When He Get's Overprotective

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Song: You Love I



You were playing with your toy in you're car seat that was across from Raph. Guess what? You're riding in the shell raiser with your daddy and uncles on a special mission to TCRI. Leo was plotting out what they should do before they arrive there leaving you in the van, however, Leo wasn't particularly sure about leaving you in there alone.

"I insist to take Y/N with us." Leo said.

"Really Leo? Your bringing your daughter inside with us?" Uncle Raph asked.

"Yeah. I don't think its a good idea Leo." Uncle Donnie added with a worried look on his face.

"I know. But, i'm sure that she'll be fine when we get in there." Leo assured looking over his shoulder to see you chewing on your toy. 

When they arrived at TCRI, Leo held you in his arms to quietly sneak inside with his brother's following behind him. They heard that the Kraang were going to use a portal from dimension X to bring alien creatures on their planet and they have to stop them. Luckily, Leo found a good hiding spot for you so that you wouldn't get hurt. 

"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey yelled pounding on top of two kraang bots.

Your dad and uncles went into battle to take out the Kraang, you were sitting behind one of the Kraang's machinery until you saw something shiny catching your eyes. You decided to go walk over there vuriously wondering what it could be. A Kraang noticed you and ran towards you right when you were about to touch the shiny object.

"Kraang sees a human messing with Kraang supplies." Kraang droid said as you tilt your head curiously wondering what he meant. Leo heard what the Kraang said as he turned to see you being held by the Kraang and ran towards it.

"Get away from daughter!" He stabbed the Kraang that dropped you letting Leo catch you just in time before you fell on your bottom. 

"Whew, I thought I was going to lose you." He said with a smile formed on his face. You all escaped to leave out of TCRI and return home.

⭕Raphael⭕: Spiders

You were in the living room playing with your toys, when suddenly you felt something crawling on your shoulder that felt a little ticklish. You looked over on your shoulder to see a spider and you screamed so loudly that Raph and his brothers rushed in to see you gripping the couch.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Raph asked.

"S-Spider." You whimpered.

"AHH! A spider!? Where? Where!?" Mikey panicked as Donnie slapped him to go take care of the spider that was on your stuff bear while your daddy comforted you by giving you 3 oreo's. 

⚛Donatello⚛: Casey

You sat on the stool watching your dad mixing the chemicals in his lab when a toothless boy entered the room.

"Hey Donnie, have you seen April?" He asked.

"No. Go away." Donnie snapped.

Casey looked over to see you and walked over to you, "Hey girl, aren't you bored just sitting with this nerd? Who are you by the way?"

You were about to respond when Donnie cut off for you, "Leave her be, she is MY daughter and I don't want YOU around her." 

"Wow...I never expected Donnie to go protective mode." Raph said.

‼Michelangelo‼: Squirrels

It was late at night, you and your daddy were hanging out together on the roof tops. You couldn't stay out too long, your uncles and grandpa would grow worried about the two of you. You were eating your slice of pizza when your eyes glanced over at a squirrel that squeaked.

"Lwok daddy a squirrel." You said.

Your dad's eyes bulge as he turned around quickly to meet the squirrel as he let out a scream throwing the pizza box to knock the squirrel off the roof the two of you were sitting on.

"Poor squirrel." You said as Mikey trembled after picking you up to take you back home.

🔆Master Splinter🔆: Your Brothers

"I think Y/N should come up to surface with us." Leo said.

"But, we can't because Master Splinter will-"

"Donnie, i'm sure Master Splinter will let us take our sister up. She could use a bit of fresh air." 

"Absolutely not." Master Splinter said.

"Ah, Sensei we were just-"

"I do not want you take your sister up on the surface, she remains here." Splinter said.

"She could use a little fresh air and see the city for once sensei." Raph said.

"As I told you all before when she first came here, she must not go up there when its a whole lot of chaos that is not safe for a child like herself to see." Splinter  remarked.

"You did the same thing to us when we were young. She could at least do a little of sight seeing. Please Sensei?" Mikey pleaded. 

Splinter thought for a moment and then saw his sons on their knees begging they're father to take you up the surface. (Just like season 1: episode 1-Rise of The Turtles XD). Splinter sighs as he went to go get you out of your room and carried you back to you're brothers.

"She may go with you. Be back around 8." He said handing you over to Leo as his brothers grinned.

"We will sensei." Leo said as they ran out of the lair leaving Splinter a little worried about losing you just like his daughter and sons. 

💤I'm so glad that I finished this chapter today! Let's get it and I can't wait for the next chapter :3💤

June 4, 2019

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