Chapter 7

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A/n: Wow! 100 views! Thank you for reading! And I'm open for ideas and comments. 😊
Please enjoy :)

The moon shone full, as shadows moved across the rooftops. The shadows moved stealthily in the darkness. A young girl waited on a rooftop. She impatiently watched into the night. The four shadows surrounded her.
"It's about time!" Sky said.
"Are your parents home?" a shadow asked.
"No, it's date night," Sky answered.
"What did they say about Livi?" another shadow asked.
"They were of course heartbroken, but they said she chose her own path and that she will always look over us." the girl said in a cracked voice. One of the shadows moved into the light, "Are you okay?" the blue banned turtle queried.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go inside." Sky sniffed and walked into the open window to her house. The shadows followed her.
"Where's April?" Sky asked as she entered Livi's room.
"She said she'll meet us here in an hour, or so." the orange banned turtle said. The purple banned turtle set down a box of tools and scientific equipment. Picking up one of the tools, he used it to look at Livi's wounds, Mikey watched him from behind his shoulder.
"My brother said that Livi's laptop could have some very good clues on it, do you know where it is?" Leo asked.
Sky sucked her bottom lip, Where did mom and dad put it? she asked herself.
Then she remembered, "It's at my moms' work. She wanted all Livi's photos and projects for Livi's funeral."
Leo thought for a few moments, We need that laptop....
"How about we go to your mother's work, and take it?" Raph said.
"But isn't that stealing?" Sky remarked.
"Not if we're doing it for you." Raph answered.
They both looked at Leo, waiting for his idea, "We should go to your mums work and take it. What happens if she unlocks her daughter's laptop and found a clue about her murder? And then deletes it? Or worse, freak out?"
"He has a good point." Donnie said, not looking up from his investigation.
"We'll travel by rooftop, and th-" Leo was cut off.
"I can't climb buildings and jump them." Sky informed the leader, "Let's just travel by foot on the pavement."
Raph scoffed, "Amd what will people say when the see four giant talking mutant turtles?"
"We could wear costumes!" Mikey beamed.
The four of them looked at Mikey with shock, "Since when do you give good ideas?" Leo said opened mouthed.
"Wait, we're dressing up?" Raph growled. Leo nodded.
"You have got to be kidding me!" the short tempered turtle shouted. Sky left the room and came in with their out fits.
"There you go, pick whatever." Sky said as she walked down the stairs, "Come downstairs when you guys are done."
Leo took a hat and a pale blue cloak. He grinned at himself at how it fitted like a glove. Donnie took the same except it was pale purple. The same goes to Mikey and Raph. Raph wore pale red and Mikey pale orange.
"This is like detective clothing!" Mikey squealed in delight, checking himself out. Raph sighed, not even bothering to point out that they were ninja not detectives. Leo was the first to run down the stairs, Raph and Donnie followed.
Mikey smirked and sat on the stair railing. Giving himself a push, he slid down the railing. "Wweeeeeee!!"
Leo got off the last step and ran up to Sky and grinned, but before he could say anything, Mikey slid of the railing and landed on top of Leo. Leo landed on his stomach, with Mikey on top of him. "Sorry bro!" Mikey said nervously.
Sky grinned and gave a small giggle. Leo, now embarrassed, shoved Mikey off him.
"W-watch it!" Leo blushed a bit. Mikey made a pout face and walked towards Donnie and Raph.
"Ok, you guys look great, lets go!" Sky turned for the door, she picked up a backpack from an armchair.
"What's in there?" Raph asked.
"Stuff," Sky opened the front door and walked onto the pavement, "Come on!"

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