dare 9 (what happened to Leo!?!?)

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*the next day* *at 8:30am*

Keanna POV

*Keke was in the lair in Leo's room sleeping she was peacefully sleeping until she heard screaming from outside the room*

Donnie: OH MY GOD

Keanna: *wakes up and runs out the bedroom and into the living room* hey what's going on here?

April: Mikey has pranked Raph again then he started chasing Mikey into Donnie's lab Leo try you stop them but some chemical got on Leo's face and......

Keanna: did his face got burned?

April: no but look in the lab and see for yourself

*In the lab*

*as Keanna walked in the lab and had a shocked and awed look on her face*

Keanna: WHAT THE HECK!?!?!!?

Donnie: *holds Leo who is a baby* yep he's a baby

Keanna: aww he looks so cute up close than in the photo

Casey: what do you mean than in the photo?

Keanna: I'm not sure if you were in the lair but um...

*Flashback* *from 2 weeks ago*

 Karai POV

*in the Dojo*

*In the dojo Karai was looking at a photo album of her turtle brothers when they were babies and little kids she thought they were so adorable this make the turtles blush like crazy, until April, Renet, Mona, and Keanna walk the lair and into the dojo*

Keanna: what's up everybody

Karai:  hey girls come look at this

Turtles: *groans* Karai why!?!?!?!?

April, Renet, Mona, & Keanna: *looks at the photo album* aawww

Mona: aww Raph you're so adorable

Raph: *blushes*

April: Donnie you're a precious genius

Donnie: *blushes and chuckles*

Renet: aww you're so endearing i love the freckles *kisses his cheeks*

Mikey: *blushes and giggles* 

Keanna: *looks at a photo to the left* who's that 

Karai: *chuckles*

Keanna: *looks again then realizes* oh my god!!!! Leo you're so cute i want to pinch those cheeks

Leo: what!? no no no no no no *steps backwards and runs out the dojo* no you're not

Keanna: *runs after him*  oh yes i am

*as Keke ran after Leo he tripped over and fell on the beanbag chair and then Keke got on top of him*

Keanna: guess you really fell for me

Leo: *chuckles* i guess i did 

Keanna: *pinches his cheeks* little smushed face

Leo: honey stop it

Keanna: *chuckles* you're not pulling the leader card on me

Leo: oh yes i am sweetie

*end of flashback*

April: i can't lie but what you did to Leo was kinda cute

Keanna: *picks up little Leo* i know, and D is there an antidote for him to turn back?

Donnie: yea there is I'II let you know until i find it

Keanna: okay *walks out the lab with little Leo in her arms*

*later at 12:05pm*

*as time went on Keke is having fun with little Leo from reading some books, playing catch with a small ball (oh snap i rhymed), from Keke making him jump making him laugh, even taking selfies with her T-phone*

Little Leo: *yawns and snuggles on Keke's shoulder then kisses her cheek then falls asleep*

Keanna: *smiles then kisses his forehead*

*30 minutes later*

Donnie: Keanna come to the lab

Keanna: shhh

Donnie: what?

Keanna: Leo is sleeping

Donnie: oh i got the cure now let me spray this on him

*everybody came running to the lab as Donnie sprays the cure he starting to turning Leo back to himself with him still in Keke arms with his legs around her waist*

Keanna: my baby turtle boy is back *kisses his cheek*

Casey: *laughing* baby turtle boy

Leo: *blushes* thanks Donnie

Renet: and Keanna i never knew you we're good with children

Leo: none of us knew

Keanna: well despite my temper I'm kinda decent with kids 

*5 minutes later*  *after lunch* *2:00pm*

Keanna: where the heck is my laptop?

Leo: hey guys, look what i found on Keke's laptop

*as Leo said this everyone gather around Leo and see picture of Keke when she was a little girl*

(If you look at "Keanna Q&A" "face reveal" with the second real life picture, yes that's the one)

Everyone: aawww

Mikey: she's so cute

Raph: *chuckles* peace out

Shini: her hair is adorable

*as everyone cooing over the photos of when Keke was a little girl Keanna stomped over and snatches her laptop off Leo's lap*

Keanna: what the heck is wrong with you

Leo: what? i found it open

Keanna: still, i need to go come on Venus *picks up Venus and puts the lizard on her shoulder*

Raph: yo feisty before you go i have a dare for you

Keanna: what is it redhead?

Raph: *chuckles at the nickname* i dare you to roast Casey

Casey: What?!?!!?

Raph: I'm sorry due to how many clashes you 2 have

Keanna: okay, I'm about to ruin skull boy's whole career

Karai: *snickers* skull boy *fist bumps Keke*

Keanna: Casey you're such a ABCDEFGHIJK

Casey: what does that mean?

Keanna: Attractive, brilliant, Cute, Dazzling, Elegant, Funny, Gorgeous, Hot

*just as Keke said that the girls had a "what the heck" look on there faces, Leo starting to get jealous, and other turtles have a shocked look on their faces and Casey starting to blush like crazy*

Casey: aww what about I J K?

Keanna: I'm Just Kidding *hits the woah and dabs then leaves*

everybody *but Casey*:


Shini: *between laughs* this girl is a savage

Mikey: i need a doctor *wheezes from laughing*

Casey: I'm really am speechless

Leo: i am too not from Keke's roast but from angering her again

April: are you going to do something about it?

Leo: yes but i need a lot of time to think

(to be continued)

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