatever you two ended up for the rest of your lives!" Galva giggled hysterically.

"You stole my sacred mask and hunted my son. Now your fates are sealed." Lady Shade said darkly as she walked towards Domino and Rhona in a dangerous manner.

"Please, I don't wanna be a mutant!" Domino yelled in a panic. "I'm too beautiful to be one!"

"Shade, we have known each other for ten long years!" Rhona pleaded frantically. "Please, be reasonable! We're more useful to you as normal mystic, not mutants!"

Unfortunately, Rhona and Domino's frantic pleas aren't working on Lady Shade.

"Spare me the pathetic begs." Lady Shade said.

The Shadow Clan leader gave her henchwomen a nod. Galva and Masque pushed Rhona and Domino fell deep down into the mutagen tank. After few short seconds to the painful transformation, the two mystic women dropped out of the tank and landed on the floor. The mystic women slowly opened their eyes and gazed shockingly at their new freaky appearance. Rhona's entire body was composed of durable darker and shinier blue crystals as she wore a skintight leotard which is black on the right half and white on the left and black combat boots while Domino's entire body has black exterior with dark pink stripes that resemble circuitry all over her as she wore a skintight pink leotard and pink combat boots.

"Oh no! Look at what they had done to us!" Domino gasped in terror.

"They've turned us into mutant freaks!" Rhona said angrily.

Domino and Rhona bellowed into the air in pain and anger on being turned into their mystic mutant forms.

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