Chapter 25: One Last Time

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Song: My Immortal - Evanescence (I was listening to it as I wrote this chapter and now I'm feeling...lots)

Destiny and Leonardo lay side by side on their sleeping bags inside a cave. They got lucky with this shelter. Everything is closed off save for one little opening. The thunder and lightning raging outside can't get to them, the pounding rain like an ominous warning of the pain that's going to arrive soon.

Leonardo lays on his shell, one arm around Destiny's shoulders as she lays pressed against his side. He looks at her, noticing her prolonged silence. She stares off into the distance, her fingers gently tracing the scratches and chips in his plastron.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks softly.

She doesn't answer for a moment, her face growing saddened. "I'm...scared. Tyler and Jason are still out there, probably hunting us down..."

She shivers at the thought, burying her face against his muscular shoulder. He wraps both of his arms around her, trying to find the right thing to comfort her or take her mind off of things. Ideas flood into his mind suddenly.

"Do you remember what the trees in District 7 looked like in the autumn?" he whispers. "Everything is red and gold and brown...and you and I would sit up in the branches and watch the leaves fall and dance in the wind..."

She smiles lightly, the points of her fangs glinting slightly. "One fell out and I had to catch you."

He laughs. "And...I still remember the day I met you...or truly noticed you, for that matter. You came into class on the first day of school, and most people instantly flinched when they saw you...they saw the scars, the eyes, the resting expression of indifference..." He smiles a little as she bites her lip. ", you were beautiful..."

"It was math class," she adds softly. "I kept catching you stealing glances at me. I honestly thought you were just scared."

He shakes his head. "Nah...never," he murmurs. "And...when I finally got up the nerve to ask you out, I started rambling before I let you answer..."

"I thought it was adorable."

" must've," he says. "I mean, look at us now."

She falls silent, her heart hurting. He notices the change, instantly feeling guilty. Before he can say anything, she sits up, hugging her legs to her chest as she stares off into nothing. He remains laying down, reaching his hand out and resting it on the small of her back. Her tail curls around her legs slowly.

"We talked about so much," she murmurs, her eyes growing misty. "Long days spent together, enjoying the woods knowing that we were finally free...having children..."

Her throat tightens as she lowers her head. He pushes himself up, scooting over so that he's settled in front of her. She doesn't look up, and he reaches over as his hand cups her cheek. He lifts her face to his, leaning forwards and pressing his lips against hers gently. She shuts her eyes, her body shaking as she rests her hand over his. He breaks away, his fingers brushing along the deep scars on her face. His sapphire eyes take in every detail of her, making her heart flood with an insurmountable love.

"Des..." he whispers, knowing that nothing he can say will hide the harshness that reality has brought on them.

He looks at the ring on her finger, the promise ring he gave for her to use as her token. She smiles weakly and rests a hand on the necklace he's wearing, where his own promise ring hangs. Her soft touch makes his heart race, something that has somehow remained the same no matter how much time they've spent together.

"Des, I promised that I would marry you once we both survived through the Reaping," he says, his tone pained. ""

She leans forwards and kisses him again, silencing him. She stays close to him, their faces a few inches apart.

"Only one of us can survive, Leo," she repeats, her eyes welling with tears.

"And I promise that it's going to be you," he furthers. "I'm going to protect you till the very end."

She shakes her head as a few tears trickle down her scarred face. "Please...stop making promises that you can't keep."

He reaches forwards and cups her cheek, brushing her tears away. They stare at each other, trying to find the words but finding that nothing is coming out. He moves closer and pulls her to his chest, pressing his lips to hers. She returns it, reaching her hands to his neck and gripping his mask tails.

"I would've married you, Destiny," he murmurs against her lips. "I swear I would've."

She shuts her eyes and rests her forehead against his. "I would've said yes, one million times over."

His kiss comes again, urgent yet full of love. Her ears perk, her body tingling with warmth as she moves herself closer to him. He deepens the embrace, clinging to her as though she's his lifeline.

"This...right now..." he breathes, his eyes opening and the pure sapphire gazing into her emerald. "This should be our wedding night."

Even in the dim lighting of the cave, he can see her cheeks grow pinker. "Leo, there's cameras."

The saddest smile she's ever seen falls across his face as he caresses her cheek. "I know."

"You told me you wanted that moment to be special..." she furthers. "And...I told you about how my wolf side works when it comes to that. If you-"

He rests a finger over her lips. "You're the only girl I ever want to be with, Des, and maybe the Games have taken some of that away...but I would rather die tomorrow knowing that we felt that love, than to never feel it at all," he admits.

She laughs, the sound choked with sorrow. "You romantic sap."

The barest trace of a smile crosses his features. "You love me."

"I always will."

She leans against him, curled in his lap as she rests her head on his shoulder. He presses his lips to the top of her head, breathing deeply as his arms surround her. The wolf-raven looks up at the blue-masked turtle, her body trembling with nervousness. He gazes at her, smiling lightly as he rests a hand on her hip.

" you take me as your lawfully wedded husband?" he asks softly, holding her left hand and rubbing her ring tenderly.

Tears well in her eyes as she nods. "Of course I do. you take me as your lawfully wedded wife?"

He nods and presses his forehead to hers. "Always."

They kiss, the feeling sweet above the underlying layer of complete tragedy. He looks up, knowing that the Capitol somehow got cameras inside the cave and that people are watching them right now. They're getting a show, that's for sure.

"Hey, you mind giving us some privacy?" he asks softly.

He waits a moment, doubting that they will actually allow him his request. Then, a soft beep sounds followed by a slow whirring. He smiles, knowing that the cameras inside the cave have shut off for a short amount of time.

Destiny pulls him away from thoughts of the games, from thoughts of death, and everything in between with a single kiss. Leonardo melts into her embrace, her hands soft and loving on his skin. He knows that at least he has tonight, and that no matter what, he'll protect her with his life until the very end of these Games.

He lays her down on their sleeping bags, their jackets beneath them like pillows. He hovers over her, each kiss tender and gentle as he focuses on her, and only her. They break apart, gazing at one another in silence for a moment as their noses nearly brush together.

"I'll always love you, Leo," Destiny whispers, completely sincere."'Till death do us part."

"I love you too, Destiny," Leonardo returns, his tone matching hers. "'Till my last breath and for every moment after."

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