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*At Wintercorp*

"What seems to be the problem?" Winters says.

"The problem is that we were hired to merely patrol the city and report anything strange to you." Karai says, pissed off. "You never said anything about monsters." She says, raising her wakizashi to his throat.

Her threat, though very intimidating to others, is nothing to Winters. He doesn't even flinch.

He moves the blade away from his face. "Now, I'm sorry that your illustrious group have been reduced to hired guns, but I believe we made a deal, Karai. And I expect you to honor it." He says.

Karai tries not to pet her anger boil over.

"You do understand honor, don't you?" He smirks walking away. "So, how did we fare?" He asks.

A conveyorbelt bigs down the big blue monster from before.

"My, my, my. And what is your name?" He asks as a joke. The monster roars and struggles in its chains.

"Were there any problems, General?"

"None, my lord." Aguila speaks.

"Then show these fools how a true warrior acts. Keep them on schedule in completing their task."

"We do not need any help." Karai replies, hating the idea of a babysitter.

"Nevertheless, Karai, I trust my family more than I trust you." Winters says, walking closer to her. "You may be the eyes and ears, but they are the muscle. They will help you gather the remaining 12 of these abominations, so we can finally see our birthrights fulfilled." He chuckles.

"It's going to be quite a party." He says as he pushes a button, trapping the monster in a metal prison.

*At the lair*

(Im so excited to write this, you have no idea. Splinter is my favorite character!!)

As Y/N walks down from Raph's room, she can here Mikey complain about his injuries.

"Dudes, did anyone get a license plate of what hit us last night? Oy my head."

She chuckles as she meets them by the table. "At least you don't have to wear this thing." She wiggles her sling, technically it's already healed, but she has to keep it on for now. "Can I get something to eat?"

"You don't have to ask, doll." Raph says from his spot at the table.

She opens the fridge to find a lot of birthday cake.

"Wow... someone had a happy birthday..." She says, looking at the shear amount of cake.

"Mikey works birthday parties. He brings home a slice for Splinter everyday, even though I've warned him about his high blood sugar!" Donnie says. She chuckles.

"Do you think he'd mind if I had a slice?" She asked hopefully. Her sweet tooth can never be taimed.

Raph chuckles at the look on her face. "I'd wait and ask Tenshi."


"Okay, can we talk about how weird last night was? First tye Foot, then that hideous monster." Donnie says, and he's not wrong.

"Yeah. It looked like your mom, dude." Mikey laughs at his own jokes.

'Yo momma jokes don't work on siblings.' Y/N thinks as she chuckles.

"Yeah, that would make her your mom too, doofus." Donnie replies.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Keep laughing. Last night was an embarrassment." Raph says, slamming his fist on the table.

"I'll tell you what's embarrassing. You can't follow a single order." Leo says.

"So the lighthearted mood is gone..." Y/N says, leaning down and whispering to Mikey. Mikey chuckles.

"Oh, how cute. You've been back for five minutes and now you're schooling us on your master plan?"

"Raph..." Y/N says lowly as a warning, but it falls onto deaf ears.

"Okay, so this is my fault now, huh, Raph? I'm the only one that has to be responsible?"

"Hey, your the trained master, not me." Raph spits.

'He's not really... wrong...' She thinks.

"Dudes, can it. Here comes Splinter." Mikey says, taking a bite of his pizza.

Y/N suddenly gets nervous. Why? Raph had told her about Splinter, he's a great master, and while Y/N may know all she knows, she doesn't know all he knows.

Plus, how's he gonna react to seeing a new face at his table?

Splinter comes in, humming a tune, as the brothers hide their injuries. There isn't any point trying to hide Y/N's.

"Good morning, my son's!" He says in a cheerful tone. His eyes search the table, landing on Y/N. "Boys, who is our guest?"

Y/N stands and bows as a sign of respect. "My name is Y/N, I'm a friend." She stands up straight, smiling at the slightly shorter rat man.

"I see... and how did you meet?" He questions.

"I met Leo in South America, traveling with April O'neil. I believe you know her better than I." She says, chuckling nervously. Splinter truly is intimidating.

"Yes. April is a friend of ours... may I ask how you hurt your shoulder?"

"I was fighting the purple dragons last night, the boys saw me and brought me here. Donnie patched me up." She says, sending a small smile to the purple turtle.

"Ah, I see." He trails into the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee. "Would you like a cup, Y/N?" He offers.

"I would love one sir." She says smiling. She loves this man already.

(Protect him with your life.)

"Please, call me Splinter." He says kindly. "Every ninjas day should start with a healthy breakfast."

Raph starts angrily eating his cereal at Leo. Is that even possible? Yes.

"It fills me with pride to see you boys together again. If anyone needs me, I'll be watching my stories."


"Yes, my dear?"

"Could I have a peice of your cake? And possibly join you?" Y/N says hopefully.

"Of course! Come!" He says. None of his sons enjoy his stories.

Y/N jumps up, grabs a peice from the fridge, and follows after him. She can faintly hear a 'hothead', and a 'Splinter Jr.', but she didn't care.

Raph spares her a glance as she follows after his father. 'Cute...'

"Cody is going to break up with Donna." He says, sitting down and patting the seat next to him. "I just know it."

It's cute how excited he is for 'Gilmore Girls'.

"We interrupt the Gilmore Girls for this special news report."

"Monsters loose in the city? Stranger reports are coming in tonight about an incident at the construction site, that sounds like something out of a science fiction"

"Boys!" Splinter yells behind the couch. "Dojo. Now!"

'Guess I'll never know if Cody breaks up with Donna.' Y/N thinks as she takes a bite of cake. At least she can take the sling off now.

*in the Dojo*

Y/N stands by the door of the Dojo, not really willing to get in the middle of the family squabble. She decides to take off the sling and crosses her arms, just watching.

"Leonardo, I am most disappointed in you. You are the eldest of your brothers." Splinter says, pacing as best he can with his walking stick. "I was counting on you to bring order to the chaos of this family. This is why I have forbidden any surface activity. We cannot return to the surface to fight evil, if we continue to fight each other."

'He seems very wise... why they never listen I'll never understand.' Y/N thinks as she bows her head. She respects this man, unquestionably.

"But Master Splinter, how can I be expected to do so--" Leo tries to argue, but Splinter cuts him off.

"There are no excuses when you are the leader, my student." Splinter says. Not even a 'my son', he means it.

"We have to go out and find who's responsible for this. There ain't no other solution." Raph says. Y/N is curious too, to her knowledge the generals were still in a stone coma.

"Save the brute-vigilante junk for that Nightwatchman." Leo says.

"Nightwatcher..." Raph mumbles, angry his brother undermines him like that.

"It's Nightwatcher, Flippers." Y/N says from her position on the wall. "And hes not that bad of a guy."

Y/N will protect Raph's identity, no doubt about that. But anyone who bad mouths his job is gonna have a bone to pick.

Raph blushes slightly at her defense. If she keeps that up, Splinter will know he loves her too.

"Yeah, whatever... Namaikina..." Leo says sending a smirk her direction, not knowing she speaks Japanese.

"Subeta." She says smirking back, surprising the 3 brothers and their master. "What? I know a lot of languages, want me to start speaking klingon or Vulcan?" She was met with surprised silence. "Nirsh? Ghobe? Ok."

(Thank you Spock for teaching me that XD I love StarTrek)

"I'm going out." Raph says. He doesn't want to listen to Leo bad mouthing his job, even if Y/N eases the tension.

Leo shakes his head as Raph stands to exit. Raph was about to walk past Y/N when she stops him.

"I'm going, Tenshi." He says.

"I wasn't stopping you." She says, surprising him. "I was asking if you wanted me to tag along." She ends, smiling softly at him.

Raph stares at her for a second, thanking whatever force of nature brought her here. But her arm might still be hurt, he cant risk that.

"Nah... doll. Your arm still needs to heal a bit. Stay here, I'll be back in a little while." He says smiling back before leaving.

She stares at his retreating form, while the others smirk to themselves.

"Yo! Raphette! You gonna stare all day?" Mikey yells back at her. Donnie and Splinter chuckle while Leo just smirks in her direction.

"No! I- shut up Mikey! Watashi wa mitsumete imasendeshita... Watashi wa tada... Daijōbu, daijōbudesu! Mitsume teta!" She yells, embarrassed.

"Leave the girl alone, Michelangelo." Splinter chuckles. "She's clearly in love with your brother." He smiles in her direction.

She stands there wide eyed, was she that obvious?

"Yes, you are pretty obvious." Donnie answers her unspoken question. She looks at him like he'd just called her mother a Baishunpu.

She opens her mouth to protest, but realizes he's probably right and closes it. She blushes profusely and lowers her head in slight embarrassment.

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about, my dear. From what I've seen, your good for him." Splinter smiles at her.

She lifts her head and smiles at the man, happy he approves of her.

"Now, let's go back to watching my stories." He says, leaving the Dojo and dragging her along. "If Cody doesn't break up with Donna, I owe Donnie my cake stash..." He whispers once their out of listening distance.

"Well I guess we gotta eat it, in case you're wrong old man." She says as she walks towards the fridge smirking.

"Old? I'm not old... two slices for me." He says, sitting on the couch.

She laughed but obliged, bringing two slices for herself as well.

'I like it here...' She thinks as she sits with Splinter. She likes the lair more than her father's building, a lot more.

(Ok, so, the languages I used in this were Japanese, Klingon, and Vulcan. Sorry I haven't updated in a week :( gotta get back into the swing of classes since I've been homeschooling for the last 5 years. But! I'm getting there!)

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