A Dream to Nightmare

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Chapter 4: A Dream to Nightmare

The brothers made their way back to the lair and head towards Donnie's lab to start Mikey injury. While that was happening Master Splinter came in and asked his sons what happened to Michelangelo, that is when Leo explained everything to Master Splinter that happened during the incident.

"I see my sons." Splinter said. " But I must ask, why was Michelangelo all by myself when he wasn't with you three?" He questioned.

The brothers looked at each other and didn't know what to explain to his father how and why Mikey ran away alone until Leo spoke, "We had an argument with Mikey about his action during our patrol today."

Raphael step in and said, " We were telling him that he needs to stop goofing off and focus on the battlefield more because we would always get attacked by Shredder's gang or get defeated."

Splinter was stroking his beard when he asked "And what did Michelangelo have to say?"

They stayed in silence for a moment, thinking about what did Mikey say to them back, and realized that ... he didn't say anything and just run away.

Donnie was the first to speak out "He didn't say anything Master Splinter. He just stood there in silence while we were ..." Donnie gulped for a second as he looked down on the ground and spoke softly, " yelling at him."

Leo and Raphael started to feel a little guilt when Master Splinter looked at them both. " I see." He said in a serious tone while his arm was crossed.

Splinter began to walk away from the lab before he said "When Michelangelo recovered from his injury, I would like to speak to you four in the dojo at once."

"Yes, Sensei", the three brothers replied and bowed.

With that Splinter left the lab to return to the dojo as he deeply thought, "My sons, I believed there is more to discussed than just Michelangelo's actions."

Back in the lab, the three brothers see Mikey sleeping peacefully and calmly as Donnie went to check his pulse once more. "Okay, it seems he is worn out from something. I can only assume maybe he was fighting but I'll keep that in mind."

Donnie began to stitch Mikey cut when Raphael place his hand on Mikey forehead to stroke his head until realized he was getting cold.

"Guys, he getting colder..." Raphael said.

"I'll go get some blanket," Leo said as he began to leave the lab.

Donnie was stitching one by one as Raphael was grabbing some pillows to suppose Mikey head when Leo return with a blanket to only cover Mikey halfway to his waist. Donnie was nearly done stitching Mikey left shoulder to then grab some bandage to wrap around it.

Once Donnie was done, Leo was checking Mikey temperature to see if he was sick. Thankfully, it resulted in normal temperate much to Leo's relief. Raphael was stroking Mikey hand gently as he said "It's good to see him alright, but I still don't know what happened to him."

"Yeah, I wonder the same thing," Leo said looking at Raph.

Donnie sighed and stood up, which caught his two older brother's attention, "Well right now Mikey needs to rest, I'll let you guys know when he wakes up."

Leo and Raph nodded as they were leaving the lab.

Donnie stroked Mikey hand gently and said "Sleep well, Otōto." As he began to leave Mikey to rest and return to his inventions.

Mikey was dreaming where he was with his family and friends, playing in the arcade, watching a movie together, and spending time with each other, with no training or fighting.

Just having the time of everyone's life, even Mikey was happy of he is the luckiest turtle alive to have amazing friends and family at his side.


"Huh?" Mikey pause for a moment and heard a sudden sound. 


All of a sudden, Mikey was seeing all his family and friends disappearing. "GUYS!" he screamed out.

"Wow Mikey you are so weak!" his brothers said and began to laugh.

"W-What ?" Mikey was stunned.

"I can't believe we are related." Raphael spat out as he was looking angry.

"Yeah, Mikey, we don't want you anymore, you're just holding us back, like ALWAYS !" Donnie screamed out as he started to walk towards Mikey.


"I didn't mean to screw up, I was trying to make you guys happy and - " Mikey said as he was on the verge of tears.

Leo started to go toward Mikey as he started yelling at him, "Happy?! You have been a pain in the ass since the beginning you were in this family, you call yourself our brother and a ninja?! You are nothing to this family and nothing to our lives!"


Mikey started to cry as he begin to curl up to a ball while the brothers were laughing at him for being a crybaby.

"Aww, what's wrong? Can't handle the truth?" Raphael said as he was smirking.

"L-Leave me alone.." Mikey said quietly.


"Oh, what's that? I can hear you from all this crying that coming out of your mouth!" Donnie said.


Mikey was crying his heart as his brother's words started to echo louder and louder!







Mikey screamed out in fear and rage,"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"


Mikey eyeshot as he began to fall into the pit of darkness, he suddenly noticed a purple ribbon wrapping around his right arm.

"What is happening!" Mikey screamed in fear. The ribbon started to glow brightly as Mikey mask was glowing as well. Mikey tried to take the ribbon off his arm but was too tight and strong to tear out, then he see a figure falling with him as well...

The figure began to go toward Mikey as he was getting his sword out, Mikey was indeed in fear as the figure spoke out ,"Are you ready to be killed ?" It said while smiling evilly and showing his sharp claws.

"NO! PLEASE!" Mikey screamed out in tears.

The ribbon started to grow more and more, glowing very bright as the figure said "You'll find out, soon."

"W-What?" Mikey said in fear. He looked at his right arm and saw it glowing brightly then turning into flames.

Mikey look down to see he was about to hit the ground as he closed his eyes tightly.

Mikey screamed in pain he was in flame as he was falling near his death.

The figure screamed out, "NOW DIE!" started dashing toward him.

Mikey screamed in horror, crossing his arms to protect himself.

Mikey woke up screaming as he had tears in his eyes but covered his mouth quickly when he sees Donnie sleeping on the desk. Which forced him to breathe roughly. Mikey was looking in horror, wondering what kind of dream he just had. He began to shake and looked at his right arm to see if a purple ribbon wrapped around it but see nothing on his arm.

"What was that thing anyway? What did it want from me? And what on earth was the ribbon on my right arm?" Mikey thought as he was looking at his right arm and then the lab around him.

He was still shaking in fear and started to cry softly in his arms. Mikey was crying very heavily and gripping the blanket very hard feeling afraid and alone until he sensed something on his head and on his both shoulders.

He looked up to see his three brothers awake and worried in his eyes. Donnie was on his left shoulder, looking sad, Raphael was on his right shoulder looking concerned, and Leo had his hand on Mikey head looking very worried.

"Are you okay, Mikey?" Leo said as he stroked Mikey head.

Mikey was cleaning his tears as he said "I-I'm fine guys." he stuttered a little.

"You clearly aren't Mikey," Raph said as he began to make contact with his baby brother.

Mikey tried to say something back but Donnie then asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Mikey then quickly answer, "Yeah but I promise you guys that I am okay now. I swear," he said as he was trying to brush it off and smile.

The brothers knew something was wrong when Leo cupped Mikey face and said "Don't lie to us Mikey, we know something is really wrong so just tell us right now."

"Guys please, I am okay nothing is wrong," he said, grabbing Leo's hands and gently taking them off his face.

Before the brothers could say anything, Master Splinter came into the lab which startled the four turtles. "My sons" he started as he began to walk towards the turtles, "Is everything alright?"

Before the trio could speak, Mikey then spoke, "Yes sensei, everything is alright I just had a nightmare but I promise you it's not something bad."

The three brothers then look at Mikey with concern as Splinter walked toward Mikey and places a hand on his head, "Are you sure everything is alright Michelangelo?" he asked as he looks straight into Mikey's eyes.

Mikey wanted to tell his family so bad about his dream and about this strange figure he tried to save but he also didn't want his family to worry nor get concerned about his dreams either.

Mikey softly said to his mutant rat father, "Yes sensei" he nodded.

Splinter sighs and strokes Mikey head gently, "Then tomorrow I want you to explain to all of us what happened" then looks at his three sons " And about today incident."

The three brothers stayed silent as then Mikey said " Yes, papa." As he started to lay down to get back to sleep.

Splinter wish his sons goodnight and return to his room. The brothers see Mikey slowly falling asleep as Leo said "Sleep well Mikey, ok?"

Mikey nodded softly as his eyes became weak and closed fully.

Donnie went to bed and so did Leo but as for Raphael, he was looking at Mikey who was sleeping peacefully once again. He started stroking Mikey's head and then his hand.

"Sweet dream, baby brother." He said softly and began to head back to his room.

A purple shiny butterfly was flying toward Mikey and landed on his right arm for a moment and then began to fly away...

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