Healing hands and midnight spiciness (dare 6)

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*later at 12:05am* 

*In the lair the turtles are getting ready for bed well except for Leo who woke up 20 mins before. As Leo hears his brothers went to there rooms, he got out of his room and out of the lair to go to Keanna's home to see if his healing hands work on a sick person*

*At Keanna's apartment*

Still Leo's POV

*As Leo got in the window to Keke's room he is surprised that she is awake in the middle of the night*

Leo: how long you've been awake?

Keanna: i just woke up 5 mins ago

Leo: that's crazy. Anyway, do you remember that i told you about the healing hands?

Keanna: yes, why'd you ask?

Leo: because i want to use it on you too heal your cold

Keanna: are you kidding me? i don't want you to use your powers to heal me to make me recover

Leo: i know but i love you and willing to do anything to make you sickness go away, so please do it, for me?

Keanna: *thinks for a second then nods*

Leo:  *smiles* now sweetie please don't move

Keanna: *lays down* do whatever you need to do darling

Leo: *does it and places his hands on the sides of her face healing her*

(now I'm may not be the best at writing japanese but if you can understand what there saying while doing healing hand, let me know)

Keanna: *opens her eyes* whoa

(okay i know if the healing hands can heal injuries but sick people i don't know if that's the case, but for the sake of this book i might as well play along*

Leo: so how are you feeling princess?

Keanna: a lot better thanks to you *Hugs him tight*

Leo: *hugs her back*

Keanna: *smirks* i think you deserve a little something

Leo: *smirks* oh yeah, what's that *sits on the bed*

Keanna: *sits on his lap then touches and looks at his lips*

Leo: *looks at hers* i see what you're saying you want to give me a kiss

Keanna: yes and when i was sick i was angry that i couldn't kiss you, just shut up and kiss me

Leo: oh I am so giving you more than a kiss 

*Leo puts his hands on Keke's hips while her hands are on his cheeks leaning in as their lips touched. The kiss was alluring, heartfelt, passionate, and felt so right, as they kiss Keanna slips her tongue in his mouth making Leo opens his mouth for him to tongue her. breaks the kiss and starts kissing, licking, and gently biting her neck and her ears making her moan like crazy and squeezing his shoulders*

Leo: oww, *smirks* someone is feeling needy

Keanna: *blushes so hard* what'd you expect? if i kiss you while I'm sick i might get you sick

Leo: i see your point honey

*Keke shuts him up by kissing, licking, and gently biting his neck making him groan in pleasure and rubbing her crouch. then Leo take off her pajamas and Keke takes off his gear but not his mask*

Leo: *rubs the sides of her back* don't worry honey i love you for who you are not just your body or how you look 

Keanna: i believe that, now let me take care of you since you took care of me 

*Keke gets off the bed and on her knees then starts rubbing, licking and sucking his member leaving him throwing his back groaning in pleasure with Keke going deeper causing him to groan louder until he releases*

Leo: *breathes heavily* whoa, you took great care of me and now i will return the favor

 *Leo puts Keanna back on the bed opens her legs rubs and eats her clit leaving her wrapping her legs and hands around his head and moaning in pleasure, and inserts his fingers and contuines to pleasure her until she releases*

Keanna: *breathes heavily unable to talk*

Leo: looks like someone loved it, can i prove to you how much i love you?

Keanna: what do you mean by that?

Leo: you know how much i love and care about you?

Keanna: yes

Leo: well i want to insert myself inside of you, can i?

Keanna: please don't keep yourself inside when you release

Leo: *kisses her lips* whatever you want princess, and I'II be gentle

*Leo pins down Keanna kisses her again then inserts into of her making both of them moan and groan in pleasure. Then Leo sits himself up still inserted inside of her then sits up Keke and takes her in his arms moaning and groaning each others names*

*3 mins later*

Leo: *groaning* Keanna i can't hold on much l-longer 

Keanna: *moaning* Leonardo i love you

Leo: *groans* i love you too Keanna *pulls himself out and releases himself on her face*

Keanna: *licks her lips* you're so sweet

Leo: *blushes like crazy* really

Keanna: yes, gotta hit the showers

Leo: *gets a smug look on his face* mind if i join you?

Keanna: *blushed like crazy then smirks* come on my prince

(Okay for those of you who have a pet turtle here are some things to note when bathing a turtle, for example they can't be in hot water and the other is stay away from soap when bathing a turtle. now i don't have a turtle myself i just want to share this for those who have a pet turtle)

*Keanna leads Leo the the bathroom and turns on the shower on and gets in. As they got in Keanna start to wash his shell which leaving Leo kissing her lips and washing her back*

(y'all can use you imagination of what's going on in there)


*20 mins later*

*Leo and Keke got out of the shower with Keke putting on a new set of pjs and got into bed which Leo is in, as Keke got in bed she kisses Leo on the lips with him kissing her back*

Leo: *pulling Keanna close to his chest* I love you my princess don't ever forget that *falls asleep*

Keanna: *snuggles close to his plastron* i love you too my prince*falls asleep*

*the next morning* *at 7:00am*

*Leo wakes up and sees that his girlfriend still sleeping and he had a smile on his face not only of how much he loves Keanna but the time he had with her last night so he got out of bed and kiss Keke on the forehead and gets in the kitchen to make her breakfast*

*10 mins later*

Leo: *walks in her room with a wooden tray of chocolate chip waffles, sunny-side up eggs, bacon, a bowl of maple brown sugar rolled oats, a bowl of mixed berries, and a mug of hot chocolate* rise and shine sleeping beauty 

Keanna: morning honey, I'm surprised you're still here

Leo: i thought that i can make my girl some breakfast *places the tray in front of her*

Keanna: that's really sweet of you baby, and i did had a fun time *sips her drink*

Leo: i did had a great time too, *picks up his phone and looks at the time* speaking of time i got to get going I'II see you later on. so can i get a kiss from my princess?

Keanna: how can i so no to my prince *Kisses him on the lips*

Leo: *breaks the kiss* enjoy your breakfast princess *gets out the window*

*in the lair* *at 7:25am*

*As Leo got to the lair he got into the dojo where he sees his brothers, his sister, and his sister's girlfriend training*

Raph: there you are fearless, where have you been?

Karai: went to see blackberry didn't you?

Mikey: speaking of which, how's Keke doing?

Leo: yes i did went to see her, and she's doing good and the healing hands worked

Donnie: that's good to hear

Raph: not to mention, you got spicy again *rolls his eyes* so much for prince Leo

Mikey: speaking of spicy i have a dare you April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, and Keanna

Shini: really, what dare is that?

Mikey: Y'all gotta wait till lunchtime it's indeed a challenge

Still No One's POV

*at 12:15pm* *at the park*

*it was mins pass noon April, Casey, Renet, and Keanna are in the park with Casey on his roller blades, Renet on roller skates, April on her bike, and Keanna on her scooter*

April: Renet, how are you doing with those skates?

Renet: I'm getting the hang of it

Casey: that's great to hear, once you get better at it i can teach you some move

Renet: that's cool if Mikey comes along

Keanna: and i hope you 2 brought you shoes along 

Casey: of course we did

Renet: *hears her phone ring, answers it and puts it on speaker* hey pickle

Mikey: hey cupcake, i was hoping you, April, Casey, and Keanna join us for lunch, cuz i got a dare for you guys

Casey: sure we'll come

April: and tell D to open the secret ramp

Donnie: why is that doll?

April: you'll see *hangs up*

*in the lair*

Donnie: *on his laptop* i wonder why they need a ramp

Raph: whatever it is i hope there not on that same thing Mikey is doing

*with April, Casey, Renet, and Keanna*

Renet: *sees glowing in the alley* there it is *skates over*

Casey: race you girls *starts skating*

Keanna: are you kidding me? *starts scooting*

April: you can't be serious *starts peddling*

*as they were riding to the ramp they ended to in Donnie's lab. luckily the lab door is open and they crashed into the living room between the couch and tv*

Donnie: so that's why they said to open the door

Leo, Karai, and Shini: *runs out of the dojo*


Shini: are you guys okay

April, Casey, Renet, & Keanna: yea we're okay

Keanna: we're not hurt

Leo: what's going on with y'all, i see this with Mikey, Casey, & Raph but not you princess

*in the kitchen* * at 12:30pm*

*it was lunchtime the turtle and the humans are in the kitchen with April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna sitting at the table and Donnie reacording on his video camera*

Karai: so what's this dare you have for us

Mikey: the is for y'all to do the NASHVILLE HOT CHICKEN CHALLENGE 

Raph: *thinks to himself* so that's why i smell spicy and only the humans do this dare

Mikey: I'm gonna serve y'all 5 rounds of hot chicken tenders increasing in spice from mild to the spicy known as the reaper. you must eat each of  the whole tender in front of y'all

Renet: i don't know if i can

Mikey: don't worry cupcake y'all can quit at anytime, and if y'all do you, i have a pizza box for you and a bowl of ice cream in the freezer.

 April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: *nods*

Mikey: but if you can make it through all 5 rounds until the end, you will be the champion and your prize is that you can make ice cream sundae, and don't worry you can still have you pizza too.

 April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: *eyes lit up*

Mikey: alright let's start with our mild round on the left

April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: *eats the tender*

Mikey: how's the 1st one

April & renet: kinda sweet

Donnie & Mikey: just like you

* April & Renet started blushing with everyone started chuckling*

Leo: is everybody ready for the next round?

 April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: yea *moves to the medium heat tender*

Donnie: how's level 2?

Keanna: *feels a bit frustrated* once again it taste sweet but this time i feel a bit of spice

Leo: sweet and spicy just like you baby

Keanna: 😑😑😑😑😑😑

Leo: i mean it sweetie, anyway is everybody ready for the next round?

 April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: yea

Shini: I'm a little scared

Renet: me too

Mikey: remember you can quit at anytime

Keanna: there's no way I'm wimping my way out of this

Raph: that's what I'm talking about *give Keke a high Three/Five*

Karai: let's start round 3

 April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: * eats tender #3*

Raph: How's that one?

Karai: I'm defiantly getting build up on that one

  April, Casey, Shini, & Keanna: *nods in agreement*

Renet: my back is starting to sting

Keanna: me too, but I'm still staying

Donnie: onto round 4 the extra hot

 April, Karai, Casey, Renet, Shini, & Keanna: *moves to the 4th tender*

Mikey: how's that?

Casey: i'm starting to sweat

Girls: same here

Renet: i want too sit it out *stands up and sits next to Mikey who gave her a kiss on the cheek*

April: me too *stands up and goes to Donnie who gave her a kiss on the cheek*

Mikey: whoa 2 quits

Raph: you 2 did a great job 

April & Renet: thanks

Donnie: and look at this, Keke is going through the roof 

Casey & Shini: I can't *sits on the counter*

Raph: dang another 2 who are quitting

Karai & Keanna: * gives each other a high five and smirks at Casey*

Mikey: *looks at Karai and Keanna* Are you 2 ready for the 5th and final tender?

Karai & Keanna: *looks at each other then looks at Mikey* YES!!!!!!

Leo: now before you 2 eat it, we want both of y'all to know that WE LOVE YOU

*everyone got up and did a group hug on Karai & Keanna*

(sorry i was crying while writing this scene 😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢)

*a minute pass as everyone broke the hug and Keanna & Karai sat down to eat the last tender, as the girls ate it they both started sweating more, Karai's face is slightly turning red and Keanna started to tearing up and then Leo brings out a box a tissues for both of them*

Mikey:  congratulations Karai and Keanna you 2 are able to get through this hot chicken challenge and after we finish eating both of you can make you sundaes.

*10 minutes later*

*after everyone's done eating Karai have this happy smirk on her face while Keanna is jumping and fangirling*

Mikey: are you 2 excited to make your sundaes?

Karai & Keanna: yes

* 5 minutes later*

*the girls were done making their sundaes with Karai having vanilla and cookies and' cream ice cream, whipped cream, mixed nuts, chocolate sprinkles, crushed oreos, dark chocolate chips, and caramel syrup. While Keke's sundae has chocolate and mint chocolate chip ice cream, chocolate whipped cream, crushed oreos, m&m's, wafer sticks, white chocolate chips, and  chocolate syrup*

Karai: *smirks* look at you a chocolate explosion over here

Keanna: your's look good too, where the heck is my...there it is * takes a picture*

Mikey: hold on i need a picture of both of your sundaes *takes a picture*

Keanna & Karai: *clings spoons* cheers *eats their sundaes*

April: how is it?

Keanna: not to brag but, it tastes like victory *goes to eat in Leo's room*

*everyone leaves the kitchen and Shini and Karai goes to Splinter's room*

Karai & Shini POV

Karai: *sits on the bed* i know you lost but, do you want to share with me?

*Shini says yes and Karai starts feeding her and Shini feeds her in return*

*3 minutes later*

Shini: that was delicious

Karai: do you know what else is delicious?

Shini: what's that?

Karai: you *kisses her lips*

*as they kiss they started to take off their clothes*

Keanna POV

*in Leo's room Keke is still eating her sundae, she is still eating because she has a couple of brain freezes*

Leo: *walks in his room* whoa you ate half of your sundae *sits on the floor next to her*

Keanna: what is it baby? you want a taste? *eats another spoon*

Leo: *in a seductive voice* yes sugar 

Keanna: *gives him a seductive look and romantically feeds him*

*another 3 minutes later*

Leo: that was delicious *caresses cheek and chin and looks at her lips* can i kiss you chocolate?

Keanna: *leans in* you don't need to ask too touch we everytime we touch, kiss and/or love act 

Leo: I'm asking because not only I'm being a gentleman but I'm making sure you feel comfortable and if you feel uncomfortable i will stop, *picks her up in bridal style and pins her on his bed* now give me some sugar 

*Leo kisses Keanna on the lips and takes off her jumper dress then licks her lips for entry which accepts *

Keanna: *breathes heavily* before dating me, how do you know how to make a girl feel good? *grabs his hand and licks his fingers

Leo: you don't wanna know and let's be careful with our love actions

 *Leo kisses, licks, and nibbles her neck and shoulders making her moan in pleasure*

Keanna: Leo, make me happy

*Leo smiles gets down then inserts his fingers and then eats her lower lower lips leaving her moaning louder in pleasure*

*5 minutes later*

Keanna: *breathes heavily* let me take care of you

*as Keke said that she gets down and starts to licks his member making him groan in pleasure*

*another 5 minutes later*

Leo: *screams in pleasure and releases*

 *Leo breathes heavily then gets on top of her and inserts himself inside of her, making Keke moan louder*

*10 minutes later*

*Keke & Leo are cuddling with Leo half spooning her and Keke snuggling her head into his chest*

Leo: *caressing her face* have i ever told you that you have a piece of my heart?

Keanna: *blushes like crazy* you sure did not, and if you're saying this now i believe it *yawns and kisses his cheek* *in a sleepy voice* i love you baby *falls asleep*

Leo: i love you too sweetie *fall asleep*

*with Karai and Shini*

(let's just say the same thing happened with Leanna)

Karai: *nuzzling in Shini's neck*

Shini: looks like someone enjoyed what we did *caresses her back*

Karai: i did enjoyed it *kisses her lips* i love you kitten *falls asleep*

Shini: i love you too baby *falls asleep*

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