Chapter 11

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"And then Raph threw a smoke bomb and voilà! We're here!" Mikey finished explaining their whole adventure to TCRI.
"Wow, I missed a lot!" April said wide eyed. Sky nodded her head vigorously.
"GUYS! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT I JUST FOUND!" Donnie exclaimed, his eyes fixed to Livi's laptop. The turtles and the girls walked to the laptop and Donnie. On the screen it read:

A/n: Please don't judge it, I was in a rush. Deal with it. ;)

The turtles and the girls stared at the computer in horror.
"It can't be!" Sky looked at the screen,"Why would my big sister want a hitman?"
Donnie typed a bit more things on the keyboard, "Let's see if we can find out who she wanted to kill."
A large picture of Sky showed up on the laptop screen. Underneath it it said,
Hitman target: Sky Ferners
Sky's eyes brimmed with tears, her shoulders sagged, "Why-y would-d m-my own-n sister-r want-t me d-dead?" she practically sobbed. Leo let his arms draw Sky into a hug. Sky enjoyed the hug, it comforted her. Still crying, she let her head rest on Leo's bandaged plastron. Mikey cried with Sky, hugging Donnie. Raph glared at the computer screen, Why would Livi want her sister dead? He growled in his head.
April sadly looked at the laptop, Livi would never do something like this, would she? she asked herself.
Sky pulled away from Leo and wiped a tear from her eyes, she tried her best to hide her sadness,"Then why am I not well.....dead?"
Donnie pushed Mikey away and scratched his head, "Here comes the thinking part...."
Mikey cleared his face from tears and sighed, "But thinking is so haaaarrrrddddd."
"Well that explains why you don't do it." Raph smirked. Mikey sent him a glare.
"And if Livi hired a hitman, why is she dead?" April thought aloud.
They sat in quiet thought for several minutes.
"But that means, whoever the hitman was, he didn't want to kill Sky." Leo said, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, but the hitman is paid money to kill the person, why would he bend the rules?" Raph said.
"Because he didn't want to kill Sky." Leo repeated.
"But, why?" Donnie saw the point Raph was trying to make, "Why would the hitman take such a risk? Just to save one target? What's so important about Sky?"
Sky cleared her throat, "Well, there is one or two things you guys don't know about me yet."
"I feel a flashback story coming," Mikey yawned.
"My parents told that my great grandparents were part of a secret society. They were those weird people that were part of groups that did rituals at midnight. My grandpa tried to stop my great grandparents from going, but they didn't listen, and in the morning, they never came back." Sky said.
"Do you think the secret society could be-" Raph was cut off by Mikey's break through.
"The answer has been in front of our faces the whole time! It's the OLYMPICS! It's all so clear now!" Raph growled and put his hand over Mikey's mouth.
"As I was saying, it could be Kraang." Raph said.
"But Kraang don't do rituals in the middle of the night!" Donnie said.
"They could have then." Raph retorted.
"I suppose that would explain all the Kraang books in their library." Leo thought aloud.
"I doubt it." Donnies said, "Sky do you know anything else about this secret society?"
Sky thought for a second, "Well we can check upstairs for a book in my parents' room but..." She checked her watch, "My parents will be home any minute."
"Okay can we look at the book tomorrow?" Leo asked.
Sky nodded,"But my parents are staying over at a work meeting thing, so I was hoping if I could go to your home this time? Please? Just once?" She said in a little child's voice.
Raph frowned, "No."
Leo gave Raph a look,"Come on Raph, she probably be scared to spend the night alone in this house when her sister just got murdered here!"
Donnie and Mikey nodded in agepreement.
"Finneeee." Raph said, "But I'm not explaining to Master Splinter."
The turtles and April made their way out of the door, Leo stopped. "Are you sure you want to wait for your parents alone? You know after the hitman thing?"
"I'm fine Leo, I'm looking forward for tomorrow though." Sky gave him a innocent look.
Leo blushed and nodded and left. How am I gonna explain to Splinter?

A/n: Btw, Leo talks to his father spiritually, since Sensei is dead. 👍🏼

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