(Ramona comes home, funny flashbacks, & girls day out)

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*2 days later* *at 9:00am*

*it's been 2 days crazy stuff has happened Keke was on tv, a day after that they went to court and Lily's exes serving jail time of 15 years spending counterfeit money, 7 years for stalking and harassing Lily & Keke, and another 2 years for stealing and blaming it on Keke, but on the other hand Keke is pardoned but pay $300,000 for the counterfeit crime even it wasn't her fault.*

*present* *at Keke's apartment*

*it was a sunny day and Keke just got back from walking and just as she got in the inside she changed into (bad guys ask or dare "dare 25), she heard a knock at the door it is Abby & Amelia with their daughters Blair & Isabelle*

Keanna: hey guys *feels Isabelle hugging her she hugged back* what's going on? y'all needed time for yourselves for the day?

Abby: yep and i thought that Isabelle & Blair wanted to hang out with their cousin

Keanna: aww that's no problem 

Amelia: aww thanks Keke so Blair is already fed and changed all her stuff is in this bag 

Keanna: okay

Abby: now Isabelle have fun and be really good *kisses her head*

Isabelle: i will *sees her mom & aunt leave* what are we doing today?

Keanna: I'm not sure but i was thinking- *phone rings* hello? hey baby. oh really? of course I'll come to the Mutanimals, but i have little belle and Blair with me. okay I'm on my way. bye my prince *hangs up* 

Isabelle: *smirks*

Keanna: why'd you making that face?

Isabelle: was that your boyfriend?

Keanna: how'd you know?

Isabelle: the way you were smiling and you said prince

Keanna: y'all find someone someday but of course you're too young 

*later outside*

*just as they girls are outside the Mutanimals lair Isabelle heard a something*

Isabelle: whoa what is that?

Keanna: that is a spaceship let's get inside

*inside the Mutanimals lair*

Keanna: hey guys i can tell y'all heard the ship landed

April: how'd you know

Keanna: i saw it outside 

Raph: *walks in along side his wife Mona* hey hey hey everybody *greeted everyone until he got to his best friend Keke, his sister, and his future sister-in-law* hey girls congrats engagement *looks at Keke* and your role as a god mama

Keanna, Karai, Shini: thanks

Leo: speaking of Keke's role as a godmother, Keke you're gonna hang out with Crystal too?

Keanna: i was thinking the same thing and- *hears door open*

Bebop: yo yo yo 

Crystal: *runs to Keke into her arms* hi godmommy

Keanna: hey sweetie *looks at Bebop & Rocksteady* let me guess you 2 wanted a break for the day?

Rocksteady: yes and i just realized while babysitting her you haven't taken her out

Keanna: that's exactly what I'm doing along side my 2 step-cousins here

Bebop: speaking out *turns to Raph* how was y'all honeymoon?

Raph: it was great

Mona: which were not going into detail

Bebop: we won't ask, now now little gem be good don't give godmama a hard time

Crystal: i won't 

*just then Bebop & Rocksteady left and then Isabelle walked up to Leo*

Isabelle: you must be my cousin's boyfriend *shakes his hand* nice to meet you*

Leo: *chuckles* nice to meet you too, she's really polite

Donnie: wait how did you know that Leo is Keke's boyfriend?

Isabelle: *blushes* cuz i saw them kiss

Mikey: peek-a-boo *pop on the side of the stroller*

Blair: *laughs*

Mikey: *chuckles* she thinks I'm funny *smirks at Raph*

Raph: Mikey don't ask

Keanna: *looks at Crystal & Isabelle* and you 2 better not ask either like wait until your older

Donnie: she's right it's just weird

Raph: *smirks at Leo & Keke who is holding Blair* speaking of weird, feisty something funny happened with your boo

Keanna: what is it? blueberry what did you that was weird?

Leo: *facepalm* oh boy remember the time i first kissed Keke?

Mikey: yea

Leo: well it happened of course before we stopped the purple dragons bank thing


*it is noon time in the lair and Leo decided to not train today and go on patrol the city later tonight, at this point Leo is sleeping of course thinking about his crush Keanna*

(*dream scene*)

*in the dream Leo walks up to Keke's window he wants to talk to her about something *

Keanna: *opens the window* come on in

Leo: *gets in and sits on her bed* 

Keanna: what's up Leo?

Leo: Keanna i have something to confess to you, i....I 

Keanna: *sits next to him and touches his face* Leo i trust you spill

Leo: *gently holds her wrist where she is touching his cheek* this is hard for me to say but- i have feelings for you and- I LOVE YOU *pauses* if you don't feel that way i under-

Keanna: *put her finger on his lips* shh i love you too, come to think of it i have the same feelings for you too 

Leo: i keep calling you beautiful, you're smart, funny, and really kind. would you like to be my girlfriend?

Keanna: yes

Leo: do you wanna...kiss?

Keanna: like make out with you?

Leo: something like that

Keanna: just kiss me 

*just then Leo slightly smirks then kisses her on the lips and he feels Keke kissing back. Leo is so into the kiss that he got on top of her slightly biting her lip asking for entrance which she denied Leo did not like that then he kisses her neck as he heard her moan, as this point he kissed her again and slightly slips his tongue in her mouth and she gave in*

(*back to reality*) *6:30pm*

*in reality Leo is kissing his blanket thinking he is kissing Keke until Raph bust in his room*

Raph: hey fearless isn't time- *opens his mouth in shock and takes a picture of Leo making out with his blanket then snaps a picture of it*

Mikey: hey what's going on here?

Leo: *opens his eyes* whoa what are you doing?

Mikey: my question for you is, why are you kissing your blanket?

Donnie: i believe it must be that Keanna girl he is hanging out with and have a crush on

Leo: no it not, let's just go *walks out his room* *thinks to himself* Don's right i do have a crush on her and maybe today i will kiss her, if she let's me

*end of flashback*

Keanna: *laughs*

Blair: *giggles*

Leo: aww you think my story is funny *tickles her stomach sees her giggle* and that's not the only embarrassing moment that involve you sweetie a day after the kiss  

Isabelle: what happened?

Leo: oh goodness *chuckles*

Keanna: it happened a day after a meet April


Keanna POV

*at 8:00am*

*it is morning and Keke just woke up and got dressed and looked at her turtle plushy*

Keanna: i can't believe i kissed a turtle and the icing on the cake is that i love the kiss so much *hears a knock at the door* who could that be at this hour? *walks to the door to see the Robinsons* hey what's up?

Ms. Robinson: hey Keke my husband & I will be working overtime

Keanna: why? did y'all made a mistake or something?

Mr. Robinson: no once a week we work an extra 2 hours and sleep in a motel and come back home the next night but we gotten used to it but this time Molly wanted some company

Keanna: no problem at all

Ms. Robinson: aww thanks we'll be back tomorrow night *give her some money* here's some money for lunch and dinner

Keanna: okay thanks

*a several hours later* *at 6:50pm*

*it been a several hours and Keke is on the couch watching tv until she gets a text from the blue clan turtle*

*text message*

Leo: hey Keke, want to hang out?

Keanna: as much as i want too, but i can't today. because I'm pet sitting my neighbors cat 😢

Leo: that's understandable

Keanna: heck and they won't be back until tomorrow evening and/or night

Leo: don't worry i will support you on it 👌☺️😊

Keanna: *voice message* aww you're so sweet *kiss sound*

*text message ends*

*in the lair*

*just as Keke sent that kiss sound Leo started blushing like crazy and smiled until Raph walks in*

Raph: hey Leo the pi- ooooh looks like someone has send a message to the fearless leader

Leo: that's none of your business 

Donnie: is it that girl Keanna that kissed you on the cheek the other day?

Leo: *blushes* yes i asked if she wants to hang out but can't because she's busy and send me a text that made me smile

Mikey: oooh what she said?

Leo: that's none of your- *feels Donnie taking his phone* hey

*just as his brothers play the voice message they smirked as Leo turned red and takes his phone back*

Leo: I'll be out in a minute

*end of flashback*

Keanna: that was crazy

Isabelle: you 2 are the dream couple

Leo: aww thanks

Raph: i kinda understand why Keke said if there one word to describe you it's princess and i thought you would be spoiled and rude, but you're actually polite and kind

Keanna: *looks at her phone* damn it's 5 minutes till 10

Raph: where are you taking the girls?

Keanna: to the botanical garden 

April: whoa that sounds like fun

Keanna: i used to go there when i was a kid and i remember wearing some cherry blossom on my head 

(true story in real life)

Leo: oh you worn real flowers on your head?

Keanna: yes and some Japanese area, maybe we would go there for our date one day

Leo: i would love that

*as he said that Leo carefully dips Keke and kisses her while everyone smirks while Crystal & Isabelle quietly gagging but then Blair smacks Leo's cheek*

Leo: Blair why'd you do that?

Keanna: I'm thinking she's saying that's enough and we need to go, I'll see you guys later *leaves*

Raph: i need to move my room

Mikey: you're moving in with the mighty Mutanimals?

Raph: yea if that's okay

Leatherhead: what'd you say Slash?

Slash: of course you can

*several hours later* *at 9:30pm* 

*it's been several hours and the girls had a blast they went to the botanical garden, went lunch at a restaurant (i don't know where), and then went for for ice cream. and went back to Keke's apartment for a tea party then Keke ordered some pizza for dinner but before Keke can eat herself she fed Blair but then her boyfriend came through the window to join for dinner, after dinner the couple cleaned up of course Crystal & Isabelle helped to since their big girls and ready for responsibility then Leo came back in the house to see the girls are watching some tv*

Leo: honey I'll be in your room Meditating

Keanna: *turns to him* sure sweetie *turns back to the tv* 

*30 minutes later*

*it's been half an hour and the girls were getting sleepy Keke started to take note of this then turns off the tv but starts to get sleepy herself, anf then 10 minutes later there is a knock at the door*

Leo: honey someone is at- aww *sees his girlfriend sleeping along side the girls then takes a picture* I'm coming *opens the door to see Abby, Amelia, & Bebop* hey guys come on in

Abby: aww *takes a picture*

Amelia: she's holding Blair 

Bebop: i bet they had a blast

Leo: according to Keke they were well behaved 

Bebop: aww so proud of her *picks up Crystal*

Abby: same here *picks up Isabelle*

Amelia: we really owe my oldest niece a lot for helping a lot with the kids *pick up the baby bag the Blair* later Leo 

Leo: later guys *closes the door then looks at his sleeping girlfriend then picks her up bridal style into her bedroom* *thinks to himself* like i said before she'll be a great mother someday, and if Raph  & Mona have a kid of their own I'm kinda hoping for a niece *tucks her in then kisses her on the cheek* i love you *thinks to himself* I'll sleep on the couch in case she wakes up*

(Spoiler alert: Raph & Mona child is indeed a girl, guess to know who that is 😏)

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