ask 21 (bad news) (what happened to Keke, Casey, April, Renet, and Shini)

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(question doesn't come until later)

*the next day* *at 11:45am*

*in the lair*

*it was a lazy day at the lair Donnie is in his lab, while Leo, Mikey, and Raph play video games until Keanna, Casey, April, Renet, Karai, Shini, and Shingo walked in*

Casey: yo yo yo everybody

Mikey: aww you got Shingo with you *gets Shingo from Shini and sees him laughing* 

Leo: aww he's in a good mood today *holds Shingo*

Keanna: *hears Donnie's crash* what's going on in there

Mikey: Donnie is everything okay in there? *opens the door*

Donnie: oh no Mikey don't open the door girls and Casey watch out

April: watch out for what?

Keanna: *sees a bottle flying out the lab* aww shoot

*just then the bottle came crashed on the floor and liquid splash on their head and lower back, at first nothing happened but then their heads and backs start to hurt and that's when they start growing animal ears from the top of their heads with Shini having cat ears and tail, Casey having wolf ears and tail, April having red fox ears and tail, Renet having bunny ears and tail, and Keke having bear ears and a puffy tail*

(i will show pictures of them each on the next page)

Donnie: are you guys o- HOLY CHALUPA look at you guys

Mikey: oh snap we have a cat, a wolf, a red fox, a bunny, and a.. what are you flour girl?

Keanna: hold up *pulls out her phone* *shrieks* I'm a bear i know the ears anywhere

Donnie: i need to check on y'all 

(for those who don't have or not familiar with gacha may not get it, and again i will show pictures on the next page)


*15 minutes later*

Donnie: i have good news and bad news

Renet: start with the good

Donnie: good news is y'all are perfectly healthy and no side effects

Casey: what's the bad news?

Donnie: Unfortunately the features you have are Permanent, but on the plus side y'all are cute

Shingo: *crawls on the floor giggles as he trying to get Shini's tail*

Karai: *chuckles* looks like someone likes their forms *hears phones ringing*

Keanna: *answers* hello *hangs up* robots stay out of my phone

(now for the question)

Casey: Leo and Keke i have a sneaky question for you 2

Keanna: what is it?

Casey: Leo and Keanna which one of y'all is the top and bottom?

Leo & Keke: *blushes*

Karai: really? you couldn't give them a cleaner question?

Casey: *laughs* sorry I'm sorry, but seriously you 2 who's the top and bottom

Keanna: Leo is on top

April: why is that?

Keanna: because I'm afraid of breaking his shell regardless if we're in bed or if i pin him against the wall

Leo: i can perfectly understand, but anytime she's on top of me it's rare and it turns me on, but I'll spare y'all and not go into details of what goes down

Keanna: *looks at the time to see 3:00pm on her regular phone* speaking of go, let me see if toffee is in a better mood since she's been cranky all morning *about to leave but is stopped by Leo*

Leo: princess aren't you forgetting something?

Keanna: what? *thinks* oh right *kisses his lips for a minute* sorry sweetie there's a lot of *beep* going down *looks to the left* oh snap

Karai: yep watch the language pink fire, Shingo is still here 

Leo: i get it honey and i don't blame you

Raph: tell your neighbors i we said hi feisty

Keanna: sure thing later guys *leaves the lair*

*at the apartment*

*just as Keke got home she went to see how toffee is doing and thankfully she's in a better mood then Keke decides that she should visit hazel and Patricia since she feels bad about the park problem from yesterday. as Keke went next door she hears hazel whimpering and barking*

Keanna: the door's unlock? what's going on here?*walks in to see the apartment trashed and stuff had been robbed* hey hazel what's wrong? *sees hazel looking at a puddle of blood* what the heck is this? *opens the bedroom door to see Patricia laying on the floor with her shoulder wounded and see the window by the bed is broken* *screams so loud*

*just as Keke screamed in shock Mr. and Ms. Robinson came in like crazy*

Ms. Robinson: Keke sweetheart what's the matter?

Keanna: *in tears* look in the room cuz i can't say it

Mr. Robinson: OH MY GOD!!!!!!! *whips out his phone* I'm calling the police

Ms. Robinson: *whips out her phone* I'm calling the Ambulance, Keke stay with Hazel and Molly

Keanna: on it

*a few hours later* *at 6:45pm*

*lots of time went by and the Robinsons got back from the hospital and brought their policeman friend Daniel Diaz then told Keanna that Patricia is dead and Keke started crying hearing this news*

Keanna: i can't believe this

Officer Diaz: don't worry Ms. Evans just be glad your life is not at risk, now tell us what you saw

Keanna: you see, i was about to pay her a visit and i felt the door unlock and the door is cracked open mind you then as i walked in i see some broken glass from 2 vases then i looked to my right to see her dog hazel whimpering and seeing a small puddle of blood, and i found this note on Patricia's bed it says that she was the one who trespass inside, unalive her, and stole everything  that belong to Patricia & her late sister Sofia and Sofia's husband Pablo even Patricia's own money. and even breaking the window to get out

Officer Diaz: whoa this is crazy but thanks for telling me, and don't worry we won't send you far away from new York. but i have one question

Keanna: what is it?

Officer Diaz: do you have any idea why won't she do this?

Keanna: i have no idea but I'm sure as heck she did this out of revenge

Ms. Robinson: why would you think that?

Keanna: because the first time i encounter her she called me and Patricia crazy for breaking her car window for leaving her ex-husband's a hot car i might add and as Steve left her she stopped and gave me a death glare saying "you will regret this badly".  okay she didn't say it but  by the look on her face tells me that she's up to no good, heck even if she is plotting revenge i have no idea what's going on with her nor what she's up too. so in conclusion i think she did this because not only she didn't get anything out of the divorce and the fact that her best friend is in prison for the rest of her life *thinks* oh yea and her name is Pamela by the way ex-wife to Steve Lewis

Officer Diaz: oh that's right she didn't pay her fine for her animal cruelty, can i take that note with me?

Keanna: sure thing officer *gives it to him*

Officer Diaz: thanks guys i have to get going and thanks again Ms. Evans *leaves*

Keanna: that was crazy and good thing i took a picture of that note

Mr. Robinson: it sure was

Keanna: but suddenly i felt grateful 

Ms. Robinsons: why is that?

Keanna: because outside of Julia and Pamela i don't see anyone else who is a cruel regardless of whether or not their a gold-digger not to mention the funeral is moved to later this month and the fact my guinea pig is alive. and i got to get going, and before you ask yes i am gonna tell the turtles about this later guys

Robinsons: later Keanna

*in the lair*

*as Keke got toffee from her room and magic herself to the lair, as she walked in Mikey saw her*

Mikey: hey Keke you're back and you got toffee with you this time, and what happened to your eyes?

Raph: oh my god their red and puffy, yo fearless something's up with your girl

Leo: *gets out the dojo* what is it guys *looks at his girlfriend's face to see her eyes puffy and tear stains on her cheeks* aww sweetie you've been crying? what happened?

Keanna: yes I've been crying 

*just before Keanna is about to tell what happened April & Donnie got out of the lab, Raph & Mona came out of Raph's Room, Karai, Shini, & Shingo got out of the dojo, And Casey & Renet just walked in the lair*

April: what's going on in here?

Shini: what's the matter pink gem?

Keanna: i have some terrible news that happened when i got home 

Renet: let me hold on to toffee *gets toffee* now tell us what happened that was so terrible

*30 minutes later*

*as Keke is finished tell what happened everyone is shocked as Keke cried in Leo's arms as he comforted her, Casey gave her some tissues, and everyone else said "sorry for your loss"*

Donnie: you said that the same woman who trapped her ex-husband's dog in the car had broke in robbed everything and unalive her?

Keanna: *blows her nose* yes and if that wasn't enough she left a note that she admitted everything

Donnie: did you take the note with you?

Keanna: yes but the police needs it for evidence so it's a good thing i took a picture of it *gives her phone to Donnie* take a look

Donnie: it says *reads aloud* "Dear Keanna, if you're are reading this yes i was the one who robbed everything that belong to Patricia, her sister, and even her sister's husband even Patricia's money. and yes i was the one who killed her too on a count of you being crazy and this is for getting my best friend Julia in trouble and this is for ruining my relationship, and there's nothing you can do about it, so deal with it."

Raph: oh my god and i thought Julia is crazy but we we're wrong

April: what happened to hazel?

Keanna: thankfully she's alive but the Robinsons taken her in and is sad that her owner is gone, and yes hazel and Molly got along well last time i checked

Casey: that's rough Keke i can't believe it either

Renet: do you want me want me to take toffee in for the day?

Keanna: no i think that would be too much for you 

Renet: no i insist plus I'm sure this is hard on you and i don't blame you at all, heck me, Karai, Shini, and the mighty Mutanimals just met her

Leo: and Keke, do you want to live with me any my brothers for a few weeks until things cooled off?

Keanna: i don't know Leo once again it's too much 

Leo: no sweetie it's not too much heck my brothers and i love having you here

April: listen Keke I've been in a similar situation like this staying in the lair for a while because of the Krang

Keanna: Leo told me this at one point, and i texted the Robinsons about me staying there until things calmed down and they said to me good thinking

Shini: it's good that you let them know *sees Shingo yawn*

Karai: aww someone is tired we have to get going see ya guys *leaves along side Shini and Shingo*

Casey: i have to get going too i have a special time at 8pm

Raph: and, where are you going Jones?

Casey: i have a hangout to go to with....someone special

Keanna: is it Lillian Lewis aka Lily?

Casey: yea, wait how did you know?

Keanna: i ran into her the other day and I'll tell the story later

April: was it the waitress from the diner we went to?

Casey & Keanna: yes

Renet: is she your...

Casey: not yet 

Renet: are you-?

Casey: yes

Donnie: remember what April & Keanna told you

Casey: don't worry i know they told me last week, plus i saw some youtube videos for extra pointers

Leo: good for you

Mikey: good luck

Casey: thanks guys see ya *leaves the lair*

April: *picks up toffee* don't worry Keke we'll take good care of toffee

Keanna: thanks i really owe you 2

Renet: no trouble pink magic *leaves the lair along side April*

Mona: *kisses Raph* I'm so sorry for your loss Keanna i bet she's a great lady to have *laves the lair*

Keanna: thanks Mona

Leo: *soothes her back* i am so sorry this happened princess

Keanna: it looks like there will be 2 funerals for the price of 1

Donnie: speaking of price, do you think Patricia has a will?

Keanna: i don't think so, my prediction is no

Mikey: if she did she would most definitely give it to you

Keanna: to me? heck no 

Raph: heck yes, in case i was wrong you've been friendly with the Flores' and spending time with them

Keanna: that's true but it's literally not Guaranteed like what the heck

Leo: she's right Mikey

*another few hours later*

*it's been another set of hours the turtles and Keke just finished dinner then Raph, Donnie, & Mikey went to bed while Leo is mediating, after half an hour later Leo decides to go check on his girlfriend*

*in Leo's room*

*as he walked in he sees Keke putting the twins back in the tank*

Leo: hey princess, how are you? are you feeling any better?

Keanna: a little bit, i just put the twins back in the tank and their are sleeping *stretches her back and sits on the bed* 

Leo: do you want me to give you a shoulder massage?

Keanna: yes thank you *puts her hair on a side bun and takes her blouse off*

*just as she lay down Leo started to massage her shoulders and back this made her feel slightly relaxed, after 15 minutes Leo got her so relaxed she fell asleep wanting her to be warm he pulled out a heavy blanket and pull it on her*

Leo: *about to walk out the room but then stop* you know what? like me cuddle her, heck i gave her enough space so i might as well sleep with her *gets in bed then holds her close* 

Keanna: *kisses his cheek then puts her head on his chest* i love you my handsome prince *falls back asleep*

Leo: *kisses her forehead* i love you too my beautiful princess *falls asleep*

Shout out to smg34isthebestship34 for this question

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