The Evil of the Witches

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The Nexus was finally getting repair in the local space station after the attack from the squid creature Hydnora.

"Status report." Lee ordered.

"The Tachyon Drive is fully repaired." Rosetta reported. "We are now fueled and functional."

"Oh yeah!" Ellie cheered. "We're finally ready to go!"

"Hey, has anyone thought about the Hyper Jump Engine?" Donna asked. "Because we still don't have enough Zemulaks to fix it."

"Ladies, I know our journey has been a little rough on the edges, but we still got a fighting chance." Rosetta said calmly. "If we can find the last talisman of the Cosmo Escalation weapon, we can assist the Cristallums in time."

Suddenly, the starship's alarm sounded the main room that caused everyone to look at the screen.

"It's incoming distress signal." Rosetta said, typing the buttons on the control panel. She then let out a small gasp. "It's from Blade!"

Rosetta pressed one button on the control panel and an image of a familiar male Ziran had appeared on the view screen. Everyone can see that the warlike alien was being surrounded by darkness with a hint of dark green light shining above him.

"Hello, everyone. Amaya and I have been captured by the Witches Six." Blade said in an urgent whisper. "We need your help."

"We'll save you, but where are you?" Ella said with a concern look on her face.

"We're in the planet Lexicon." Blade replied. "And please hurry."

Then, the distress sign was shut off from the screen.

"We have to save Blade and Amaya." Ella said.

"But what's planet Lexicon?" Donna asked.

"It's the home world of the Witches Six." Galaxina explained firmly. "Their world is one of the most dangerous parts of the cosmos. No one was ever brave enough to cross it."

"Course to Lexicon plotted, initiating Tachyon Warp." Rosetta said.

The Levians understood and set course on the screen, propelling the starship to the planet Lexicon. After quick seconds of warping, the Nexus had arrived at the dark grey massive planet with a large black ring, where everyone can see millions of robotic creatures reign supreme on the view screen.

"Welcome to the Lexicon System." Rosetta said. "Population: robots."

"Yeah, lots of them." Galaxina groaned. "I've been a lot of territorial places across the galaxies, but this hit the number one out of the hundred."

"Lexicon used to be a lush and harmonious planet until the Witches Six took power and constructed it." Rosetta explained. "Now, they created a race of alien creature out of advanced technology to serve them."

"And now we are gonna put an end to their scheme once and for all." Lee said. "Let's save the Zirans."

With that, the Nexus zoomed straight into the Witches Six's home planet.


As the Nexus passed through the planet's atmosphere, the Lotus Ninjas and Galaxina looked at the view window to see the planet filled with very prominent alien vegetation with machinery took half of the planet and lakes of clear waters down below. They can also see a large construction site tearing apart the original plant life and rock while replacing it with red steel by few robotic construction workers. Once the starship landed on the grassy platform, everyone walked out of the ship with Rosetta taking the lead.

"Follow me." Rosetta said. "I will lead us to the Witches Six's lair."

Lee, Ella, Donna, Ellie, and Galaxina followed Rosetta as they all observed around the area.

"Why would those wretched creatures ruin a beautiful, peaceful planet like this?" Donna said with a frown. "The fauna and vegetation are quite mysterious compared to the ones back on Earth."

"Just like my home planet, Donna." Galaxina said. "Except that my planet illuminates the glowing neon lights that covered everything in sight."

"We should visit there for our space vacation some time." Ellie said with a star-eyed smile.

"Found the lair." Rosetta said.

Everyone looked to see a slate gray massive hallowed towering skyscraper that has long, paved walkway surrounded by ornamental gardens. But then, they saw a familiar pink witch alien hovering suddenly in the air on a giant spherical purple mech before flying towards them from above.

"Well, well, well. It's beatdown time!" Rose said with a wild, savage smile.

The purple spherical machine flew down and coughed up several cyan five-pointed stars at the heroines, who dodged out of the way.

"She's mine!" Ella shouted to her team.

Ella leaped into the air and avoided the stars as quick as possible. She summoned a huge red energized circle and barraged the purple spherical machine with bolts of red psychic energy several times, destroying the mech in the process. Rose had knocked down to the ground from her mech, but she quickly got up and started dashing at the red mystic kunoichi with a pink shoulder barge energy attack. Ella dropkicked the pink witch alien into the air and crushed her with combined fists engulfed with red psychic energy that knocked Rose hard to the ground in pain. Ella smiled triumphantly and went back to her team.

With Rose down and out, everyone saw a familiar orange witch alien hovering in the air on a large red totem-like mech face made of tiles before flying towards them from above.

"Wow, impressive! But you're barely a great challenge!" Chiffon said with a malicious grin.

"I got this one!" Ellie shouted to her team.

Chiffon stomped her foot on the totem head to send it into the high sky, causing the orange mystic kunoichi to catch up after the totem head. The red totem machine started spawning out giant spike balls at Ellie, who easily dodged each one out of the way. As Ellie caught up and landed on the totem head, Chiffon began jumping up in the air and fired five orange energy orbs at Ellie. The orange mystic kunoichi stabbed her orange psychic energized fist into the totem head and created a large erupting shockwave that broke the tiles away, causing both Ellie and Chiffon to fall down in the air. Ellie quickly formed a pair of orange wings to prevent her fall and locked herself onto Chiffon as she encased herself in orange psychic energy and charged down into Chiffon to attack her in a drill-like fashion multiple times that had knocked the orange witch alien hard to the ground in pain. Ellie grinned triumphantly and went back to her team.

With Chiffon down and out, everyone saw a familiar light blue witch alien hovering in the air on a large yellow gorilla-like mech before landing towards them from the ground.

"Prepare to be tested, ladies!" Aqua said with a confident grin.

Aqua snapped her fingers and the gorilla machine began charging forward to crush the heroines with its bare fists, causing the mystics and the aliens move out of the way. Then, the gorilla machine stopped charging and launched numerous spike balls at them in different directions.

"I'll handle her!" Donna shouted to her team.

Donna charged forward to shoot out multiple rockets made of purple psychic energy high in the sky and all of them fell down towards the gorilla machine, destroying it and causing the light blue witch alien to move out of the way in the process. Aqua released many blue energy orbs from her hands at Donna, who avoided each one coming in her way. Donna quickly summoned two gigantic repulsor cannons from her armored gloves and fired off an enormous purple psychic energy beam that hit Aqua enough times to send her flying away to the ground. Donna grinned triumphantly and went back to her team.

With Aqua down and out, everyone saw a familiar green witch alien levitating in the air above them.

"The last time we met, you ruined my plants. Now I have applied a whole new upgrade." Jade said with a cruel smile.

Jade buried herself into the grassy ground and summoned six large pink snowman-like mech out of the ground. They each took out a large dark metallic head & lit fuse bomb in one hand and threw them at the heroines, causing them to split away.

"Oh, I have been waiting for this!" Galaxina shouted to her team.

Galaxina charged forward to channel her pale blue energy around herself and then fired her power forward in the shape of a giant phoenix that heavily burned the mech on impact, destroying all of them in the process. Jade then popped out and began releasing ten green glowing energy bombs with bat wings around her, sending them homing onto the diamond alien one by one. Galaxina had dodged each one in a grateful speed and summoned a bunch of pale blue energized butterflies that flew around the green witch alien in circles, sending them to bombard Jade that sent her flying away to the ground. Galaxina grinned triumphantly and went back to her team.

With Jade down and out, everyone saw a familiar blue witch alien hovering in the air on a large cyan owl-like mech above them.

"I suppose this fight is gonna be interesting." Azura said with a violent smile.

The cyan owl machine flew down and fired off capsule-like missiles that will hit the heroines, who moved out of the way in quick speed.

"She's mine!" Rosetta shouted to her team.

Rosetta flew forward in mid-air and quickly summoned a giant cosmic energy column from the ground to attack the owl machine from beneath, destroying it and knocking the blue witch alien off the mech in the process. Azura swung her hands forward and fired it as a set of blue energy arrows at the cosmic alien. Rosetta punched the ground with a charged-up fist and brought up a salvo of blue-colored pillars of cosmic energy onto the blue witch alien from the ground that had sent Azura flying back away from Rosetta and landed hard on the garden. Rosetta didn't smile or grin for her victory as she became suspicious about the fight before heading back to her team.

With Azura down and out, everyone saw a familiar red witch alien standing on top of a giant black serpent-like dragon mech's head towards them.

"Playtime is over, ladies!" Scarlet said with a sadistic smile.

Scarlet snapped her fingers and the dragon machine began snaking its way forward to shoot out a spreadshot of fireballs from its mouth at the heroines, who had immediately moved out of the way.

"My turn!" Lee shouted to her team.

Lee created an omni-directional sphere of blue psychic energy and tossed it straight to strike the dragon machine, destroying it and knocking the red witch alien off the mech in the process. Scarlet got back up and began firing many large fireballs from the palm of her hands at the blue mystic kunoichi, but Lee avoided each one with graceful speed and dashed forward to slash the red witch alien twelve times before ending it with a final thirteenth slash with her blue psychic energized sword that was powerful enough to knock Scarlet down and out of the fight.

Just then, the Witches Six disappeared in a flash of black light. Everyone got confused and surprised by that.

"Isn't just me or that fight was strangely easy?" Lee asked.

"It's an illusion." Rosetta explained. "Clearly, they're using to fool us. But why would...?"

Rosetta was interrupted when she and the others caught Donna suddenly grabbed her sides and collapsed on her knees.

"Donatella!" Galaxina gasped.

Galaxina and Rosetta immediately ran into Donna, helping her slowly up from the ground.

"That fireball attack did a number on me." Donna said as she tried to stand on her feet and fell into Galaxina's arms. "I could barely stand up."

Rosetta slowly waved her hand around and detected a slightly large bruise on Donna's right side of the chest.

"Oh, dear. She's deeply wounded." Rosetta said to the others. "Galaxina and I will get her back to the ship immediately."

"We'll go find the Zirans." Lee said firmly.

"Good luck, girls." Rosetta said with a nod.

"Hang in there, Donna." Galaxina said as she picked up the purple mystic kunoichi in her arms.

Rosetta and Galaxina leapt away high into the air to take Donatella back to the ship for treatment, leaving the three mystics kept running to continue their rescue mission to free Blade and Amaya.


Inside the complex skyscraper, the three mystics walked through the entrance in their stealth mode. The whole place was lavishly decorated with many statues and elaborate paintings that was made up of luxurious furnishings. Lee, Ella, and Ellie kept moving to try not to get caught until they entered inside the spacious elevator that ascended itself upwards due to the mystics' presence.

"Man, I've heard of the luxurious interior back on Earth, but these aliens really went all out." Ellie said with a whistle.

"To be honest, I wonder where they keep the prisoners since this place is one big extravagant building." Ella said with crossed arms.

"That I rather not know." Lee replied.

After a lengthy ride on the elevator, it slowly stopped at the tower's apex. Lee, Ella, and Ellie walked out of the elevator with caution. The whole place was a large chamber. The ceiling was topped with a giant parasol-shaped canopy of glass. On the floor were a few star-decorated columns everywhere and a balcony set around the perimeter. As the three mystics moved to the center of the floor, the entire floor section began to rumble loud that startled them as they looked down to watch the floor starting to grind upward with them standing on it. Now, they are facing the hexagonal arena.

Suddenly, three metal globes attached with four small balls underneath came flying out of nowhere and protected three force fields that imprisoned Lee, Ella, and Ellie within it. Lee, Ella, and Ellie threw a couple of energy shots with their powers, but it was no luck for their escape.

"Fools, you fell right into our trap!" Jade said as she, Azura, and Scarlet stood on a metal floating platform hovering slowly above the mystics.

"Finally, the mystic aliens are ours." Scarlet said with a menacing grin. "You did well with the illusions, Azura."

"It's one of my many talents." Azura said with a confident smile.

"Once we learned that the royal Zirans had a close alliance for the mystic aliens, we made a well-timed plan to lure you all in our home world." Scarlet said. "When you arrived on our planet, Azura created lifelike illusions of us to test your best fighting skills."

"And what are you planning to do with us?" Ellie demanded.

"We'll claim the talismans of the Cosmo Escalation weapon for you girls first." Scarlet replied.

"Well, you're too late, Scarlet." Ella informed with a snap. "Because we don't have them."

"What? Who has them?" Azura asked in shock.

"The Cristallums." Lee replied.

"Wait a minute! Where's the other mystic?" Jade demanded as she noticed that only three of the mystics are trapped in their force fields.

"None of your business." Lee responded. "And even if we knew where Donatella is, we'll never tell you."


Back to the Nexus, Donna was breathing slowly on the lab table with a machine that has a long plug hooked up to her chest as an attachment. Galaxina and Rosetta looked at the supercomputer screen as the Levians are typing keys on the computer keyboard to check out Donna's painful condition. The screen displayed the image of the wound was hurting the purple mystic kunoichi very badly.

"Oh, dear, this is bad." Rosetta said. "The wound is getting worse by the minute."

"Can you heal her, Rosetta?" Galaxina asked.

"Yes, I can." Rosetta replied. "But I need some peaceful silence to help me concentrate."

Two yellow Levians flew over to take the machine off of the purple mystic kunoichi. Rosetta slowly closed her eyes and placed her hands on Donna's chest, allowing her to concentrate on her power. The cosmic alien took a deep breath and her hands glowed in bright blue energy. Galaxina and the Levians watched waves of healing energy spreading onto Donna's chest. The painful wound was slowly cleared off and Donna was back to health.

"You did it, Rosetta." Donna said with a smile.

Four purple Levians flew around Donna with excitement, causing the purple mystic to giggle. But Donna stopped laughing when she looked around to notice that her sisters aren't here in the ship.

"Wait, where are my sisters?" Donna asked.

"They went into the Witches Six's tower, but their communicating visors are down. The Levians assumed that they were captured when they checked the tower perimeters." Rosetta replied.

"We must formulate a rescue plan to evade their mech." Galaxina said.

"And that just give me a spell-casting idea." Donna said with a sly smile.


Back in the towering skyscraper, the three mystics kept trying to break free from the force field by punching and kicking powered by psychic energy. Jade and Azura giggled for the mystics' endless hope of escaping, but Scarlet turned to see Aqua hovering towards them on a metal floating platform.

"My lab table is ready, Scarlet." Aqua said. "I am ready to proceed on your command."

"Excellent, Aqua." Scarlet said. "Release the Zirans and take the red mystic for further experimentation. Take the other two to the dungeon. One mystic will be quite useful for us."

Lee, Ella, and Ellie summoned claws made of psychic energy in offensive stances. But the force fields began crackling Lee and Ellie, sending them to collapse hard to the ground.

"Lee! Ellie!" Ella yelled.

Ella's eyes widened as her older and younger sisters fell unconscious inside the force fields. She wanted to escape and help her sisters, but she just watched and did nothing. The force field began crackling Ella that made her collapse to the ground. Ella groaned as she lifted her head a bit and opened her eyes to watch Aqua moving forward towards the force field she's trapped in. She passed out as the darkness was slowly filling her vision.


Meanwhile, Donna ran outside the ship and charged forward to the towering skyscraper with Galaxina and Rosetta at her side until they stopped running when two sudden giant boulders came flying in front of them. They looked up to see Rose and Chiffon were the ones who threw the rocks at them with their massive strengths.

"If you want to get inside and rescue your precious friends, you'll have to go past us first!" Rose shouted.

Rose and Chiffon simultaneously threw several boulders at the three heroines, who were struggling to dodge out of the way. But Donna, Rosetta, and Galaxina were able to use their fighting skills to avoid the incoming boulders. Rosetta released a bright cosmic energy to hit the witch aliens, blinding their sight in the process. Galaxina put her hands together to form a pale blue ball of energy and shot it at the witch aliens. That allowed Donna to make her move. Donna twirled her index finger around with light purple magic and pointed her magic at two witch aliens, trapping their bodies into two strong purple indestructible crystals.

"Donatella, creating a three-way attack plan was absolutely brilliant." Rosetta smiled at Donna.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm cool like that." Donna grinned proudly.

"Let's go save the others." Galaxina said with a smile.

Galaxina, Rosetta, and Donna quickly headed straight to the Witches Six's tower.

As Galaxina, Donna, and Rosetta arrived in the large chamber from the elevator, they quietly hid behind the nearby column and looked up to see Jade and Azura keeping watch on the imprisoned mystics and the imprisoned Zirans.

"This is bad." Donna whispered to Galaxina and Rosetta. "How are we gonna get them out with those two standing around?"

"Hmm, leave it to me." Galaxina whispered with a cunning grin.

"Okay, make it count." Rosetta whispered back.

Galaxina nodded her head and created pure orbs of pale blue fiery-like energy from her hands, tossing them over the two floating platform that Jade and Azura were standing. The pale blue energy spheres landed under the witch aliens and exploded themselves with concussive force, damaging Jade and Azura in the process. Donna, Galaxina, and Rosetta leaped up on the columns as they ran over to free Lee, Ellie, Blade, and Amaya out of the force fields.

"You guys okay?" Donna asked.

"Yeah, we're alright." Lee replied. "But we gotta get out of this place."

"I have the Nexus on remotely prepare for takeoff." Rosetta said.

"After we finished the Witches Six, we'll find Ella." Amaya said.

"But, where is she?" Blade asked.


Meanwhile, Aqua was entering into her lab with her equipments. The entire laboratory was heavily modified with super advanced technologies, computer terminals, and mad science machinery. She walked over to the lab table, where Ella was lying motionlessly.

"Aqua, the aliens have escaped!" Scarlet said from the intercom. "Finish your experiment and meet the rest of us outside for our battle preparation."

"As you wish, Scarlet." Aqua smiled cruelly.

Aqua began to proceed the procedures on Ella, who was now feeling extreme pain of the undergoing experiment. Ella could feel several shots around her body as the light blue witch alien injected something through her skin, making her unable to move herself from the table through her consciousness.

"Finally done. Establishing control now." Aqua said. She typed her fingers quickly on the screen and turned to face the motionless mystic. "You are to obey the Witches Six and destroy our enemies at any cost."

Then, Ella opened her eyes in a boiling red glow as she was ready to fulfill her mission in a mindless manner.


Back at the chamber, Blade created a hole on the wall with a black energy blast for their escape. Everyone bravely jumped out of the towering skyscraper and landed on their feet on the grassy ground safely before running forward to the starship. As everyone can flee back to the Nexus, many pink energized stars came raining down on the ground that stopped the heroes from getting to the starship. They looked up to see Rose landing down towards them with a grin on her face.

"You all aren't going nowhere!" Rose shouted.

Rose threw a giant pink sphere at the heroes, but Blade blocked the attack with a white energy force field to protect the others. Rose jumped on the other side and threw another giant pink sphere at them. Blade blocked the attack again with a white energy force field. Rose jumped to the other side once again and rolled the large pink energy ball at the heroes. Blade fired a large white energy beam from his eyes to destroy the attack and charged forward to unleash a wave of white waves that hit Rose hard to the ground.

After Rose's defeat, the heroes looked up to see Chiffon landing down towards them with a cutesy smile on her face.

"Looks like we're gonna have some fun!" Chiffon shouted.

Chiffon spun rapidly around to turn herself into a small orange energized tornado and then moved towards the heroes to strike them, but Ellie charged forward to pound her fist to the ground and created an orange psychic energy explosion to knock Chiffon into the air before delivering a series of four high-damage orange psychic energized somersaults to the orange witch alien in quick speed. Chiffon got back to her feet and spun back into an orange energized tornado to attack the orange mystic kunoichi, who had avoided the attack with fast speed and jumped slightly to swing her leg in a wide-arced orange psychic energized kick to the witch alien's face that send her flying away to the ground next to the unconscious Rose.

After Chiffon's defeat, the heroes looked up to see Aqua landing down towards them with a smile on her face.

"Challenge me if you dare!" Aqua shouted.

Aqua snapped her fingers and summoned numerous small metallic spherical machine to surround her for protection, commanding several individual laser bolts at the purple mystic kunoichi. Donna lunged forward to spin herself in a cork-screw manner with her feet leading towards the light blue witch alien and then performed a powerful purple psychic energized kick that launched Aqua in the air before she can fall back to the ground. Aqua quickly got back up and began shooting two orbs of light blue energy at Donna one at a time. Donna twirled her upside-down body to hit Aqua's face with her legs and finished the light blue witch alien with a flying upward drill kick with both purple psychic energized legs that send her landing onto Rose and Chiffon, who were trying to get up from the ground.

After Aqua's defeat, the heroes looked up to see Jade landing down towards them with a grin on her face.

"Now, let's get this started!" Jade shouted.

Jade produced one green energy cord from her hand as a giant mace and swung it around to smash the heroes at astonishing speed. Galaxina shot out pale blue energy lasers from all her fingers at the green witch alien, sending her flying to the ground. Jade got back up and brought out two green energy chains as two giant maces, swinging around with them in rapid speed to attack the diamond alien. Galaxina dodged the maces with backflips and fired a massive beam of pale blue energy to Jade, who got sent crashing onto the other three witch aliens.

After Jade's defeat, the heroes looked up to see Azura landing down towards them with a grin on her face.

"Prepare yourself!" Azura shouted.

Azura summoned her shadow bats to fuse together into two Shadow Azura clones as they all started flying around above the heroes and attacked them with a barrage of blue energy bolts. Amaya blocked the attack with a white energy force field to protect the group and then fired a wave of black waves at the blue witch alien and the two clones altogether. Azura summoned more shadow bats to fuse together into four Shadow Azura clones as they began flying around above the heroes and attacked them with another barrage of blue energy bolts. Amaya quickly unleashed a large black energy beam from her eyes to hit the clones and Azura, who got send flying onto her downed teammates.

After Azura's defeat, the heroes looked up to see Scarlet landing down towards them with a determined look on her face.

"Now, let's get this started!" Scarlet shouted.

Scarlet cracked her knuckles in preparation and began delivering a combo of punches with red energized fists at the heroes, but Lee stepped forward and stood on one leg to deliver various rapid blue psychic energized kicks with her other leg extended out to give out incredible speed and power against the red witch alien's protection guards. Scarlet got hit by the kicks when Lee broke her two protection guards. Scarlet growled at the blue mystic kunoichi and began delivering a combo of punches with red energized fists at her once more. Lee avoided all the fast, powerful strikes in a zigzag speed and had gathered the full force of her blue psychic energy in her palms to release an omni-directional sphere of energy that hit Scarlet anything in front of it. Scarlet screamed as the attack sent her flying onto her downed teammates.

The Witches Six slowly got up from the ground and glared at the offensive heroes.

"Don't think you've won! We're just getting started!" Scarlet said with a glare. She turned to Aqua with a whisper. "Unleash your secret project."

Aqua nodded her head and faced the heroes with a cruel grin.

"Give up now or face the wrath of your friend!" Aqua shouted.

Suddenly, everyone heard a loud sound of breaking glass from the towering skyscraper and turned around to see someone landing hard on the ground towards them. Everyone had their eyes widened wide open in shock when they recognized Aqua's secret project right before their very eyes. It was Rafaela, but she looked incredibly different. Her hair was tied up in a bun with two longer, layered bangs on either side of her face. Her veins are showing on her body. Both of her eyes are bloody red. She wore a black skintight leotard with red segments.

"Rrrraaaarrrghh!" The mindless mystic roared.

"Rafaela!" Blade gasped shockingly.

"What have you done to our sister?!" Lee shouted to the Witches Six with fierce anger.

"Don't worry, we're actually upgrade her better." Scarlet said. "Destroy them, Rafaela."

Ella screeched out loud as a response and charged forward to attack the heroes as she started unleashing red psychic energized nails all over her body to pierce them. The heroes quickly dodged out of the way and huddled back together. Ella then bended her knees and pulled her shoulders back in the air, bursting out multiple long red psychic energized nails from her both shoulders and knees at her sisters and her alien friends. Lee, Donna, Ellie, Galaxina, Blade, Amaya, and Rosetta knew that they have no choice but to fight Ella. Ellie summoned a bunch of orange psychic energized diamonds to fly around her in circles and fired themselves one by one to target her older sister, who kept dodging the incoming diamond that were coming in her way. Ella punched Ellie that sent out multiple red psychic energized nails on her upper arm. Galaxina fired a volley of pale blue energy bolts in every direction to hit her close friend. Ella dodged each one with her contorting body and crouched down on the ground in front of Galaxina, stretching out her feet to create multiple red psychic energized spikes on the surface of her legs. Amaya fired a black energy beam and Blade fired a white energy beam in hope to attack their red mystic friend. Ella jumped in the air to avoid the attacks and knelt on her left leg, expanding out her arms and her right foot towards the two Zirans with red psychic energized needles appearing at the end of each limb. Lee summoned a bunch of blue psychic energized spades to fly around her in circles and Donna summoned a bunch of purple psychic energized clovers to fly around her in circles as they fired themselves one by one to target their mindless sister, who kept dodging the incoming attacks that were coming in her way. Ella unleashed massive red psychic energized needles to attack her older and younger sisters. Rosetta didn't have the time to attack as she was using her cosmic powers to heal her friends back to full health.

"Must...destroy...them all." Ella spoke.

"What did they have done to her?" Amaya said.

"We have to save her somehow." Galaxina said.

"But whether Aqua did to Rafaela, her mind is completely unbreakable." Rosetta said.

"And I don't think neither of our spells could snap her out of it." Ellie said sadly.

"Wait a minute! That's it!" Lee exclaimed. "I know just the spell that can snap her out of it. Blade, Galaxina, Amaya, Rosetta, try to strain her down to buy us some time."

"No problem." Galaxina nodded.

Galaxina, Blade, and Amaya ran forward to tackle the mindless Ella to the ground while Rosetta conjured a long chain rope made of cosmic energy to wrap it around the crazy red mystic. Lee, Ellie, and Donna huddled together to gather enough energy for a mind restoring spell.

"Now, girls!" Rosetta shouted.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie aimed their hands together at the struggling Ella.

"Kokoro o fukugen!" Lee, Donna, and Ellie casted out loud.

At their command, multiple colorful beams of psychic energy shot out from the mystics' hands that hit Ella's forehead from different directions one by one. That power created sharp pain for the red mystic, causing her to scream out loud and struggling to fight against the spell's power.

Then suddenly, Ella took deep breaths with wide eyes and looked up at her older and younger sisters.

"Lee? Donna? Ellie?" Ella gasped sharply.

Ella's eyes widened even wider when sudden memories began surging through her mind as she remembered them immediately. The memory of Leona's position as the team leader, the memory of Donatella's scientific intelligence, and the memory of Michelle's childish immaturity have flashed before her eyes. After the spell was complete, Ella was released from Rosetta's cosmic energy rope chain and gave her sisters a fearful look on her face.

"Sorry, girls." Ella said with tearful eyes. "For everything I've done."

With a scream of supreme fury, Ella released her consciousness that gave her increase strength and speed. She dashed forward to attack the Witches Six and hit them from several directions with many red psychic energized nails. The Witches Six knew that they are too weak to fight and fled away from the outraged mystic. Ella distorted her entire body into a ball and combined all the red psychic energized nails into a large laser cannon to blast the six witch aliens straight to the towering skyscraper with one shot, defeating them in the process. After that attack, everyone cheered for the red mystic's victory. But Ella didn't a chance to cheer as she was trying to catch her breath, causing her vision to black out and fainting to the ground. Blade was able to catch Ella's body just in time before she was about to fall into the ground.

"Ella!" Lee, Donna, and Ellie shouted as they ran forward to check out their sister with Amaya, Rosetta, and Galaxina followed after them.

"We have to get her into the ship for recovery!" Donna said.

"You'll be okay, Ella." Blade said as he picked up the unconscious Ella.


Ella opened her eyes with a heavy groan and looked around to see everyone in the Nexus laboratory. Lee, Donna, Ellie, and Galaxina leaned their backs against the wall. Rosetta, Amaya, and Blade stood over her around the lab table. The Levians snuggled around Ella in delight.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." Ellie said with a smile.

"You're almost healed, Rafaela." Rosetta said as she waved her cosmic hands around over Ella's body. "I'm ready to release the unstable power inside you."

"Don't waste your time. I'm keeping it, but I'll have some time to control it in the training room whenever I get the chance." Ella said with a grin. "But you can rid of the distort reflexes. Twisting my whole body is freaky enough." Her grin slowly changed into a frown. "But I'm really sorry that I want out of control back there."

"It's okay, Rafaela." Amaya grinned. "But that rage was twice as a raging anger than an average Ziran."

"I'll say." Blade agreed with a chuckle.

"Now, that you're feeling better. We also have located the final talisman of the Cosmo Escalation weapon." Galaxina said.

"Alright, let's finish this mission." Ella said with a nod. "And save Earth."

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