Chapter 17: Bloodbath

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Destiny takes to the air immediately, zooming towards the heart of the Cornucopia faster than anyone else. When she reaches the multitude of shining weapons, she grins wickedly and grabs her choice; a wicked looking machete. She spins around, seeing other people racing around searching for supplies. No one has weapons yet, no one is killing one another.

Destiny grips the rack of weapons and launches herself into the air, scattering the tools all over the place. Instantly, people start snagging weapons.

Michelangelo dashes forwards towards a shining pair of nunchucks and a kusarigama, a backpack bouncing on his shell already. He snags the weapons, straightening up and searching for Annalise and Elsie. He freezes, hearing rapid footsteps approaching behind him. He spins around to see Yumiko dashing towards him, a couple of knives already slung in her belt, and she whips one at the orange-masked turtle. He dodges just barely, and another comes sailing towards him in a flash.

Then, just as suddenly, a body appears before him. The knife sinks into her throat, a gurgle leaving her body as she collapses. Michelangelo only has enough time to register that it's Annalise before the cannon blows.

Sofie runs, holding only a whip. She catches sight of a backpack, rushing towards it without hesitation. There's a loud hiss beside her as Kaitlin tackles her to the ground, a knife clenched in her fist. Sofie doesn't have a chance to scream before the snake mutant slits her throat, snagging the whip and the backpack and racing away into the woods.

The second cannon of the Games goes off.

Leonardo holds two backpacks, the amount of tributes dwindling as more and more people disappear into the woods. There's a scream behind him, and he spins to see Taylor and a lethal axe swinging towards him. He jumps back just as a blur of black appears, knocking the girl to the side in a splurge of blood. Destiny spins to Leonardo, her machete now stained, and the two lovers rush away into the woods.

The third cannon goes off. Only the Careers are left at the Cornucopia, scavenging among the options. Scarlet stumbles and grips onto the toppled weapons rack, the iron smell of blood invading her nostrils and making her head spin. The three bodies of the fallen girls have already been scooped up and taken away, but the earth is still stained red.

Raphael rushes to his little sister and engulfs her in a tight hug. She buries her face against his chest, breathing heavily.

"What's up with her?" Breach questions, flipping a knife in her paw easily.

Kayla touches down next to her District partner while Shelby and Tyler move to the group as well. Raphael eyes the rabbit with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing. She just gets a little queasy around blood, that's all," the red-masked turtle snaps.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kayla exclaims, all of her bubbly nature completely gone. "What kind of a Career is she?"

Scarlet trembles, choosing to stay behind Raphael's protective stance. He clenches his hands into fists.

"She's a great Career, and she's staying around," he snarls. "If you've got a problem with that, keep it to yourself. Capisce?"

Breach narrows her eyes. "She's a weak link in this pack."

Raphael only growls like a feral animal, making the rabbit flinch a little. Kayla checks her claws as smoke billows from her nostrils and jaws a little. Shelby and Tyler watch in tense silence.

"Come on, let's get going," Tyler suggests gently. "We should find shelter for the night."

"Gather what supplies you can and let's go," Kayla seconds.

The pack obeys, gathering the remaining needed supplies and heading out over the rocky terrain towards the scarce brush.


That night, the Careers are camped out in a cave along the rocky ledge. Raphael sits outside on watch, gazing out at the lake not too far away that surrounds the entire arena. The sky is completely visible, and he keeps waiting.

The Capitol anthem starts playing as Scarlet pokes her head out of the cave, settling down next to her brother after a second. Three pictures flash across the sky. Taylor Fuentes of District 6, Annalise Hughes of District 10, and Sofie Hatter of District 12.

Scarlet looks to her big brother, his eyes misty as he watches the spot where their pictures disappeared. He sighs, slumping against the cool rock and gazing at the grid-patterned sky.

"I know I was teasing you before...but," she starts timidly. "Did you like her?"

A heavy sigh escapes his lips as he crosses his arms over his plastron.

"I just...wish the circumstances had been different," he admits softly.

Scarlet hugs his arm, shutting her eyes and cuddling against him.


Michelangelo sits on top of a tower of rock, a few scrubby trees sheltering his little camp. Tears trickle down his face, guilt running through him as he watches Annalise's picture fade from the sky. He wasn't able to find Elsie after the bloodbath, so he's all alone with only one possible ally left.

"I'm sorry, Annalise," he whispers, only able to think of how she sacrificed himself to save him. "I'm so sorry."

He lays down, pulling the sleeping bag he managed to grab around himself as he drifts off into a fitful and tear-filled sleep.

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