The More You Know

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Chapter 12: The More You Know

Midnight uses his blue magic to form into shades, being shot at the ground to then explode like dynamite. As Zen made dashed behind a rock to take cover and threw a bomb of smoke in the sky to spread around, Midnight using his magic was collecting the smoke to turn them into clouds.

Zen using his stealth, grabbed his sword and tried to strike Midnight down although the aura from Midnight's magic felt Zen nearby as he made a turn to see a sword striking down at him to only dodge it.

Mikey didn't know if they were battling or training but the expressions on Midnight and Zen's faces were full of anger and hatred. All of a sudden the ground started to shake as Mikey was losing his balance and see cracks were spreading out.

"This is not good," Mikey said in worried as the battle was exploding high and wide, causing the flowers to be burnt and the tree to be cut down.

Midnight and Zen were colliding together with their swords as the ground began to lift them slowly. Mikey was running towards them, to try to stop them from causing chaos;

"GUYS, YOU NEED TO STOP! THE LAND IS BEING BURNT DOWN! YOU ARE DESTROYING-", Mikey screamed out hoping it would get their attention but it was no use.

The battle continues as Midnight used his magic to grab a pile of trees to send them straight to Zen, a result causing him to lose his sword. Mikey tried screaming out Midnight's name over and over again, though Midnight was still forming his sword as he runs toward Zen.

Mikey noticed a stick from the side and he tried to use it as a weapon to interfere with the fight between Midnight and Zen, to at least stop this madness until the blue butterfly landed on Mikey's left shoulder, to make this memory disappear again...

"WAIT! NO!" Mikey cried out as he witnessed the land fading away to dust, seeing Midnight and Zen disappearing. Mikey was running again and was unaware of a black hole from the ground to then fall into, as he was returning to the pit of darkness again.

Mikey screamed out as he was falling into an endless pit to then see the blue butterfly shining bright as a star, Mikey tried to grab the butterfly again until he realized his fall was feeling very slow as he looked down and noticed he was close to the ground to then sticks the landing.

The room was being metamorphosed into a foyer hallway with purple doors from left to right. Mikey started roaming down as he heard noises from each of these doors and noticed claw marks from the wall as it was dragged through another side of the doors.

A familiar sound caught Michelangelo's attention as the door opened to reveal a memory played of when he first meet Midnight. And when Mikey stepped forward to the door, it suddenly closed in a flash.

At a glance, a door opened as Mikey continue walking down the hall and he heard his voice to show a memory played when he was meditating with his father and brothers, it confused Mikey for a second until he listened to a scowled voice;

"Why the hell would I need to listen to this runt for not entering the dojo just because of this stupid rat?" Midnight scoffed as he was floating for a moment to then land on the ground.

"Like this rodent can scent me from a mile away." Midnight thought as he sneered a little as he entering in the dojo.

Abruptly in a blink of an eye, Master Splinter's ears twitch a little as it startles Midnight causing him to freeze from his position. He was standing still for a few seconds until he floated off the ground and when Master Splinter opened his eyes, Midnight quickly leaves the dojo in dread.

Midnight was hiding behind the wall from the dojo as he peaked through to see Master Splinter looking around the dojo for a minute and producing to his mediation.

As Midnight landed on the ground once again to then looked at his right arm, Mikey looked puzzled when Midnight's reaction went from fear to bitterness.

Mikey assumed the memory must be over and was going to close the door until Midnight said in remorse;

"I guess the runt was telling the truth after all."

It caught Mikey off-guard as he see Midnight covering his face for being stupid, looking at his right arm, gripping his fist tightly, and walking away. The door closed on its own as it shows the memory was finished, leaving Michelangelo flabbergasted.

Although it wasn't long before Mikey started to laugh uncontrollably, it was the reaction he received that was so priceless.

"I told Midnight that my father can sense aura around him." Mikey chuckled and sighed softly as he looked at his right arm.

He thought about the curse, how it's something he couldn't run away from, that he had to be tortured by a demon that doesn't show mercy and having his darkness be consumed until there nothing left. This curse is something he has to live with for the rest of his life until he's no more.

Yet... Mikey was starting to see Midnight as more than just a treacherous demon.

Mikey looked around the hallway and the doors, something was undoubtedly confusing for Michelangelo as he looked at his right arm furthermore and clenched his fist.

How can a sorceress from a royal kingdom, with a loyal heart, amazing friends by his side, and shown to be the most compatible person alive then become a demon with a deadly curse for all eternity?

The blue butterfly fluttered all around Michelangelo, he couldn't help and see how lustrous it is, it was like a shooting star. He holds out his hands for the butterfly and it lands on his fingertips. Mikey got the chance to see it up close, it was very beautiful and its wings looked chrome.

As he sighed softly and asked, "Hey? I know you may not understand me but I keep seeing you from everywhere in my dreams and mediation. And I was wondering", He then looked down the hallway and walked with the butterfly, "Do you know what exactly happened to Midnight that turned him into a demon?"

The blue butterfly began to flutter away with Michelangelo following from behind. As he was chasing after it, the blue butterfly was landing on another doorknob as it showed a giant crystal blue door that was in good condition.

It was full of details with stars and butterflies on each side, the only door that gleams more dazzlingly than the others. Mikey glazed at the door for a moment until the blue butterfly started to wither away from the doorknob as it sparkle like dust.

"This is it," Mikey said as he was looking at the doorknob and was about to place his hand on it until he started to hesitate, "Wait... what am I doing?", he began to grip his fist tightly "I shouldn't invade this part of memory and just asked Midnight how he became a demon but-"

Mikey stepped away from the door to start pacing back and forward, thinking about the consequences he'll receive from Midnight if he would ever enter this blue door but as a result of what he'll see from this memory.

He knew it wasn't such a good idea and that he'll have to deal with Midnight in the end.

However, Mikey looked at the blue door again and began briskly to the blue door, it was a risk that he was willing to make. As he took a deep breath and gradually placed his hand on the doorknob.

Unexpectedly from behind Michelangelo was a bunch of orange butterflies fluttering in toward Michelangelo as they fuse into one shimmering orange butterfly and land on Mikey's right shoulder.

When Mikey place his hand on the doorknob and was going to turn it until he suddenly felt something or someone behind him.

A shadowing figure showed in front of Michelangelo's as his eyes widen in trepidation to know exactly who it was before he could move, a furious voice spoke:

"And just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Mikey turned around to see Midnight, in his demon form looking infuriated with his sharp claws out and his appalling, extended, and razored- sharp teeth as he growled loudly.

One thing is for sure Michelangelo is gonna have a lot of explaining to do.

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