Chapter 19: Cannons

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Raphael wanders across the rocks, his hands still shaking and his eyes reddened with tears. Two days...his alliance didn't last two days inside this arena. He lost his only family in a mere two days.

He stumbles and sinks to his knees, fresh tears trickling down his cheeks. He doesn't want to be in these Games. He wants to go home, and he wants Scarlet to be alive. He didn't want this.

He pushes himself up, the hot sun making his head spin. He keeps walking, wondering whether he's near the Cornucopia or further away than ever before. Maybe if he reaches the edge of the cliffs, he can throw himself off the edge and die.

Suddenly, rustling sounds far to his right. He looks towards it, seeing three shapes dashing through the sparse brush easily. He instantly recognizes Sarina, Hazel, and Donatello. His stomach rumbles, reminding him of how hungry he is. There's hardly any wildlife or plants in this arena, but maybe those three have a camp set up. Maybe they're lucky enough to have generous sponsors.

He takes off through the brush after the trio, his need for food driving him forwards. He doesn't slow down, shoving past the scrubby trees easily.

They disappear behind a large boulder, still not having noticed him. The red-masked turtle keeps going, then he trips over an uneven spot on the ground. He collapses, a loud beeping going off behind him. He doesn't have a chance to run before he's consumed in a fiery ball. The cannon goes off in an instant.

Inside the camp, Donatello spins around at the sound of the explosion. Sarina and Hazel nod, all three remaining wordless as they trace their steps back. They peek their heads around one of the boulders, seeing a smoking crater in the rock along their bomb line. Blood splatters the stone, a charred red mask the only remains of the tribute that just died.

Donatello stoops to pick up the ruined cloth, his heart sinking.

" was Raphael," he whispers. He looks back at the crater, shutting his eyes. "Rest in peace."

Sarina and Hazel bow their heads briefly. Sarina glances at the sky, knowing that at least he's back with his little sister now. Donatello kneels, resting his spear across his lap and tying the mask around the base of the sleek head. He straightens up, looking to his allies.

"Let's get back," he murmurs.


Kaitlin stumbles across the rocky terrain, her forked tongue parched with thirst and her heart heavy from losing Taylor. She knows that there's a lake surrounding the entire arena. She saw it at the Cornucopia right before the bloodbath began.

The girl almost shudders at the thought of it. The blood of the panda mutant she killed still stain her clothes, making up part of the reason why she wants to find water. The other reason is obvious.

She catches sight of a clearing up ahead, her slitted eyes lighting up at the sight of water. She races forwards, finally seeing the lake she'd been searching for. She looks around, admiring the giant rock formations all around, the shimmering of the water. Without another moment's hesitation, she plunges into the cool liquid and soothes her heated skin. She gulps down the water messily, not caring for whether it's poisoned or not.

Then, she feels something brush her leg. She grosses out immediately, swimming back towards shore. A razor sharp pain arcs through her arm and she yelps, lifting it out of the water. A fat blue fish with beady black eyes and jagged teeth looks back at her, chomping on her arm.


She screams, struggling towards shore. Her waterlogged clothing slows her down, but she pushes herself. More and more piranhas latch onto her arm, chewing rapidly. The pain grows worse by the second, the little fish starting to tear at her clothing. Finally, she breaks onto the shore, ripping the fish from her limbs. Her arm is completely mangled, bleeding heavily. She stumbles off, her heart pounding and her head spinning.

She sinks to the ground in a patch of shade, holding the raw slab of meat that was once her limb. She tears what's left of her jacket off her body, trying to staunch the blood flow, but it's too late. She's already fading, her body growing weak.

She collapses into her back, her eyes dimming. She thinks of her family one last time, her heart slowing as she bleeds out.

"I'm sorry...goodbye," she whispers.

Her eyes close. The cannon goes off.


Jason stands on the edge of a rock pillar, watching the sun set in the distance. Piper and Madison chat nearby as they cook the food they got in their backpacks. The Gamemakers were generous with the food amounts in the packs this year. They must've planned that along with the mountainous arena.

"You know, once you cook it a little, it isn't bad," Madison encourages.

"Maddie, I don't think anything will improve the flavour of that," Piper says, her voice slightly teasing.

Jason rolls his eyes, his gaze focused on the sky. The Capitol anthem plays and two pictures appear in the sky; Raphael Green of District 2 and Kaitlin Trainor of District 5. Jason purses his lips, noting the different tributes left. Districts 1, 2, 5, and 10 are already gone.

The lizard-turtle takes a deep breath, sending a silent prayer that Mari is holding on okay. He hopes that his little sister will be okay until he gets back to her, something he's determined to do. He has to win, to get back to her.

He never wanted to ally, but Madison found him and well, he couldn't ignore the Districts stick together rule. When they came across Piper, he knew they had another ally. After all, he had heard Madison gush about the cat mutant constantly before the Games began. It wasn't a secret that the bubbly girl had a major crush.

"I think we should get some shut eye," Jason calls. "Only two deaths tonight."

"Who was it?" Madison asks.

"Raphael and Kaitlin."

Piper flicks her tail as she puts the fire out. She yawns a little, smiling lightly at Madison and nodding curtly to Jason.

"Well, goodnight," she says. "May the odds be ever in your favour," she adds, her voice mocking and bitter.

She settles down on her spot. Madison follows soon after, the two girls sleeping within minutes.

Jason glances at the sky once more, a sad look crossing his face.

"Goodnight Mari. Big brother's coming home soon," he whispers.

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