Taking Their Weapons

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This will be JUST the turtles in this chapter. You are a toddler at the age of 2-3



Leo and his brothers were on a mission while you were back at the lair. While they were on a mission, you were things. What made you get your little hands on?

Let's see...

With Leo and the others, they were locating the Kraang to stop their evil plan. Just as they were about to battle, Leo pulled out his swords. Not just any type of sword, but cardboard swords decorated with Disney princesses (which is your favorite Disney Princess) that were replaced by his original katana's 

His brothers laughed, and his face turned red. 

"Princess Leonardo is here to save the day!" Raph teased. 

Leo wasn't going to step down after he used the cardboard swords against the Kraang quite usefully. The Kraang were defeated, and they managed to stop their plans. 

"I'm already exhausted. Let's go home." Said Mikey. 

"I'm gonna read the next Spiderman comic book when I return," Raph said. 

Donnie looked over at his brother, still holding the cardboard swords. 

"Leo?" Donnie asked. 

"I just don't get it," Leo says as he holds the swords. "How the shell did these even get in my shell? If I have these..." His voice trails off as his eyes widen. 

"Uh oh..." Mikey whispered.

"Y/N! SHE HAS MY SWORDS! I HAVE TO SAVE MY BABY!" He ran as fast as any of them to catch up with their oldest brother to race back to the lair. 

Leo prayed that Y/N wasn't hurt.    

🍎Raphael 🍎

Another mission in NYC, and this time it was Shredder's goons plotting something with the Kraang. They had to stop them before they would use the mutation as a source to make the world a Dimension-X in their home. Just as the turtles intervene, they are ready for a fight as Raph jumps in to fight against Fishface, and the half-robotic fish steps aside. He dodged every punch and kick, but Raph was smart to grab his leg to toss him aside the wall.

"You turtles ruin everything we have a chance to offer!" Said Fishface as he glared at the red bandana turtle. 

"Aw, too bad. Sucks for the villains always to lose when we always win." Raph says, with a cocky grin on his face. 

"Don't get so cocky, Raphael! Fight me!" Fishface demanded. 

"As you wish, sir, fish legs," Raph said. 

He pulled out what he thought was his sais; instead, crafty objects were glued together with stickers, glitter, and cute little people drawn and cut out on a stick. 

"HAHAHAHA! What are you going to do to me? Force me to do some arts and crafts with YOU!?" Fishface cackled. 

"Y/N, why now?" Raph grumbled. "Alright, your insulting what the meaning of beauty of art is all about the fish head. "He growled, running up to the fish using the arts and crafts against the fish to get touched by the sticky glue. 


"Art is when you create something you see and feel in your own opinion! Don't insult my baby's beautiful work!" He said, drop-kicking and grabbing his fins to toss him to the other side where Dog Pound was fighting against Leo and Mikey. They both got glued together. 

"Nice one, Raph!" Leo complimented. 

"It was nothing," Raph said, shrugging his shoulders with a sly grin. 

"Where'd you get that icky stuff? You don't normally create art." Mikey asked. 

"Y/N did it." He paused. "Which means...SHE'S GOT MY SAIS!" He ran out of the building to return to the lair to retrieve his weapons from his daughter. 


Donnie and his brothers were battling against Baxter Stockman. He was creating new equipment he had upgraded. While Donnie was hacking through the system, some of the robots targeted him, making him lose focus. 

He grabbed his staff but pulled out a stuffed giraffe instead. 

"WHAT THE--" He was cut off by the robots attacking him, and he blocked the toy. 

"Donnie? Need help?" Mikey asked. 

Leo looked at his brother and almost laughed to see him holding the stuffed toy. 

"Donnie? Why do you have that?" He asked. 

"I don't know!" Donnie replied as he kicked the robots back, and Raph took care of the job. 

Donnie went back to disable the computer system to ruin Baxter's plans. The brothers looked at him and laughed. 

"Wow, D, I never knew you wanted to impress us with your toy giraffe." Mikey snickered. 

"It's not mine, Mikey!" Donnie remarked. He folded his arms over his chest, "I'm temporarily sure that my staff was just misplaced." He shrugged his shoulders with a poker face. 

"Where'd you leave it?" Raph asked. 

"....Y/N! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!" He exclaimed. 

Donnie turned his heel around to flee and ran back to retrieve his staff.


The turtles were again on a mission and battling against the Purple Dragons. Mikey was ready to pull out his weapons until he heard a faint squicky, rubbery noise. 

"Huh?" He looked down to notice that his nunchucks were balloons.

The purple dragon, twice as giant as him, laughed. 

"It's not funny!" Mikey shouted. 

"What? What're you going to do with air balloons?" One of the purple dragons asked. 

"Allow me to show you~." Mikey grinned. 

It didn't take him a second until he could defeat him with annoying rubbery noises and a few kicks. 

"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey boasted. 

"Nice going there, Mikey. Although, I'm wondering if you notice that..." Leo was about to finish his sentence when Mikey's face went blank.

"My chucks..." He mumbled. "...I LEFT THEM ON THE COUCH! Y/N! NOOOO!"He sprinted down the streets, leaving his brothers behind to head home and hopefully find you not playing with his nunchucks. 

🐻Ugh, I cannot wait until summer...


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