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In the fortress cube, Viral had finally perfected the infinity synthetic mutagen inside her laboratory. She then headed her way into the training room, where Lady Shadestrike was waiting patiently for her result. The training room was filled with black and blue glowing spider webs.

"Is it finished yet, Viral?" Lady Shadestrike demanded.

"Yes, my mistress. The synthetic mutagen has finally been perfected." Viral answered. "It was designed to stabilize your system that will keep her body from falling apart."

Viral injected the infinity synthetic mutagen into Lady Shadestrike's right arms, causing the black mystic mutant to feel herself growing stronger than ever with her mutation finally stabilized.

"Yes, this feels good." Lady Shadestrike said with a satisfying smile. "Activate the Level 13 Shadow Droids!"

"As you wish." Viral said with a nod.

Viral slithered away and snapped her fingers that summoned five Elite Shadow Droids to surround Lady Shadestrike in a circle. Lady Shadestrike swung her giant claws to defeat the first two Elite Shadow Droids. Three Elite Shadow Droids came together with their weapons and charged forward towards Lady Shadestrike, but she instantly performed two swift slashes at the last three elite robots. Suddenly, a holographic Kage jumped in the scene and began charging forward towards the black mystic mutant with dark energized claws. Lady Shadestrike felt absolutely no remorse in striking him down as she swiftly attacked the holographic Kage with a strong drill attack from her right claw. Then, the holographic Kage collapsed to the ground and pixeled himself into nothingness.

"It worked." Lady Shadestrike said with a smile. "You have done well, Viral."

"Mistress Shade, we have found Kage hasn't left the city at all." Galva reported. "He has a new secret hideout."

"He's staying with the Amazons in Bronx." Masque added.

"Finally, I'll be ready to find Kage and destroy Saldana and those vile Lotus once and for all." Lady Shadestrike said with a malicious smile.


In the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas were sitting on the couch in the living room. Ella was eating gummy bears, Lee was eating a bowl of buttery popcorn, and Donna was sipping her mango soda. Ellie stood in front of the TV with an exciting smile.

"Alright, ladies. Today's the day. The final episode of Sarina Universe!" Ellie announced as she held a DVD up in her right hand.

Ellie placed the DVD in the DVD player and sped down to the couch, sitting between Lee and Donna. The Lotus Ninjas cheered when the Sarina Universe theme song logo. Sarina, Tanya, Kayla, Susan, and Lila are running on a narrow, straightforward platform aisle as Madame Eliza was riding inside her giant mech dragon. She began launching a string of neon green energy bullets in a straight line at the girls. After that, the Mech Dragon started firing two neon green lasers and moved them at the girls across the pathway. Lila formed a large shield of telekinetic energy in front of her and grabbed neon green energy bullets that entered the shield before throwing them back at the mech dragon with enough force. Susan channeled raw chaos energy into a large sphere and then fired it as an energy bolt at the mech dragon. Kayla jumped slightly into the air and then punched her fist into the ground to create powerful volcanic explosions that damaged the mech dragon within its radius. Tanya threw a batch of explosive orange energy tacks at the mech dragon. And Sarina jumped quickly to kick out with her leg and released a thin blue wave in its wake that hit the mech dragon. With the powerful attack combination, Eliza's Mech Dragon started falling on the ground and rolled on the ground with massive damage. Sarina and her friends cheered their victory with high-fives.

The Lotus Ninjas looked at the screen when the credits appeared with wide-eyed faces.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Ellie smiled widely.

Lee walked up behind Saldana and saw her mother meditating right in front of the family shrine inside the dojo. She knew her mother has been acting strange for the past few days. Not even her aura sense can find out the problem.

"Mother?" Lee spoke.

"Yes, Leona?" Saldana responded as she opened her eyes and turned her head to her oldest daughter.

"I've noticed you have been distant from the past few days. You've been meditating non-stop and not have any time to sleep. Are you alright?" Lee asked with a concern face.

"Leona, please. Let's not talk about me for now." Saldana said as she levitated up on her feet and moved towards Lee. "Let's talk about you. Do you know why I made you leader of this team?"

"Well, yeah, because I asked." Lee answered. "You also said it wasn't because of my skills nor my magic."

"Well, not exactly." Saldana explained. "When you were a little girl, I knew you would one day grow up to be the leader of this team just like your father and when I pass on to be like a mother as well to be at his side."

"Pass on? Wait, what are you talking about, mother?" Lee questioned confusingly.

"Leona, I can only gave one piece of wisdom that will remain with you forever. Remember, giving guidance to your sisters and friends doesn't always come from here." Saldana continued as she tapped Lee's head with her finger and then pointed her palm to Lee's heart. "It comes from here."

"But you're fine, mother." Lee said. "There's something else you're not telling me."

Suddenly, Lee and Saldana turned around to see Ella, Ellie, and Donna walking in the dojo.

"Hey, we're gonna want to go visit Kage at the Amazons' crib." Ellie said with a smile.

"You should come too, mother." Ella said with a grin.

"Agreed." Saldana answered as she walked away with Ella, Ellie, and Donna. "I do need to get out of the fortress more often."

Lee looked at Saldana in a mix of concern and worry as she pondered over what her mother has said to her.


In the Amazons' hideout, Whitman was fixing secret formula vials with the help of Amber and Kabocha. Verona and Gumko were playing solitaire Cardwell on the table. Samara, Mala, Selina, and Diana watched as Kage was using his light magic to pinpoint possible places Lady Shadestrike's secret location on a map of New York City.

"Kabocha placed trackers on two spotted Shadow Droids." Kage said. "We found that they both went to this spot here. It's 25 miles north of New York City to Lady Shadestrike's hideout."

"We should contact the Lotus Ninjas to form a plan of attack." Mala suggested.

"I concur, Mala." Samara agreed with a nod. "In the meantime, we'll be safe here. Thanks to Whitman, this place has been set on a total, complete lockdown."

"Thanks for letting us stay, Samara." Kage said to Samara with a graceful smile.

Suddenly, the security system started to alert the mystics and the mystic mutants inside the hideout. Whitman immediately looked over to detect Lady Shadestrike approaching on her view screens.

"It's Shade!" Whitman exclaimed frantically.

"Amazons, prepare for battle!" Samara ordered her team.

Samara, Mala, Amber, Whitman, Verona, Diana, Selina, Kage, Gumko, and Kabocha drew out their magic as they all got into their fighting stance when Lady Shadestrike ruptured the entrance door with a powerful energy beam of black magic and walked slowly towards the mystic team.

"Hello again, Kage!" Lady Shadestrike spoke with a sinister smile on her face. "I can finally put your pathetic scheme down for good!"

"You gonna have to get back us first, witch!" Samara said.

Lady Shadestrike's giant razor-sharp claws began to glow in blazing black energy and charged at the Amazons with remarkable speed. Samara spun at Lady Shadestrike like a drill with her electrical claws outstretched, but Lady Shadestrike blocked the attack with her giant claws. Lady Shadestrike charged forward at Samara and rapidly slashed her with her giant claws, sending Samara to hit the wall and fell to the ground in pain. Mala glared at Lady Shade and charged forward to attack the black mystic mutant with a rapid series of claw slashes, but Lady Shadestrike jumped over the attack and grabbed Mala and repeatedly slashed her with her giant claws followed by grabbing Mala's face and flipping her over her head hard to the ground. Verona swung her tail into Lady Shadestrike multiple times and jumped in the air to slam her tail onto the black mystic mutant's head. Whitman jumped high into the air and fired a machine barrage of dark green energy blasts at Lady Shadestrike in a 360 degree fashion. Amber grabbed Lady Shadestrike and began smashing her mercilessly into the ground with her massive ears until she tossed the black mystic mutant straight to the wall. Lady Shadestrike quickly recovered and got up from the wall as if she was completely unaffected by the attacks. Lady Shadestrike summoned several small black energized arrows that encircled her body and began firing them one-by-one that hit Whitman, Amber, and Verona. Gumko charged forward and threw numerous pumpkin bombs at Lady Shadestrike as Kabocha charged pink energy between its tentacles and fired it as a massive beam at the black mystic mutant. Unfortunately, Lady Shadestrike chuckled sinisterly as she remained unaffected by the combo attacks. Lady Shadestrike extended her giant claws to grab Kabocha's tentacles and pulled it forward before swiftly punching the pumpkin creature away straight to the wall. Lady Shadestrike then charged forward and unleashed a brutal barrage of claw slashes on Gumko before tearing through the pumpkin mystic ninja with her claws to collapse him to the ground. Diana charged forward and began jabbing Lady Shadestrike back with a series of punches while Selina dashed forward and unleashed a series of rapid dark energized punches to the black mystic mutant. Lady Shadestrike smirked as she slashed Selina and Diana with her giant claws four times in immense speed before double slashing to finish her daughters with both giant claws.

"No!" Kage shouted as he watched all of his defeated allies unconsciously on the ground. He turned to face Lady Shadestrike, who was extending her giant claws with a murderous grin. "Stop this madness, Shade! You don't have to do this!"

"Don't wasting my time." Lady Shadestrike spat. "Your father was perished and you will share the same fate along with him!"

Kage growled furiously and clenched his fists tightly. He charged forward and shot out large balls of dark energy straight at Lady Shadestrike, who quickly dodged out of the way. Lady Shadestrike was immensely fast as she swept her black energized slashes at Kage. Fortunately, Kage was immensely fast as well. But his speed couldn't keep up with the black mystic mutant. Lady Shadestrike dashed forward at Kage and attacked him with a vicious barrage of claw slashes as she finished Kage with two slashes that sent him flying to the ground.

"I didn't want to do this to you, Kage. But you have let me no other choice." Lady Shadestrike said as she walked over to the unconscious Kage.

With that, Lady Shadestrike departed out of the hideout with her enhanced speed.


As the Lotus Ninjas and Saldana arrived to the Amazons' hideout, they entered inside to see their mystic and mystic mutants lying on the ground with painful groans.

"Uh no!" Ella exclaimed.

The five mystics ran forward to help their friends off the ground. Saldana and Lee ran up to Kage, who was lying motionlessly on the ground.

"Shori. Shori!" Saldana yelled.

"I've got this." Lee said.

Lee narrowed her eyes in determination as she enveloped her hands with a glow of blue healing energy and held them to the injured Kage, who started coughing and looked up at his family with a painful groan. Samara, Gumko, Selina, and Diana quickly recovered as they ran over to check on Kage.

"Kage!" Gumko cried as he knelt his knees down to Kage. "Thanks, Leona. Shade has grown much stronger and doesn't even care about Kage anymore. This time, she wants all of us dead."

Saldana stood up and looked at the exit door as she concentrated on her white magic to see images of Lady Shadestrike, Masque, and Galva leaving the area. Except that Lady Shadestrike was actually heading in an opposite direction.

"Gumko, you stay with my son and get him to the ambulance." Saldana said firmly. "And Kabocha, you help out the Amazons."

Gumko and Kabocha nodded their heads at Saldana as their responses.

"I see two clear trails leading off in opposite directions." Saldana said with a bold face. "Rafaela, Selina, Diana, and Samara, you're coming with me. Leona, you will lead Donatella, Michelle, and Mala in that other direction. Take the Sonicruiser. The rest of us will travel on the foot."

"Mother, this is not a good idea and you know it." Lee said hesitantly with a worry face. "If we're going to take Shade down, we should all stick together."

"Remember what I said back in the dojo, Leona." Saldana reminded as she pointed her palm to Lee's heart and then pointed her palm to her own heart. "From your heart, no matter what."

With that, Saldana sped off with her team as Lee was looking at her mother as if she knew that something's gonna happen to her.

"Lee, I know you're worried about mother, but we got to move." Donna said as she ran past Lee into the Sonicruiser.

Lee looked back at Saldana and followed the others to the Sonicruiser.


Inside the Sonicruiser, Lee drove the vehicle through the streets as fast as she can.

"Lee, I found Jinx and Crystallia's van on camera." Donna reported from her station. "They're heading to the Bellezza Canopy three blocks ahead."

Lee turned a corner and parked the vehicle right in front of Bellezza Canopy. Lee, Donna, Ellie, and Mala walked inside the massive regal atrium. The entire regal atrium has a beautifully elegant ballroom with a giant flower-shaped canopy glass above. As they walked further, all of the lights suddenly went on. They looked up to see Crystallia jumping down on her feet out of nowhere.

"Let's dance, ladies." Crystallia giggled.

Crystallia shot small crystal shards at the Lotus Ninjas and Mala from her fingertips. Lee, Donna, Ellie, and Mala dodged various crystal shards with fast speed.

"She's mine!" Mala shouted.

Mala charged forward to attack Crystallia with her claws. Three mystics unexpectedly saw Jinx, Masque, and Galva jumping down on their feet out of nowhere towards them.

"Sweeties, you are so not ready for what you are about to face." Jinx grinned.

"Our reign and your fall are long overdue." Masque said.

The Lotus Ninjas and Shade's henchwomen charged as they clashed into a brutal battle.


Saldana, Ella, Selina, Diana, and Samara ran across the building rooftops until they came to a stop when Saldana was looking at a towering skyscraper in front of her and her team.

"Lady Shade. She's at the top of Beekman Tower building." Saldana said.

"And that's where we take her down once and for all." Samara said.

Saldana, Ella, Selina, Diana, and Samara jumped to the towering skyscraper as they landed on the rooftop.

"I sense Shade's presence. She's close, but she's not alone." Saldana informed.

Suddenly, everyone spotted a large portal made of black energy and summoned their magic as they watched Lady Shadestrike walking out towards Saldana's team as the portal disappeared right behind her.

"No matter how strong you become, you cannot overcome my power, Saldana." Lady Shadestrike smiled sadistically.

"Mark my words, Rozu. Those who tamper with hatred will be haunted by it later." Saldana said firmly as she summoned her white magic from her palms.

Saldana and Lady Shadestrike charged forward at each other in a fierce battle. Saldana performed a back-swinging kick at Lady Shadestrike with her white energized leg, but Shadestrike grabbed Saldana's leg and threw her away tumbling to the ground. Saldana immediately jumped away before Shadestrike could strike her with her giant claws.

Before Ella, Selina, Diana, and Samara can help Saldana, Amora suddenly teleported in front of them. Behind her was hundreds of clones of herself.

"I'm sorry it has to end this way." Amora said mockingly.

"No, you're not." Selina snapped.

Amora smiled and charged forward to attack her enemies along with her clones. Samara delivered crunch-cross-slashes at the clones with both of her electrical claws. Ella dashed around the rooftop several times and hit all of the clones from several directions in a blazing red psychic energized aura. Selina charged forward towards Amora and jumped into the air while firing dark energy bolts in a 360 degree fashion. Unfortunately, Amora flipped backwards in mid air and shot a blast of dark energy at Selina. Diana unleashed a rapid-fire combo of dark energy slashes and kicks at Amora, but Amora punched forward twice and launched two huge dark energy blasts at Diana that sent her flying off the roof.

"Diana!" Selina cried.

Diana screamed as she fell off the towering skyscraper, but she rocketed over the ground on jets of dark energy from her hands and feet to steady herself until she crashed into a nearby building rooftop.

Selina narrowed her eyes and performed several spinning sweep kicks as she created a powerful ring of dark energy that expanded outward towards Amora, who was trying to block the attack with a shield of dark energy. But Amora was too late and got hit by the attack effectively. Amora fell forward and rolled across the ground while gasping in pain. She picked herself up and breathed heavily only to get attacked by Ella's massive red ball of psychic energy that sent her lying on the edge of the rooftop. Saldana dashed forward and drilled her white energized fist into Lady Shadestrike, but that attack wasn't effective to the black mystic mutant. Lady Shadestrike swirled her hands around in front of herself and released a gigantic tornado at the white mystic, but Saldana blocked the attack with a large white energy shield to protect herself.

"I am the most powerful being on the planet." Lady Shadestrike said as she walked up to Saldana. "No ordinary mystic, not even you, can compare all-powerful goddess."

Saldana narrowed her eyes and charged forward towards Lady Shadestrike.


Mala threw Crystallia to the ground and tried to slam the crystal mystic mutant with her claws, but Crystallia dodged the claw attack with quick speed. Ellie spun herself around rapidly and shot multiple orange psychic energy bolts at the luck mystic mutant, but Jinx nimbly skipped away from the attack. Donna charged forward to attack Masque with a flurry of berserker purple psychic energized punches and flips. Lee shot out large blue balls of psychic energy at the goo mystic mutant, but Galva pinned her down with her giant right arm to the ground.

"It's over, Leona!" Galva said.

Before Galva could strike Lee with her giant left hand, Mala charged forward to crunch-cross-slashes with both of her claws and injected her with solvent vial that Whitman created back at hideout from her tail. Galva started screaming when solvent vial began bursting from inside her entire body before dissolving into nothingness.

"Hey, we did it! We beat them!" Ellie exclaimed in joy.

Crystallia, Jinx, and Masque ran up to the ceiling glass and exited out of the place.

"No, we didn't! It was all a distraction to split us all up!" Lee exclaimed. She focused on her aura sense when her blue glowing spade-shaped birthmark appeared brightly on her chest area and detected familiar colorful auras coming from few miles away before the glow of her birthmark faded away. "The others are fighting against Amora and Shade on the Beekman Tower rooftop. Let's go!"

Lee, Donna, Ellie, and Mala immediately ran into the Sonicruiser.


Back on the Beekman Tower rooftop, Saldana clashed her white energized fists with Lady Shadestrike's black energized claws. Saldana dodged a claw strike and stood behind Lady Shadestrike before hitting her with her white energized leg. Saldana then flipped over Lady Shadestrike and hit her again with another white energized leg, making the black mystic mutant pant hard in exhaustion.

"Give up, Rozu." Saldana declared. "It's over."

"Is that so?" Lady Shadestrike questioned with a sly smile. She looked over at Amora and the defeated clones. "Amora, sacrifice yourself!"

Amora's fierce look faded away for a hard, sadistic face.

"Oh, well! So much for being the next clan leader!" Amora said with a careless shrug.

Amora's clones began crumbling into a mass of dark energy and they were being absorbed by Amora, transforming her into a distorted entity of dark magic energy being. Saldana, Ella, Selina, and Samara watched the scene with shock faces. Amora started approaching towards Lady Shadestrike's body and poured herself into her mother's wounds to repair the black mystic mutant. Lady Shadestrike began laughing when her daughter's full power had empowered her body. Her flexible organic skin was now neon green and her indestructible metallic claws are now neon black.

"I'm deeply sorry your existence has to end this way, my daughter." Lady Shadestrike apologized.

It's alright, mother. Amora's last existing words spoke as she was consumed by her mother. I've always remain on your side no matter what the cause. I'm proud to serve you and only you.

"Okay, ew! That's disgusting!" Samara cried in disgust.

Saldana narrowed her eyes and charged forward to kick Lady Shadestrike in the face repeatedly, but Lady Shadestrike became unaffected by the attack. Lady Shadestrike then swung her claws to hurt Saldana, but the white mystic moved out of the way and landed on her feet in her fighting stance.


Lee drove the Sonicruiser through the streets at full speed. Ellie looked at the map from her station and turned to the view screen in Ella's station.

"There's the building!" Ellie called out.

Lee narrowed her eyes and made the vehicle drive faster than any normal speed.

"Let's hurry before we're not too late." Donna said.

"You and me both." Lee said.

Saldana charged forward to attack the black mystic mutant with white magic, but Lady Shadestrike grabbed Saldana and smashed her mercilessly into the ground until she tossed the white mystic against the edge of the rooftop.

"Saldana!" Samara, Selina, and Ella called out.

Samara, Selina, and Ella charged forward to attack Lady Shadestrike with a combination magic, but Lady Shadestrike dashed forward and slashed the girls with her giant claws twelve times before sending the trio away with a final slash. Lady Shadestrike started approaching towards Saldana, who got up from the ground and hid a medium-sized white magical circle behind her.

"It would appear that you have gone senile, sister." Lady Shadestrike said. "Now, prepare to die."

"Don't let arrogance get the best of you, Rozu." Saldana said. "I refuse to be defeated to the likes of you."

Lady Shadestrike charged forward to attack Saldana with a yell. Saldana glared as she swung her white magical circle and began firing numerous white energy arrows straight at Lady Shadestrike at fast speed, causing the black mystic mutant to fall off the edge of the rooftop.

Saldana took deep breaths as she turned to see Samara help Ella and Selina up on their feet.

"You did it! You rock, mother!" Ella grinned.

"Thanks to all of you." Saldana said with a smile.

The Sonicruiser parked next to the Beekman Tower as Donna pulled out a violet touchpad from her waist belt. She and her two sisters looked the screen that showed a video of the building rooftop, making them scream in horror as they saw Lady Shadestrike flying back to the rooftop.

"Saldana!" Selina cried.

Saldana turned around and gasped sharply as Lady Shadestrike stabbed her mortally on the chest with her giant claw, much to the horror of the other mystics. Ella and Selina's eyes widened wide in shock at the sight.

"Saldana!" Ella and Selina cried.

"Cheap magic will not work against my all-powerful magic, Shiroibara Saldana!" Lady Shadestrike hollered. "Now die!"

Then, Lady Shadestrike threw Saldana off the building.

"Mother!" Lee, Donna, and Ellie screamed from below.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie ran up to Saldana as they knelt down to their mother. Lee placed her left hand hard on Saldana's chest and felt her mother's heart stopped beating with her aura sense. Saldana was gone again.

"No." Lee whispered.

Lady Shadestrike stood at the edge of the building with a victorious grin on her face.

"Say goodbye to this world, witch!" Lady Shadestrike said as she clenched her right claw into a fist. "Your time has finally come to leave this world!"

As Lady Shadestrike turned around to face the others, Selina lifted up the black mystic mutant and trapped her in a giant sphere of dark energy. She then closed her fist, causing the energy sphere to condense and crushing her mother within. The giant energy sphere exploded and Lady Shadestrike went flying off the building rooftop. As Lady Shadestrike started falling down, Diana summoned a large mass of dark magic and formed it into a fist. She then used the large dark energized fist to punch Lady Shadestrike, sending her into the air far away and straight back into the ocean because of the impact.

"Good riddance, mother." Diana said with a glare.

Lee, Donna, Ellie, Samara, Selina, and Ella have gathered around the lifeless Saldana. Donna, Ellie, and Diana already started crying while Lee, Ella, and Selina were trying not to cry. But Samara turned her head away as she was trying to be strong.

Donna shutted her eyes tight as a childhood memory came to her mind.

Saldana plays a game of chess against a five year old Donna, who was reading a book about astronomy at the same time.

"Mommy." Ellie murmured sadly as she looked at Saldana with tearful eyes.

A five year old Ellie was eating sandwiches happily with Saldana.

Ella stared down at Saldana's lifeless body while trying to fight her tears.

Saldana was training various aggressive fighting moves with a five year old Ella.

Lee looked down at Saldana with wet eyes from her tears.

Saldana was having a tea ceremony with a five-year-old Lee and then gave her a choker necklace with a proud smile.

The Lotus Ninjas cried sadly for Saldana as Diana hugged Samara and Selina while they were crying silently. Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie lifted Saldana up over their hands with sad faces. They walked away while crying for Saldana's death. Everyone walked inside the Sonicruiser and drove away.


Back into the ocean, Lady Shadestrike rose out of the water with deep breaths for her survival.

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