Go to sleep

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You slept peacefully in your little crib. It's been a month since you had a dad and you were enjoying every bit of it. You smiled as you remembered how your father held you and played with you. You decided to open your eyes only to find that no one was there.

Your POV

Where's everyone? Hmph! Well someone has to get me. (Cries)

"Hey there you, it's okay daddy's here." (Picks you up and holds you while rocking a little)


Normal POV

Leo chuckled. "You know it's 11:00pm right?" he asked you as you cutely folded your arms as in saying, 'so' "Well then I guess I'm putting you back to sleep then." He said as he beginned to sing 'Titanium' softly. You tried to resist but the song was just so good and you couldn't help but fall asleep. "Rest now.......and please don't wake up again." He said as he put you back in your crib and stayed there until you completely fell asleep.

I know it's short but that's all I got so far. Plz don't be mad. 😁

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