Chapter 2: The Worst Ani

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"Raph, what were you thinking?!" Leo glares at Raph.


"But it was not! What in the world made you think that?!" Leo exclaims.

"Y'know, it's also your fault! You didn't look after Mikey! You're a horrible Onii~Chan!" Raph yells as he points at Leo.

Leo's eyes widen,"I...I know..but I had to stop you two from fighting!"

"That's what you always do, Leo! Always sticking your nose in other people's business!" Raph glares.

"Its because I don't want you guys hurting each other! You guys are brothers! You're his Onii~Chan and he's your Ototo!" Leo explains.

Raph scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Look, I care about you guys and as the oldest, it's my responsibility to look out for you." Leo softens his tone.

"Mā nani o suisoku suru? Anata no watashi no saiaku no anidesu." Raph glares at Leo so hard.

Leo gasps and his face hardened and he slapped Raph.

Raph fell to the ground as he cupped his cheek in shock.

Leo gasped and he covered his mouth.

"R-Raph..I didn't mean that..." Tears started to fill Leo's eyes.

"E e, sonotōri." Raph said, coldly and ran to his room.

Leo sniffed and tears started to fall.

"DAIKIRAI, LEONARDO!" Raph yells from his room.

Leo then let out a gasp of shock and ran to his room in tears.


"Mā nani o suisoku suru? Anata no watashi no saiaku no anidesu." = Well guess what? Your'e the worst big brother.

"E e, sonotōri." = Yeah right.

"Daikirai." = I hate you.

Yeah..I'm fluent in yeah..enjoy the chapter! Stay tuned for the next one!

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