Special: Mystic Boys VS Mystic Girls

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In the Turtles Lair, the Lotus Ninjas were performing ninjutsu stances in unison while the Turtles sat on their knees to watch the girls as Casey leaned his back against the tree inside the dojo. Lee, Donna, Ella, Ellie, and April finished up the ninjutsu exercise with an iron fist punch.

"Hey, Red, remember Saldana challenge the girls in a double duel?" Casey asked April.

"Oh yeah." April said. "But it was somewhat brutal though."

"What double duel?" Leo asked Lee.

"It's one of our mystic battle modes back in Japan." Lee explained. "An one-on-one battle with each side featuring two opponents at once with their own ninjutsu art skills."

"You guys should try it." April insisted. "We'll see who has the best ninja combat for the fun of it."

"No problem." Leo said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, we can do that." Lee said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"But this time, mutants against mystics." Casey said with a mischievous smile.

The Turtles and the Lotus Ninjas looked at each other with cautious glances. They don't think the challenge is a good idea, except for Raph and Ella.

"So, you want us to go up against them?" Raph asked with a grin. "Sounds like a great challenge."

"How about we put that to the test?" Ella asked with a devious smile. "Me and my sisters against you and brothers. Weapons only."

"You're on, sweetheart." Raph said with a mischievous look.

"Okay. I like where this is going." Casey said with an excited smile as he quickly took out his L-Phone and ready to record the duel in his hands.

The Turtles sat on their knees behind their deceased sensei's bedroom slide door and the Lotus Ninjas sat on their knees behind the dojo entrance.

"For the duel to begin, it always starts with the youngest first." April said.

Without hesitation, Ellie stood up with strong determination and slowly summoned her orange psychic energy constructed whips. Mikey proudly stood towards Ellie and took out his nunchucks.

"Hajime!" Leo called out.

Ellie charged forward with supersonic speed and attacked Mikey with lightning speed lashes from her whips. As Mikey was able to dodge a few lashes with his fast agility, Ellie delivered a powerful spinning double kick to Mikey's plastron that made him tumble backwards.

Leo, Raph, Donnie, and especially Mikey were surprised by that move.

But Mikey wasn't ready to give up just yet. He held his nunchucks tight and swung them to attack Ellie, who was dodging his weapons effortlessly. But Mikey performed a sweep kick under Ellie's boots, causing her to fall on her back to the floor. He then wrapped the long chain of his nunchuck around the fallen orange mystic kunoichi and pulled her close to him with direct eye contact.

"Is that really all you got?" Mikey asked with a playful smirk on his face.

"I wouldn't get too cocky if I would you, Mikey." Ellie smirked back.

Ellie lashed out with her whip and wrapped it around Mikey, slamming him around several times and pulling him close to deliver four high-damage somersaults that sent him flying to the wall. Ellie approached the spiral-eyed Mikey as she made her psychic energy constructed whips disappeared with a touch of her magic.

"I win." Ellie grinned proudly.

Ellie walked towards her cheering sisters with a proud smile as she sat down between Lee and Ella.

"Now, the second youngest." April said.

Donnie stood up without words and headed to the center of the dojo with his bo staff. Donna stood for the battle and summoned her purple psychic energy constructed spear.

"Hajime!" Lee called out.

"You ready to lose to a girl, Donatello?" Donna smirked devilishly.

"Not unless I have the advantage." Donnie smiled.

Donnie charged forward and swung his bo staff to hit Donna several times, but Donna blocked a few swings with her spinning staff thanks to her great agility. As Donnie kept striking the purple mystic kunoichi, Donna was about to strike him with her spear. But Donnie threw the staff to her neck that drew her body and her back close to his chest.

"Ready to quit?" Donnie whispered in Donna's ear.

Donnie then released Donna that made her breath heavily with her cheeks slightly pink as she touched her neck and held her spear tight.

"Not quite yet." Donna replied.

Donna cracked her neck from side to side and her smirk grew with a plan in her mind.

"I'm just getting started." Donna added.

Donna summoned another spear in her hand and unleashed a rapid flurry of strikes with them to attack Donnie before performing rapid spinning kicks from an upside-down position and finishing him with a flying upward drill kick with both legs that sent him flying to Mikey, who just got up from the ground.

Lee, Ella, and Ellie cheered for Donna's victory. Donna grinned as she sat back down next to Ella.

"Now, the second oldest." April said.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun." Casey grinned.

Ella headed into the battle ground at the center of the dojo and summoned her red psychic energy constructed gauntlets. Raph stood up to head at the center with his sais in his hands. With no hesitation, their eyes are locked with each other in their offensive stances.

"Well then, where do you want me to break you first?" Ella asked with a determined smile. "Come at me with everything you got."

"Gladly because I'm not gonna let you off easy." Raph smirked.

"Hajime!" April called out.

Raph and Ella fought each other in rapid speed as they both delivered punches and kicks until Raph used his sais to strike Ella with barrages of stabs, but Ella dodged the sai stubs with her gauntlets. Raph returned his sais back to his waist belt and began pummeling Ella brutally with his fists that made her fall hard to the floor.

"Seriously? I was really expecting this to be a fierce fight." Raph teased with a grin. "But next time, I'll take my time like a real gentleman."

"Alright, let's make this a lot of fun." Ella said with a wicked smile.

Ella swiftly got back up on her feet and stared at Raph, who stood in his offensive stance with his sais in his hand. Before Raph can charge forward, Ella pulled him close to her with one outstretched gauntlet. Raph's cheeks went pink, but Ella punched him hard in the chest with her right gauntlet and then slammed him to the ground with her left gauntlet. Ella tossed Raph up in the air and dashed up to hit him with a powerful flurry of punches with her gauntlets that knocked him down to Donnie and Mikey. Raph groaned with spiraling eyes as Ella landed back down to the ground over him.

"I have to admit. You sure know how to show a girl a good time, Raph. That fight was a real blast." Ella grinned excitedly.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie cheered for Ella's victory. Ella high-fived her sisters and sat back between Ellie and Donna with a proud smile.

"And but not least, the oldest." April said.

Leo slowly walked at the center of the dojo with his katana swords and Lee slowly walked forward with her blue psychic energy constructed twin tessen as they stood in their offensive stances.

"You ready for this?" Lee smiled.

"Ready when you are." Leo smiled back.

"Hajime!" April called out.

Lee charged forward and attacked Leo with fast elegant slashes from her twin tessen. As Leo was able to dodge a few slashes with his katana swords, Lee spun herself like a top with her twin tessen outstretched that Leo blocked effortlessly with his katana swords. Leo slashed Lee with one of his katana swords multiple times followed by a spinning slash that sent the blue mystic kunoichi into the air as he leapt above her and kicked Lee's stomach that made her fall hard to the ground.

"Were you planning on hitting me at some point?" Leo asked with a smile as he pointed his katana sword at Lee's face.

Lee immediately got back up and held her twin tessen tight in her hands.

"Now, you'll get what's coming to you. And trust me, this is gonna hurt, Leo." Lee said with a calm smile.

Lee performed a jumping knee strike that hit Leo's chest and launched him upwards as she leapt up towards the blue masked turtle and quickly delivered a series of slashes with her twin tessen from multiple directions before slamming him into his brothers. As Lee landed down on her feet, she looked over to the spiral-eyed Leo.

"Well, you stopped moving. I guess that means you're done fighting." Lee said with a cocky smirk.

Lee walked back with her sisters, who got up from the ground and cheered for their oldest sister's victory.

"Well, looks like the Lotus wins." April said.

"Best dual ever." Casey muttered with a huge smile as he finished recording the battle.

The Lotus Ninjas got up from the ground and walked over towards the Turtles, who looked up at the girls from the floor in a dog pile.

"Well, I have to admit. That was fun." Ella said with a smirk. "But if you boys were mystics like us, then this would be a real ultimate battle."

"Well, I'm famished. Who wants milkshakes?" Ellie asked her older sisters.

"I do." Lee, Donna, Ella, April, and Casey answered with smiles on their faces.

With that, the Lotus Ninjas exited the dojo. April and Casey followed them, leaving the Turtle alone in the dojo.

Mystics...like you girls? Raph wondered.


Meanwhile, the Turtles became silent from being defeated by the Lotus Ninjas. Leo and Mikey were sitting on the coach with bored expressions. Raph was sitting on the floor next to Donnie with his arms cross over his chest. And Donnie was tinkering next to Raph on the floor.

"I still can't believe we got our butts kicked by our mystic chicks!" Mikey complained.

"Remember what Ella said about an ultimate battle if we were mystics like them?" Raph asked.

"Yeah." Leo replied simply. "Why you ask?"

"Because that's what I came up with an idea to turn the tables." Donnie explained.

Donnie held out his latest invention that caught Leo, Mikey, and Raph's attention. It was four green turtle shaped wristwatches with a black leather band and a light green touchpad.

"A holographic watch." Donnie explained with a smug smile. "It's specifically designed to provide a holographic image for our disguise and confirm our movements as well. Also, it will block Lee's aura sense and Donna's seismic sense so they won't be able to detect us."

"Awesome, D!" Leo smiled.

"Yeah, we will totally defeat the girls with the T-Watch." Mikey said with a grin.

"The T-Watch?" Donnie asked in confusion.

"Turtle Watch, so yeah." Mikey explained slowly.

"But these T-Watch are prototypes, so these watches could only be use for maximum of four minutes." Donnie explained. "And to top it all, I slipped a spyroach in the dojo to record both of the girls' power data during the team battle that way I can copy their magic properties to upgrade our weapons as well. But it only last four minutes just like the T-Watch."

"That's all we need for what we have plan." Raph said with a grin. "Now, let's give our ladies one payback they'll never forget."


In the Crete Fortress, Lee was meditating in mid-air while Ellie and Ella were playing their handheld game console against each other with wireless multiplayer connection.

"Hey, guys!" Donna called from her lab. "Get in here! We got a problem!"

Lee, Ella, and Ellie rushed into Donna's lab, where they gathered around their sister as she was typing rapidly on the buttons on her supercomputer. Donna clicked a button on the keyboard and the computer screen was filled with pictures of two familiar enhanced robots.

"The motion sensors are picking up one Elite Foot Bot and one Elite Shadow Droid." Donna reported in alarm. "They are heading straight to Roosevelt High School."

"Let's move, ladies." Lee ordered.


Outside, the Lotus Ninjas ran across the rooftops over to Roosevelt High School as they saw Elite Foot Bot and Elite Shadow Droid standing on the school rooftop. They jumped up on the edge of the school rooftop and summoned their psychic energy magic as they got into their fighting stances.

"Alright, ladies." Lee said to her sisters. "You know what to do."

As four mystic kunoichis charged forward to strike two Elite robots with their magic at full speed, four mysterious boys were observing the fight on the billboard standing on a nearby building rooftop with smiles on their faces.

Elite Foot Bot turned its attention to Lee and Donna as it launched several volleys of thirty neon pink energy balls at them. Two mystics dodged the incoming energy balls with fast speed. Donna swiped her left arm to release purple scythe-like blades of psychic energy that destroyed the energy balls and Lee transformed her right hand into a blue whip composed of psychic energy to strike the Elite Foot Bot. Elite Shadow Droid shot out large neon pink energy blasts at Ella and Ellie from its fingers at once. Two mystics dodged the incoming energy blasts with fast speed. Ellie formed ten thick orbs of orange psychic energy in front of her body and fired them to destroy the energy blasts and Ella created a glowing red ball of psychic energy between her hands and fired it at the Elite Shadow Droid.

"Let's finish them!" Lee ordered her sisters.

The Lotus Ninjas sprang high up in the air and combined their magic together to release numerous homing colorful beams of psychic energy from their hands that destroyed two enhanced robots into broken pieces. The Lotus Ninjas landed down on their feet and stared at the broken Elite Foot Bot and Elite Shadow Droid.

"Wow, that was surprisingly easy." Ellie said.

"Yeah, what the heck, man?" Ella said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Whoever reprogram these robots didn't do a very good job on the battle mode system." Donna said as she crouched down to examine the destroyed robots.

"Oh well. Let's go get pizza." Lee said with a shrug.

"Not so fast, ladies." A male voice spoke. "Don't forget about us."

The Lotus Ninjas turned to the source of the voice and saw four mysterious teenage boys standing on the edge of the school rooftop.

"Who are you guys?" Ellie asked.

The four teen boys formed greeting smiles on their faces. One boy has a tall stature with slim build and muscular body. He has short black hair and sapphire blue eyes. He wore a black bodysuit with emerald green turtle shell-shaped platelets on both of his shoulders and his knees, blue turtle shell-shaped platelet around his chest area, blue gloves, and emerald green knee-length combat boots. Another boy has a tall stature with muscular body. He has short spiky bronzed red hair and emerald green eyes. He wore a black bodysuit with kelly green turtle shell-shaped platelets on his shoulders and his knees, red turtle shell-shaped platelet around his chest area, red gloves, and kelly green knee-length combat boots. The third boy has a tall and skinny body with a scrawny build. He has brown hair pulled into a small ponytail, brownish red eyes, and purple rimmed glasses. He wore a black bodysuit with brownish green turtle shell-shaped platelets on his shoulders and his knees, purple turtle shell shaped platelet around his chest area, purple gloves, and emerald green knee-length combat boots. The last boy has a slender figure with a slightly more pudgy body. He has short blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He wore a black bodysuit with light green turtle shell-shaped platelets on his shoulders and his knees, orange turtle shell-shaped platelet around his chest area, orange gloves, and light green knee-length combat boots.

"I'm Gio." The blond-haired boy greeted with a friendly smile.

"I'm Ved." The brown-haired boy greeted as he was adjusting his glasses slightly.

"I'm Amaro." The red-haired boy greeted as he crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk.

"And I'm Ryan." The black-haired boy greeted with a calm grin.

Ryan revealed an emerald green turtle shell-shaped birthmark on his left palm, Amaro revealed a kelly green turtle shell-shaped birthmark on his right palm, Ved revealed a brownish green turtle shell-shaped birthmark on his forehead, and Gio revealed a light green turtle shell-shaped birthmark on his chest.

"And we are the Kappa Ninjas." The four teen boys declared in unison.

"Wait a sec! You guys are mystics just like us!" Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie exclaimed in shock.

"But I could have sense their auras coming a mile away during the fight with the Elite robots." Lee pointed out.

"And the fact that my seismic waves couldn't detect their arrival." Donna added.

"Enough talk. We challenge you four to a duel." Ved declared.

"Scuse me?" Ellie asked with a raised eyebrow. "You guys wanna fight us?"

"Oh, please. You guys ain't worth our time." Ella scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, this outta change your mind." Amaro said with a grin.

Amaro summoned his red psychic energy constructed sais and fired a barrage of red energy spheres at the mystic girls. The Lotus Ninjas quickly dodged the attack with the spheres exploding right behind them. The Lotus Ninjas then turned to glare at the Kappa Ninjas. Ryan summoned his blue psychic energy constructed katana swords, Ved summoned his purple psychic energy constructed bo staff, and Gio summoned his orange psychic energy constructed nunchucks.

"Hey, watch where you're pointing those sais!" Lee shouted.

"That's it!" Ella yelled. "They wanna fight? Let's give them a fight!"

Ella summoned her red psychic energy constructed gauntlets and then dashed forward to hit Amaro with a powerful flurry of punches with her gauntlets. Amaro avoided the attack with remarkable speed, making Ella gasp in shock. Amaro leaped high onto the red mystic kunoichi and stabbed her rapidly in the chest with her sais before spinning forward like a red energized drill that sent her flying to the rooftop doorway.

"Ella!" Ellie shouted.

Ellie summoned her orange psychic energy constructed whips and lashed them out repeatedly at Gio with fiery orange energy. Gio avoided the attack with remarkable agility and dashed forward to attack Ellie while spinning with his nunchucks to deliver multiple rapid strikes that sent her flying to Ella.

"Ellie!" Donna yelled.

Donna summoned her purple psychic energy constructed spear and charged fiery purple energy on the tip of her spear before firing it at Ved as an explosive energy bolt. Ved moved out of the way with remarkable backflip and performed several spinning strikes to smack Donna repeatedly with his staff before driving the sparking tip into Donna's chest and frying her with purple energy that sent her flying to Ellie and Ella.

"Donna!" Lee cried. She looked back at the Kappa Ninjas with a glare. "Okay, this ends now!"

Lee summoned her blue psychic energy constructed twin tessen and rushed forward at Ryan to hit him with a rapid flurry of slashes. Ryan dodged out of the way with remarkable speed and rushed forward to slash Lee multiple times with his katana swords followed by a spinning slash that sent her flying to her sisters.

The Kappa Ninjas stared at the Lotus Ninjas with victorious smiles on their faces until they heard a beeping sound that made them look down at their wristwatches.

"Huh? Time's up already?" Gio asked.

"It's been almost four minutes." Ved said.

"Well, that was fun. But now, it's game over." Amaro said with a smirk.

"Let's finish this up." Ryan said.

The boys' birthmarks started to glow as the Kappa Ninjas gathered together to surround themselves in a green sphere of psychic energy. They then fired an enormous green energy beam that attacked the Lotus Ninjas in a huge explosion. The Lotus Ninjas got up from the ground with painful groans to see the Kappa Ninjas walking towards them.

"That was fun. We should do it again some time." Ryan said with a smile. "It was nice battling you girls."

With that, Gio threw a white smoke bomb to the ground and the boys disappeared in a puff of misty purple smoke that left the Lotus Ninjas alone with confused faces.

"What the heck just happened?" Donna asked.

"I have no idea." Ellie replied.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas became extremely suspicious about being defeated by the Kappa Ninjas. Lee and Ella leaned their back against the wall from the opposite sides. Ellie was sitting on the rolling chair. And Donna was typing rapidly on her supercomputer.

"I can't believe we got our butts kicked by that kappa squad." Ella spoke angrily.

"Yeah, that was weird. They took us down and we even don't know who they were." Ellie concurred.

"Oh, trust me." Lee said. "I'm suspicious of that fight than you two are."

"I'm already on that. I was able to analyze the Kappa Ninjas in secret with my Robonoid." Donna explained as she was hooking a light purple orb with four cylindrical extensions as legs with her magic on her desk. "Just like you guys, I was suspicious of the Elite robots and the Kappa Ninjas. So, I summoned my Robonoid to retrieve the boys' power data."

Lee, Ella, and Ellie gathered around Donna as the Robonoid projected a holographic screen of the Kappa Ninjas. The screen pulled up a video of the fight. The mystics watched the Robonoid's body outlining in lavender glow to release a large lavender forcefield from its body that expanded all around to reveal the true identity of the Kappa Ninjas. The Lotus Ninjas stared at the paused video in a mix of disbelief and shock.

"Are those...the Turtles?!" Donna asked with wide eyes.

Then, Donna fell over her chair to the floor.

"Are you serious?!" Ellie screamed.

"I should've known." Ella said with a growl. "And it's all because what I just said to them back at the dojo."

"Then, let's go pay them a visit." Lee said with a sinister smile.


Back in the Turtles lair, April and Casey sat in front of the Turtles with shock faces inside the dojo.

"You did what?!" April and Casey exclaimed.

"Yup, that's what happened." Leo said. "The girls didn't know what hit them."

"Yeah, you two should have seen us!" Mikey said with an exciting smile. "We were so awesome and amazing when we took them down."

"According to the data I've collected from the duel, we can project our mystic disguises with the T-Watches." Donnie explained. "It will also allow our weapons to have the same magical properties as their magic."

"Are you guys nuts?!" Casey said.

"The girls will go ballistic when they find out!" April said.

"Well, it wasn't for what Ella said earlier." Raph pointed out.



"But if you boys were mystics like us, then that was a real ultimate battle." Ella said with a smirk.

[Flashback Ends]


"So, without Lee's aura magic and Donna's seismic magic, we were able to go into our mystic mode without a hitch." Raph smiled proudly.

"Oh, is that so?"

Everybody's eyes widened immediately as they turned their heads to the entrance and saw the Lotus Ninjas crossing their arms over their chests with dangerous smiles on their faces.

"We understand now." Donna said with a smile.

"So, you four put out some stupid disguises as part of your stupid payback." Ella grinned.

"But don't you worry, boys." Ellie smiled.

"We'll show you why we are master mystics for a reason." Lee smirked.

The Turtles huddled together in fear as Lee, Donna, Ella, and Ellie immediately joined hands together. The great power of psychic energy began surging through their bodies, carrying them into the air with a ring of colorful energy circling around them. They closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on their magic together. Bright yellow light began shining around the girls' bodies and the light expanded itself to fill the mystics to surround them, transforming them into the fusion entity once again. When the light cleared, Anika was glaring dangerously at the frightening Turtles.

With extreme speed, Anika quickly delivered thirty powerful blows at the Turtles that sent them flying around the room and landed painfully on the ground. Casey and April slowly walked away towards the dojo exit as their escape, leaving four mutant masked turtles to flee away from the furious mystic fusion in a screaming panic.

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