Chapter 3: I Remember

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Raph sat on the couch, reading one of his comic books.

Donnie is in his lab, wrapping his arm with a new bandage.

Leo is busy taking a nap in his room.

Raph's POV

As I read my comic book, I put the lollipop in my mouth and sipped it.

I turn to the next page and see what happened next.

The four brothers were finally together as I predicted and they talked about the old days when they were little that they would read bedtime stories and all that.

I suddenly felt a feeling of deja vu..

I closed my comic book and looked around.

I got up and put the book on the couch and walked to Leo's door.

I slowly opened the door a little to take a peek.

Leo's face was buried into his pillows and he's hugging his Captain Ryan plushie.

I felt guilty for calling him the worst brother and telling him I hate him.

Especially in Japanese!

I walked in quietly and slowly walked towards Leo.

I can hear him breathing heavily.

Has he been crying?!

I felt a pang of guilt and I leaned closer to kiss his head.

"I'm was a mistake...I won't do it again." I whispered.

I walked out of the room and closed the door quietly.

Suddenly, I heard an explosion and the lights went out.

"What the..?" I trailed off and I ran to the where the noisw came from.

Donnie's lab.

"Donnie, what is it?!" I asked, walking in.

Donnie was next to me and pointed and said, "I messed up an invention."

I squinted my eyes to see better and when I did, I saw a robot that looks like April.

I burst into laughter, "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?!"

"Hey! I've been working hard!" Donnie exclaimed.

"Sorry, It's just..It looks funny since it exploded." I said as happy tears started falling down my cheeks and I try to wipe it off.

"What's going on?" A voice asked behind me.

It was Leonardo.

"An invention exploded..again." Donnie answered.

Leo looked behind me,"Is that...April?"

"I'll handle it guys now go on! Get out! Shoo!" Donnie started pushing us out of his lab.

"Wait Donnie!" I said.

Donnie stopped,"Yeah?"

"Look...I'm..sorry...for blaming you..for what happened..It's a mistake...I won't do it again...I understand if you don't wanna forgive me.." I started to walk away as my vision became blurry from being teary eyed until I felt a strong grip on my arm.

I turn to see Donnie smiling at me.

"I forgive ya..Nii~Nii..." Donnie smiled.

"Really?" I asked as tears started falling down my cheeks.

"Yeah.." Donnie hugged me.

I hugged back tightly.

"Hey uh...Raph?" Leo said.

I broke off the hug,"Yeah?"

"I forgive ya too." Leo smiled.

"You do? heard me?" I asked.

Leo nodded.

Leo's POV

After crying for hours until I fell asleep, I woke up a little but I didn't wake up yet so I tried to fall asleep again.

But I heard the door opening and so I pretend I was sleeping.

I hear footsteps coming closer and it stopped.

I felt a kiss on my head which made me blush from embarrassment and shock.

"I'm was a mistake...I won't do it again." A rough, sincere voice whispered.


Is he apologizing?

What the heck?

Then I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard an explosion.

No One's POV

"You were right was nobody's fault..." Raph's voice trembled as he tries to wipe his tears.

Donnie nodded.

"But me." Raph finished.

Leo gasped,"No Raph..that's not true!"

"Yes it is! I started the fight..! I distracted Leo from watching Mikey and probably scared him too..." Raph crossed his arms and looked away.

"No Raph..that wasn't your fault...You're actually weren't the only one who blamed themselves for what happened." Donnie put a hand on his shoulder.

"Who?" Raph asked.

"That's a story for another time but for now..why not we watch a movie after I check the fuse box?" Donnie asked with a smile.

"Sure!" Raph smiled.

"That sounds great! Let ne just tell Sensei." Leo walked away.

Donnie and Raph walked to the fuse box.

"Need some help Don?" Raph asked.

"Yeah sure." Donnie smiled.

With Sensei and Leo...

"Is he coming?" Leo asked.

"Patience Leonardo..He will come and visit." Splinter said.

"What did Tang Shen say?" Leo asked.

"He was busy and the connection almost broken off." Splinter answered.

A bright light appears infront of them making both of them shield from brightness.

As the light faded, Leo smiled and hugged the person as they ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Wanna watch a movie with us, Mikey?"

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