When You Meet Again: Leonardo

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"See?" You put on a smug look, slamming your math test on the counter. "I told ya sooo!"

Mrs. Davidson chuckled, taking a good look at your graded work. "A C+ isn't exactly what I call acing your test, my dear."

"Well, you never said I had to get an A. All I had to do was pass." You smirked, stuffing the paper back into your bag. Your boss rolled her eyes while smiling.

"I suppose I didn't." She shook her head. "Well, a deal is a deal, I'll have that pie baked and ready for when come in for your shift tomorrow."

"Thank, Mrs. Davidson." You suddenly looked around, seeing that the cafe was pretty full. "Did ya need some help? I'm free for the rest of the night."

"Oh no, don't worry about that! I have extra help coming in shortly." She smiled. "You go out and celebrate that C+!"

"I can't help but hear sarcasm in that last sentence."

She laughed. "Go, (Y/N)! I'll see you tomorrow."

You returned the gesture and exited out of the building, seeing the sun slowly make its way down for the night.

"Better get home." You sighed, making your way back to your apartment.

But trying to get there at a decent time seemed to prove difficult, due to the fact of how busy it was! The traffic was heavy and loud, and the sidewalks were jam packed with pedestrians. Getting even more annoyed when someone bumped into for the 100th time without saying sorry. This just wasn't working out.

So that's when you decided to take a short cut...through a pretty sketchy looking alleyway.

Defiantly wasn't your first time taking this way, so you didn't see the issue with it. Though, the pair of eyes that were watching you, didn't seem to like the idea.

Getting half way through the dingy alley, you suddenly felt as if something...or someone was following you. A shiver ran down your spin, you didn't want what happened a couple days ago to happen again. Your still had the black eye to prove it.

Quickening you step and constantly looking over your shoulder, the feeling just didn't seem to go away. That's when you decided to keep you left hand in your pocket, where you kept your pepper spray. You wanted to be more prepared this time.

Which was probably good timing, because as soon as you continued your way, you heard a sudden thud coming from behind, and it sounded like footsteps walking your way!

"Aaah!" You screamed, closing your eyes, and spraying your pepper spray, in every direction possible.

"Woah! (Y/N), chill! Chill! It's me!" A hand grabbed your wrist.

You slowly peeked your eyes opened, only to see that teenaged turtle looking down at you. You sighed with relief.

"Dude!" You took your arm back. "You gave me a heart attack!"

"And you almost blinded me!" He pointed at the pepper spray. "Aren't you suppose to look, aim and then spray?"

You scoffed. "I thought one of those purple-jerks were following me again! I panicked!"

You both got quiet, and then bursted out laughing.

"(chuckle) I'm sorry for scaring you, (Y/N). I just wanted to make sure you were okay, especially walking through this place at this time of night."

"Heh, it's okay...Leonardo, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, Leo's fine with me though."

"Oh right. It's okay, Leo." You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "Thanks for checking up on me...in a very creep way."

Leo then blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, right. Um...s-so how's the eyes doing? Still pretty swollen."

"Yeah," you gently touched your eye. "Nothing I can't handle though. Kinda makes me look badass in school!" You posed, making Leo laugh.

"So, where exactly are you heading this time of night?"

"Home. Well...trying to get home. It's nuts in New York right now!"

Leo paused, suddenly thinking of an idea. "I can take you home-I mean, only IF you want to! You don't have to say yes if you don't want-I mean-I uh-t-thought it'd be nice-NOT in a creepy way-I mean-!"

"(giggle) Not too much experience with a girl, huh?"

Leo's face turned red. "Just a little."

You smiled, walking up to him. "I'd love if you tagged along. You'll give me some company."

The mutant turtle's face lightened up at the idea. He suddenly turned around and pointed to his shell. "Hop on!"


"Trust me. I'll get you home faster."

You shrugged. What were ya gonna lose?

You got on his shell and hesitantly wrapped your arms around his neck. Making it your turn to blush. "I-Is this okay?"

"Oh yeah, it's fine." Leo smiled up at you. Standing you straight, he took off to the nearest fire escape and climbed to the building's roof. He stood of the edge, getting ready to jump, feeling your grip get tighter.

"It's okay, I won't let you fall."


After giving Leo you address, you guys finally made it safely to your bedroom's window. Leo jumped down on the fire escape and gently put you down on your own feet. "There. Safe and sound."

You smiled. "Thank you so much, Leo."

He returned the gesture. "You're welcome, (Y/N)." He turned to leave, but quickly faced you again. "O-Oh here!" He handed you a little slip of paper.

"What's this?"

"My...it's my phone number. You know, in case you're ever in trouble, or if you need more company on your walks home, or just if you need someone to talk to. I'll be your turtle."

A warm smile made its way to your lips as you placed the paper in your pocket. "I'll definitely take you up on that offer."

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