The Shadow Walks Again!

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Inside the Palanquin, the 2012 Lotus Ninjas were trying to break free out of the slime as the 1980 Lotus Ninjas watched their 2012 counterparts in worry.

"I...can't...move!" Lee12 murmured.

"It looks like some type of adhesive web glob prison!" Donna12 explained.

"I can't even use my magic to destroy this gunk!" Ellie12 cried.

"Let's blast these fools!" Jinx12 declared.

Jinx12 fired a medium-sized pink lightning-like bolt of energy at the force field, but Lee80 waved her magic to deflect the bolt that hit the grey slime. Donna12 noticed that some part of the slime was melting away.

"So, the slime is sensitive to pure energy. I know a spell that can...oh, this is really gonna hurt." Donna12 muttered. "Sorry, guys."

"For what?" Ella12, Lee12, and Ellie12 asked with confused faces.

"For this." Donna12 answered. "Kuraun Hari!"

At her words, a large plate of purple magical energy appeared on top of the 2012 Lotus Ninjas and shot four beams of magical energy down that shocked them and melted the slime in the process.

"Let's smoke them, Jinx!" Crystallia12 spoke as she and Jinx12 stepped in front of the 2012 Lotus Ninjas.

Crystallia12 quickly shot large rapid shards of crystals from her hands and Jinx12 fired medium-sized bolts of pink lightning-like energy at the 2012 Lotus Ninjas, who moved out of the way.

"Girls, we gotta move now!" Lee12 said as she waved her magic to deflect the crystal shards with her magical energy shield.

"But what about our counterparts? We can't just leave them here!" Ellie12 called out as she swiftly moved away from the luck energy bolts.

"Leave them to me!" Donna12 shouted. "If I can get to that thing on top of the force field, I can bust them out of there."

"Go for it!" Ella12 yelled as she threw fifteen explosive high-tech shuriken at Lady Shade80.

Sina narrowed her eyes and charged forward to strike the 2012 Lotus Ninjas with her eight disembodied blades, but Donna12 jumped high in the air and grabbed Sina with her legs crossing over her neck before spinning the gynoid through the air and finally pinning her to the ground into Lady Shade80. Donna12 turned her attention to the 1980 Lotus Ninjas and blew out the force field generator with a purple magical energy blast, setting them free in the process.

"No! The Lotus have escaped!" Lady Shade80 yelled.

"And now, it's paytime!" Ellie80 declared.

The 1980 Lotus Ninjas performed their own signature gestures to release their magical energy attacks, but their own hands were still completely normal in appearance and no magic came out of it.

"Our powers!" Lee80, Donna80, Ella80, and Ellie80 cried sharply in considerable surprise.

With a dark smile on her face, Crystallia12 shot rapid bullet-like crystals that hit the 1980 Lotus Ninjas to the ground. The 2012 Lotus Ninjas jumped in front of their downed counterparts while facing Crystallia12 and Jinx12.

"Ellie!" Ella12 shouted.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Ellie12 cried with a nod.

Ellie12 jumped slightly in the air and threw a black smoke bomb to the ground that made the mystics to escape out of the Palanquin.

"Those Lotus may have gotten away, but we'll have to hunt them down." Sina said as she and Lady Shade80 got up on their feet. "Until then, we still need to find a power source for the Palanquin's full capability."

"Well, lucky for you, I managed to give the Lotus in your dimension a complete power shutdown." Jinx12 said with a smile.


In the Crete Fortress, the 1980 and the 2012 Lotus Ninjas gathered together in the living room.

"If Shade and Sina find the strong power source to unleash the Palanquin in this dimension, the result could be extremely catastrophic!" Donna80 explained.

"We gotta find that so-called power source before they do!" Ellie80 said.

"You got that right." Ellie12 agreed as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I believe I can do a worldwide scan for any mystical artifacts for our search." Donna12 said.

"Hey, guys! We got your call!"

The 1980 and 2012 Lotus Ninjas turned their attention to see Zack and Yami walking in the living room until the two vigilantes saw their friends' counterparts with wide eyes.

"What the heck?!" Yami exclaimed in shock.

"There's ten of you now?!" Zack cried in shock. "Wow!!"

"Oh, yeah. These girls are us from another dimension." Donna12 explained as she gestured her hand to the 1980 Lotus Ninjas.

"Yami? Zack?" Ella80 gasped as she and her sisters walked up to Zack and Yami. "No way, dude!"

"You two are teenagers just like us." Lee80 said with wide eyes. "But in our dimension, Yami was a mystic witch from the Lotus Clan and Zack was a phantom mystic from the lost line of ghost energy wielding mystics."

"Whoa. Me? A mystic witch?" Yami wondered.

"So wicked cool!" Zack commented.

"And that's why we need your help." Lee12 said as she walked up to Lee80. "But we noticed that your guys haven't use your magic during that fight earlier."

"Wait a minute. We did try to use our magic, but we can't unleash it somehow." Lee80 explained. "Whatever your Jinx did to me and my sister made us powerless somehow."

"Well, until Donnas could figure it out the problem, we should share our fighting prowess if we gonna take Jinx and Crystallia down along with Sina and Shade." Ella12 said.

"Our skills against yours?" Ellie80 asked with a smile.

Lee12 grinned with a nod.


In the dojo, Ella12 unleashed a rapid barrage of powerful punches with her fists in high and low directions at the punching dummy. Ella80 ran towards the punching dummy and began punching it rapidly with her fists as she then delivered a powerful kick that sent the punching dummy flying to the wall. Donna12 spun herself in a corkscrew manner with her feet leading towards the punching dummy and launched it in the air leg-first for a singular, powerful strike before finishing with a flying upward drill kick with both legs. Donna80 began kicking the punching dummy in rapid succession and then launched it into the air. Ellie12 delivered a series of four high-damage somersaults to the punching dummy. Ellie80 performed a backwards arcing kick that delivered an uppercut at the punching dummy into the air. Lee12 twirled her upside-down body and attacked the punching dummy repeatedly with her legs like helicopter blades. And Lee80 performed ten fast leg-up kicks that launched the punching dummy straight to the wall.

"Okay, now let's focus on your magic problem." Lee12 said.


Back in the Palanquin, Sina was searching at the files on the computer.

"So, Sina, what is that you go there?" Jinx12 asked.

"The Transport Ring. With it, we can open up a transportable portal to Dimension X and bring an army here in this dimension." Sina explained.

"But where do we find this magnificent piece of technology?" Crystallia12 asked.

"At the Earth Protection Force's secret storage facility." Sina answered as she pulled up a map on the computer screen.

"You two will lead a squad of Shadow robots to destroy anyone who gets in your way! Including those annoying mystics! Unleash the Shadow!" Lady Shade80 ordered.

A door started opening that made Jinx12 and Crystallia12 turn around to see a squad of Shadow Droids walking forward in a line. The Shadow Droids stopped marching and stood in front of Jinx12 and Crystallia12. Every Shadow Droid has dark silver grey metallic skin. They have shoulder-length black hair with a dark grey strand and dark grey eyes. They wore a tight black leotard with long black gloves with dark grey end and black knee-length heeled boots.

"Wow, sleek tech!" Crystallia12 commented.


Back in the Crete Fortress, Ella12 performed more punching and kicking with her magic. The 1980 Lotus Ninjas mimicked her moves, but they were still unable to perform magic.

"Okay, let's take a break." Lee12 called out.

"My robonoid was able to scan your power level, so I might be able to solve the problem right anyway." Donna12 said as she held a medium-sized light purple orb with four cylindrical extensions as legs in her hands. "It might take a while."

"Let it take all the time we need." Ellie80 said. "All I know is that it's pizza time!"

The 1980 and 2012 Lotus Ninjas walked out of the dojo as they headed into the kitchen, where Yami and Zack were eating pizza as eight other mystic kunoichis joined them.

Ellie12 opened the freezer and Pink Hallow handed her ice cubes in his hands.

"Thank you, Pink Hallow." Ellie12 smiled. She handed a cube to the lollipop goblin mutant. "Here. You can have one too."

The 1980 Lotus Ninjas looked at the freezer to see Pink Hallow, who started to eat the ice cube in delight.

"He's so cute!" Ellie80 gushed in surprise.

"His name is Pink Hallow. Ellie's mutated pet goblin." Zack answered.

"Whoa, so cool!" Ellie80 exclaimed.

Gáta walked into the kitchen and hopped on Ella12's shoulder as the red mystic kunoichi fed her pepperoni and rubbed her pet's cheek, making the alien kitten purr in delight.

"Whoa! Now, what is that?" Ella80 questioned.

"This is Gáta. She's a baby kitten alien I'm raising." Ella12 replied.

"Wow, our parallel dimensions are definitely different." Donna80 commented.

"So, why would your Shade and Sina come in this dimension?" Yami wondered.

"Trying to conquer the planet as always." Lee80 answered. "Except this time, she's looking for a power source to upgrade her Palanquin into the max."

"Thanks to Sina's tech knowledge." Donna80 added.

"Yeah, no kidding. She didn't even know that Krang almost blew up three alternate realities." Donna12 pointed out. "We need a plan to send those creeps back to their dimension and fast."


Meanwhile, Karai and Kage jumped onto the fire escape to the building rooftop as they looked down at the Chinatown entrance. Karai took her binoculars and Kage used his dark magic to zoom his vision in on the distant area in magnified scale. Shinigami and Gumko walked up towards their leaders with two Foot and Shadow soldiers.

"Karai, Kage, no sign of the Purple Dragons nor the Wuju Trio. The streets are quiet." Shinigami reported.

"Good, I think we should call it a night, guys." Karai said.

"Hold it. I've got something." Kage called. He detected Jinx and Crystallia leading their Shadow Droid squad. "It's Crystallia and Jinx with...Shadow Droids!"

Kabocha suddenly came down next to Gumko and signaled him what she has discovered.

"Yo, Karai. Kabocha just spotted Bebop and Rocksteady nearby." Gumko reported in alert.

Karai quickly looked back to see Bebop and Rocksteady leading their Foot Bot army from her binoculars.

"What are those two morons up to?" Karai questioned.

"You know, Crystallia, I'm kinda liked this new Shade!" Jinx grinned.

"Yeah, except she's not as deadly as the one we know." Crystallia agreed.

Unknown to the mystic mutants, Kage and Gumko rode on top of Kabocha's head from above.

"Two mutants on a mission with the Shadow Droids?" Kage said. "There's something extreme going on. I can feel it."

"Then let's take those freaks down!" Gumko declared.

"No." Kage said. "I want you to gather up the rest of the Shadow Ninjas. I'll follow Jinx and Crystallia and figure out what they're up to."

"As you wish, Kage." Gumko said with a nod.

Kage jumped down to land on the building rooftop while Kabocha sprinted away with Gumko.


Back in the Crete Fortress, the 1980 and 2012 Lotus Ninjas along with Zack and Yami gathered together in the living room. The Robonoid projected a holographic screen of a glimmering lavender pink smoke within 1980 Lotus Ninjas.

"Well, there's no denying it." Donna12 spoke to the 1980 Lotus Ninjas. "Jinx was able to cancel out your magic as long as the anti-magic bomb is under the effect. It's gonna take for me to reverse it."

"Okay, team. Here's the plan." Lee12 said. "We head over and cover the Palanquin."

"We'll wait for Jinx and Crystallia to leave on whatever mission Shade and Sina sent them to." Lee80 continued.

"If Sina and Shade want to open up a portal to Dimension X, they're going to need some kind of transport ring to make it work." Donna80 explained.

"Then we stop them before they get it!" Ella80 declared.

Suddenly, a phone call came chiming from Lee's L-Phone. Lee12 took it out and saw a picture of a solar eclipse as Kage's contact photo.

"Kage?" Lee12 answered.

"Lee, you're never gonna believe this." Kage spoke through his L-Phone. He crouched on the fire escape and observed the area with his telescopic vision thanks to his dark magic. "I've followed Jinx and Crystallia at the waterfront. They've got a bunch of Shadow Droids with them targeting a secret futility warehouse that belongs to the Earth Protection Force."

"Don't make a move. We'll be there soon." Lee12 said.


The Earth Protection Force guard walked around until he knocked out unconscious by Crystallia's crystalline fist. Another Earth Protection Force guard took his walkie to call for back-up, but Jinx emitted a pink spark of lightning-like energy from her left hand and swiped it through the air to knock the guard.

"Heh, this is too easy!" Jinx said with a proud smile.

As Jinx placed a device to unlock the garage door, the mystic mutants and the Shadow Droid squad walked inside just when the garage door closed behind them. Jinx then pressed 80 button for the elevator to go down slowly.

"Alright, Crystallia. Let's stick to the plan." Jinx said to Crystallia. "All we have to do is grab the ring and get out..."

Suddenly, the alarm went off.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Crystallia murmured in frustration.

Jinx looked up to see a group of Earth Protection Force soldiers sliding down on ropes with a gasp.

"Get 'em robots!" Jinx ordered.

The Shadow Droids ran forward to take down the Earth Protection Force soldiers. In swift seconds, the Shadow Droids knocked the Earth Protection Force soldiers off the elevator with fast speed and combat skills. Jinx, Crystallia, and the Shadow Droids made it to the level when they saw a door that read 1980 all the way on the other side with no obstacles.

"Alright, ladies, do your thing." Jinx said to the Shadow Droids.

Before one Shadow Droid walked forward, greenish-white lasers suddenly appeared behind the mystic mutants and the robots. Jinx, Crystallia, and the Shadow Droids began running away as the lasers started moving towards them. Jinx quickly tried to open the door in a panic as Crystallia backed up in fear.

Then, the door opened just in time that made the mystic mutants and the robots fall to the ground.

"Whew! That was close!" Crystallia said in relief as she and Jinx got up from the floor.

Jinx and Crystallia walked past a shelf of weird items in slight disgust. Jinx took out her dark pink pince-nez glasses to search for the transport ring and found it on the top shelf. Jinx shrieked in glee as the doors opened up in front of her that held a large gold ring with circular aqua symbols inside.

"We did it! Mission success!" Jinx grinned as she took out the transport ring in her hands.

"Yes, alright!" Crystallia cheered.


Outside, the 1980 Lotus Ninjas dropped down on the building rooftop behind Kage.

"Jinx and Crystallia are still inside. Let's take them..." Kage said. He turned around to see Lee80 standing behind him. "What the?!"

Kage backed away in surprise while the 2012 Lotus Ninjas, Zack, and Yami landed near him.

"Who are these copycat mystics?" Kage asked Lee12.

"It's a long story." Ella80 replied to Kage. "But it's nice to meet you, ninja boy."

Jinx and Crystallia opened the garage door as they celebrated their successful mission. But suddenly, they gasped in surprise when the 1980 and 2012 Lotus Ninjas, Kage, Zack, and Yami landed down from the rooftop to surround them with their readied magic.

"Busted!" Crystallia exclaimed.

"Hand over the ring now!" Lee12 demanded.

"Like that's gonna happen!" Jinx snapped.

"Lucky for them, they have some back-up!"

The 1980 and 2012 Lotus Ninjas, Kage, Zack, and Yami looked for the source of that voice as they saw Lady Shade80 and the Shadow Droid squad appeared out of nowhere.

"Shade!" Kage gasped.

The Shadow Droids jumped down in front of the 1980 and 2012 Lotus Ninjas, Kage, Zack, and Yami.

"Shadow soldiers, attack!" Lady Shade80 ordered.

"Let's do this, team!" Lee12 declared.

"Take them down!" Lee80 shouted.

The Shadow Droids charged forward to fire black lasers at the heroes from their eyes. Yami channeled her magnetic energies into the ground and released a series of violet powerful energy columns that knocked two Shadow Droids away from her with great force. Zack slowly generated a strong green electric shock and released ecto-energy in the form of electric energy that knocked out four Shadow Droids coming in his direction. Donna12 telekinetically summoned several purple orbs of magical energy to surround her and then launched them in different directions at the Shadow Droids one by one. Ellie12 jumped up in the air and dove down to deliver orange magical energized kicks at two Shadow Droids.

"Hand over the ring, Jinx!" Lee80 demanded as she stood in front of Jinx.

"You gotta catch me first!" Jinx smirked.

Jinx fired a large pink bolt of lightning-like energy from her hand that knocked Lee80 to the ground. The 1980 Lotus Ninjas delivered rapid kicks and punches at the Shadow Droids coming in their direction, but Crystallia came down in front of them and delivered powerful punches that knocked then away. The heroes spotted more Shadow Droids coming down out of nowhere to surround them.

"Where do these robots keep coming from?" Donna12 exclaimed.

"I know! We need some serious back-up!" Ellie80 shouted.

Suddenly, a dark red arrow pierced straight into one Shadow Droid's head.

Everyone looked up to see more incoming arrows that took down some Shadow Droids. The Shadow Ninjas appeared the building ledges as Gumko, Kabocha, Selina, Diana, and Mika jumped down around Kage.

"Back-up, anyone?" Gumko suggested.

"Nice timing, guys." Kage smiled back.

The Shadow Clan members charged forward to take down the Shadow Droids. The 2012 Lotus Ninjas, Zack, and Yami jumped up in the air to strike their magic at each Shadow Droid in their sights while the 1980 Lotus Ninjas gathered together in a huddle.

"Remember your training, ladies!" Lee80 said with narrow eyes as she and her younger sisters took their fighting stances. "Girls, fight with honor!"

Ella80 drew her magical energy from her hands and quickly delivered a series of punches at the Shadow Droids from multiple directions. Ellie80 assaulted the Shadow Droids with her orange orb as powerful streams of magical energy surges beneath her and began dancing around to attack the robots. Donna80 caused purple magical energy to erupt underneath the Shadow Droids and trapped them in a giant energy tower before performing a swift spin and shattering the tower that caused the robot to break down. And Lee80 performed a more powerful, multiple-hitting arc kicks that was aimed the Shadow Droids upwards into the air.

"Hey, we got our magic back! I've never felt so alive in the heart of battle!" Lee80 exclaimed.

Kage stepped forward to confront Lady Shade80.

"Shade! I don't care you're from another dimension! You will not getting away from me!" Kage declared.

"Is that so?" Lady Shade80 questioned with a smirk.

Lady Shade80's hands glowed black into sharp claws and started slashed Kage with fast speed. But Kage avoided the claws and utilized a drilling magic of light and dark as a whip to attack Lady Shade80 ten times.

"Is this really the best you can do, Shade? Stand and fight like a real mystic!" Kage demanded.

"Next time, boy! Shadow, get rid of him!" Lady Shade80 ordered. "He's actually pretty impressive."

Kage ran away from the Shadow Droids. Gumko thrusted his hands forward and shot twenty pumpkin bombs towards the Shadow Droids that exploded upon contract. Diana charged a large sphere of dark magic between her hands and fired at the Shadow Droids in from of a beam. Selina extended her hand forward and unleashed a multitude of fists composed of dark energy to destroy the Shadow Droids. Mika slashed the air to release pink crescent blades of energy from her staff at the Shadow Droids. Crystallia molded an axe from her crystalline skin that knocked Yami up in the air.

"Yami!" Zack shouted.

Zack sprinted in the air to catch Yami in his arms and levitated down safely to the ground.

Crystallia formed multiple crystal arrows from both of her hands at high speed towards the heroes just when Jinx engulfed the arrows in pink lightning-like energy.

"Hit the deck!" Lee12 shouted.

The heroes got down to the ground in order to avoid the arrows. Jinx and Crystallia ran towards Lady Shade80, who swiped her hand to summon a black swirly portal.

"We got the ring!" Jinx exclaimed.

"They're getting away!" Ellie80 cried out.

"Come on, we can still catch them!" Ella12 yelled.

Lee12, Ellie80, and Ella12 got up on their feet to chase after Lady Shade80, Crystallia, and Jinx.

"Not this time, losers!" Jinx said with a smirk.

Jinx shot three blasts of pink lightning-like energy in a row that hit Lee12, Ellie80, and Ella12 to the ground.

The 1980 Shadow Clan leader and two mystic mutants then escaped through the portal that closed itself out of sight.


On a building rooftop, Zack and Donna both helped Yami to the ground near the skylight windows.

"It's alright, Yami. You're gonna be okay." Zack said.

"It's just a broken bone in my chest, but I'll be fine." Yami said with a smile as she clutched her chest in pain.

"She'll be alright, Zack. I know just the spell to make her recover, but it's gonna take time." Donna assured.

"After all that, they got the transport ring!" Donna80 exclaimed.

"Yeah, so now what?" Ellie80 commented.

"We're gonna stop those guys and save the world once and for all." Lee12 said firmly.

"We're with you all the way, Lee!" Lee80 declared with a determined smile.

"You guys really stepped up big time. I'm proud of you guys!" Ella12 grinned as she placed her hands on her hips. "But that still doesn't explain how you four got your magic back."

"It turns out that the anti-magic bomb that Jinx used on them was only last for a short time." Donna12 answered with a shrug. "Go figure."

"So, how are we gonna get that transport ring back?" Kage asked.

"We already know where the Palanquin is, so we go there and get it back lickety-split." Ellie12 said with a confident smile.


Back to the Palanquin, Sina inserted the transport ring into a flower structure on top of the decorated roof.

"Yes!" Sina said with a smile. She quickly flew back inside the carriage and into the main room, where the 1980 Shadow Clan leader and two mystic mutants were waiting for her. "Now, we only need one last thing to power up the Palanquin."

"And what would that be?" Lady Shade80 asked.

"That ghost boy." Sina replied. She pulled up a picture of Zack that read his power level on the screen. "I managed to scan the power level of our enemies that will match the power source we're looking for and that boy has the right source."

"That phantom we fought?" Jinx questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I don't get it."

"Yeah, how's he doing to help us?" Crystallia asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. "He's one of the good guys. There's no way he'll power up the Palanquin."

"Oh, but he will." Sina explained. "Judging by the scans, he's actually the reincarnation of a legendary Hecate in this dimension. With his powers, if we can unleash it, he will enable to power up the Palanquin to 100% capacity and unleash our ultimate plan."

"But the Lotus will come for us." Crystallia pointed out.

"Yeah, they even know where we are." Jinx added.

"Not anymore." Lady Shade80 said. "Activate the spider legs!"

Sina nodded her head and pressed a glowing yelled button on the control panel that grew mechanical spider-like legs to make the Palanquin hop away from the Channel Six building in cloaking mode. The Palanquin kept leaping around the city until it made a stop onto the Statue of Liberty as tip of its spider-like legs landed on the torch.

"There's no way those Lotus will find us now." Sina smiled darkly.

"Now, let our ultimate plan begin." Lady Shade80 grinned.

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