ask 10 (happy new year's)

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(it's crazy that i didn't realize that 2023 is coming to an end 😅😅😅😅)

*the next day* *at 10:45am*

*at the turtle lair*

No one's POV

*the turtles except for Raph are in the dojo training as they were training everyone wonders why Raph isn't training. 45 minutes later training is over and as the turtles got out of the dojo Raph walked out of his room with a smile on his face*

Leo: *sees Raph* someone is in a good mood today

Donnie: that's because Mona had said yes to Raph

Leo: okay i see you

Raph: *hears his phone ring and then answers it* what up feisty

Keanna: congrats Raph

Raph: thanks, wait how did you know i proposed to Mona?

Keanna: because Mona sent me a picture of the ring, and sneaky question

Raph: *puts the call on speaker* what?

Keanna: does Chompy need some company with Venus?

Raph: he sure does

Mikey: wait you 2 approve them being together?

Keanna: i wouldn't call it together per say but yes

Donnie: did you know that turtles and lizards don't get along?

Keanna: yes i did heard of that but Venus is a pretty chilled lizard

Raph: and Chompy really likes her

Keanna: I'II see y'all in the lair

*5 minutes later* still no one's POV

*the turtles were waiting Keke in the kitchen until they heard*

Keanna: *from the lair entrance* guys where are you?

Leo: we're in the kitchen love

*as she got to the kitchen along side April, Casey, Renet, and Venus the turtles especially Leo had a surprised look on their face about Keke's outfit, with constant of wears a blue headband with a bow attached with one pink. a black cropped tee that is tied in the front with pink and blue leopard spots. For bottoms, she wears a pair of  blue denim short shorts over a pair of two-tone tights: the left leg is pink while the right leg is black. The shoes she wears are a pair of blue high-top sneakers, and her accessories include black glasses, and a pink watch on her right wrist*

(in case you're wondering this is the outfit from "dare 21" and the outfit from Just dance 4 "you make me feel") (and here's the video of the outfit and dance for it)

Keanna: hey guys *sits on the kitchen table*

Mikey: whoa 

Donnie: holy cow

Raph: I'II go get chompy *walks out the kitchen*

Leo: *whistles walks to her and puts his hand on her waist* someone's looking stylish for the end of the year 

Keanna: thanks but if there's a new year's eve party around then it not this outfit i'm wearing

Leo: *chuckles* either way you look gorgeous as always *kisses her lips*

Raph: *walks in with Chompy* nice outfit Keke but get a room you 2

Chompy: *chirps in excitement*

April: someone's excited

*Raph put Chompy down next to Venus then Chompy walks to Venus giving her a eskimo kiss*

Everyone: aawww

(Now for those who don't know an eskimo kiss is an act when lovers rub noses together, i don't know about you but i know it's not much of a kiss but it's really cute)

(anyway back to the story)

Keanna: *holding her t-phone* i can't believe I'm filming this

Raph: send me that video

Mikey: me too please

Keanna: calm down everybody I'm sending it

Raph: *hears his phone ring again* who is it this time *answers it* hey Slash what's going down

Slash: first off congrats on your proposal

Raph: thanks *puts the phone on speaker*

Slash: and second do y'all want to come to a new year's eve party at our lair at 7pm?

Everybody *even Keanna*: yes!!

Slash: okay later guys *hangs up*

Keanna: *picks up her magic staff and changes her outfit* 

(in case y'all wondering it "bad guys ask or dare" " ask 19"

Renet: umm Keke April?

Keanna: yes Renet

Renet: would you 2 go shopping for a outfit with me?

April: sound great

Keanna: of course we will

Karai: are you girls trying to impress your mans?

April: no

Renet: ummm

Keanna: absolutely not, plus the shopping trip is for Renet

April: yup come on girls

*the girls kiss their turtles on the cheek before running out of the lair with the turtles looking confused about what just happened*

Mikey: i should help Leatherhead with the food *gets out the lair*

Donnie: i should help Rockwell the the confetti machine *gets out the lair too*

Raph: umm i think Mona want a kiss from her turtle man, and look at Chompy and Venus *also gets out of the lair*

Leo: what? 

*Leo turns around to see Chompy and Venus sleeping with Venus having her head on Chompy's shell and her tail wrapped around him, Leo thought it looked cute*

Leo: *thinks to himself* what a crazy year and to my surprised near the end of this year i found myself a new friend who is a girl and a few weeks later she's now my girlfriend and now we're dating for a month now, and when i found out that she is disabled i figured that i need too love her more and to my surprised i was able to balance my role as sensei/leader for my siblings and friends and my role as boyfriend for Keanna *walks in the dojo and picks up a heart picture frame that has a photo of Keke nuzzling on his shoulder on the roof from their first date* this girl of mine is really crazy but she is really kind but i really love her and if i didn't meet her i would been single forever

Karai: *walks in the dojo* you know bro I'm actually happy that you found the love of your life and much too my surprised me, April, Shini, and the other turtles have a little sister figure 

Leo: I'm glad y'all adore her

Karai: i agree, and I'm not gonna lie but i am surprised you're the last of the turtles to fall in love with someone

Leo: you don't need to rub it in

Karai: i know i thought it is funny

Leo: 😑😑😑😑😑

*at the mall* *12: 25pm*

*April, Renet, and Keanna are clothing store of the mall shopping for a outfit for Renet for the new year's eve party*

Keanna: found anything you like?

Renet: i sure did let me go try it on

*3 minutes later*

Renet: *steps out the dressing room wearing a dark blue-green short sleeved blouse, blue-green pants, and black heeled boots* what do you think?

April & Keanna: *look at each other and at Renet* you look gorgeous

*renet changes back into her regular clothes and Keke payed for the clothes and shoes and the girls got out of the store*

April: you have a really pretty but the hair and nails has to be done

Renet: why does the hair look good?

Keanna: it sure does but this is a new year and you need a fresh new look 

April: Keke's right and I'm sure Mikey is going to love your new look but he loves you just the way you are

Renet: i guess both of you are right

*the girls went to a nearby hair and nails salon to get Renet's hair and nails done. a few hours went by and it's already 5:55pm and Renet's hair and nails are done with her hair being in curls and in a half up and her nails being blue-green with a orange heart in the center*

Keanna: oh my god it's literally so cute i love it

April: i love it too

Renet: thanks i actually love it too

Keanna: *looks at her phone* oh shoot we have to get ready ourselves 

April: yea let's go to my home you can wait for us

Renet: alright let's go

*an hour later* still no one's POV

*at April's apartment*

Renet: are you girls ready?

April & Keanna: yea we are 

April: *comes out of the bathroom wearing gold glitter dress with a purple belt around the dress, with her hair in bun, and her jewelry is a purple heart necklace with a yellow and purple bead bracelet*

Renet: you look so beautiful

April: thanks and i wonder what you best friend Keke looks like

Renet: i wonder too Keke

Keanna: ( the dress I'm wear is the outfit from "The bad guys ask or dare" "Ruby is nosy") *comes out the bedroom wearing her hair in a high ponytail with a white headband with a pink star, solid white hanging earrings and the blue heart pink music note necklace, top part of the dress being black with pink spaghetti straps and the bottom of the dress also being black with white linings and a pink bow, black leggings, and black sneakers with pink bows*

April & Renet: *gasps* is it really you?

Keanna: yes it is 

Renet: You look extremely lovely, and thanks again for the outfit

Keanna: anything for a best friend group hug

*as the girls did the group hug April's phone started ringing*

April: *breaks the group hug* hello?

Casey: are you girls ready the party started 5 minutes ago and your man's are wait for you

April: calm down Jones we're out now *gets out of the apartment along side Renet & Keanna*

Keanna: is Casey always like this we y'all get ready for a event?

April: most of the time, but you'll get used to it since you're new to the clan

Renet: here we are

April: walk and stand behind me and Keke

Renet: why?

Keanna: because we want to see Mikey's reaction *fangirls* this is gonna be sweet

April: i know I'm excited too let's go

*at the mighty Mutanimals lair* *at 7:15pm*

*in the living room*

Casey: *holding his t-phone camera at the turtles* are the girls coming ?

Leo: Casey you know how girls are with lots of outfit, makeup, and other stuff

Mona: thank you Leonardo, *smirks and looks to the right* speaking of which, there they are now

*the turtles looked too there left and see April and Keanna dressing so pretty with Leo and Donnie having hearts for eyes and looking like they we're about to faint, Casey still has his t-phone on camera mode laughing about what's going on and Karai & Shini walking up to them*

Karai: you 2 look stunning

Shini: April i can finally see you having something nice for once

April: umm thanks i guess

Shini: *turns to Keanna* and Keke where are you getting these outfits? can we be fashion buddies?

Keanna: I'm not the best with fashion but sure

Mikey: where's my Renet?

Keanna: funny you should mention that

*April moves to the right and Keke moves to the left to show Renet, and as they showed Renet's outfit Mikey fainted of how beautiful she is*

Keanna: oh snap 

Renet: *kneels down* Mikey are you okay?

Mikey: you look extremely pretty cupcake

Renet: *helps him up* thanks jellybean *kisses him on the nose*

Donnie: *walks to April* you look so beautiful chinchilla

April: thanks professor D pecks him on the lips*

Leo: *blushes and walks to Keke* you look so cute princess

Keanna: thanks my blueberry prince *kiss him on the cheek* 

Casey: *still holding the camera* *laughing like crazy* blueberry prince

*a few hours went by everybody is having a good time at the party and it is 30 minutes till midnight and the new year*

Casey: 30 minutes left so my turtle dudes do have any memories about this year before the new year?

Donnie: i don't have anything in particular

Casey: okay, Raph?

Raph: proposing to Mona?

April: had you 2 decided on the date for your wedding?

Mona: not yet but will talk about it tomorrow

Karai: i wonder, what about you Mikey?

Mikey: my favorite thing about this year is Renet stopping her time-traveling to stay with me

Renet: awe, i did it because i wanna to stay with you until the end of time

Everyone: aww *then looks at Leo*

Leo: *blushes and sighs* my favorite thing about this year is meeting Keanna and her becoming the love of my life a few weeks later and i will love her not only till the end of time but until my last breath

Everyone: awww

*28 minutes later*

Keanna: speaking of the end of time 2 minutes till midnight

*a minute went by until 12 seconds is left*

Everybody: 10











*as everybody shouted happy new year Rockwell shoot the confetti canon as all the couples share a passionate kiss with everyone else cheering for the new year and for the couples kissing, as the couples broke the kiss they gaze in each others eyes* 

Shini, Keanna, Mona, April, and Renet: i love you 

Karai, Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey: i love you too























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