Chapter 9: Parades and Memories

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The cheering Capitol crowd is unnerving. Their brightly-coloured hair and their exuberant clothing is already odd to the tributes, and that feeling is only furthered when their screams of delight and their applause reaches their ears. They throw hats and roses and money out at the chariots as they pass, although none of the items really reach them.

Everyone in the chariots waves and smiles, puts their fists in the air, or holds hands with their district partner and puts their hands up. The Capitol residents go crazy, screaming out proclamations of love towards them. One person even has a giant sign that reads, "I ❤️ District 7", something that makes Leonardo and Destiny quite embarrassed.

The chariots roll to a stop, every tribute releasing a soft sigh. They all look up at the giant Capitol building as President Oroku appears. He raises his hands to the audience, calming them gently.

"Welcome. Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you," he starts in his deep, rumbling voice, the crowd cheering again. "We salute your courage and your sacrifice. We wish you Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour!"

The crowd roars, screaming and clapping in delight. The chariots take off, rolling back towards the Training Centre tower where they'll be staying for the next four days before the Games.


Tyler waits for the elevator, Shelby still getting her makeup removed. As he waits, a couple other district tributes meet up with him; all the males from 2, 6, 7, and 11.

"Oh, it's one the star-crossed lovers! Whaddup?" Tyler greets, holding his hand up for a high-five.

Leonardo smacks his hand, although surprised by the boy's reaction. Michelangelo giggles as Raphael rolls his eyes. Donatello glances at the other three turtles fleetingly, looking pensive.

"Pretty cool parade, huh?" Michelangelo asks, nudging the closest person to him, which happens to be Raphael. "Totally loved everyone's costumes."

Raphael snorts, shoving him aside lightly. "Yeah, they were fine."

"I'm just glad to be out of them," Leonardo admits. "Destiny showed me up looks-wise anyways."

"Dude, you two are so hyped around here. Did you see that guy with the sign?" Michelangelo gushes.

"I don't need extra attention," the blue-masked turtle sighs, tugging his mask tails absentmindedly.

"I think most people think you two are just lovesick puppies," Raphael comments.

Leonardo rolls his eyes. "Yes, because love must always mean lovesick."

"I honestly feel bad that it even happened," Donatello offers. "Considering the odds-"

"How about the food here, huh?" Leonardo interrupts, trying to get off the subject.

"There's this stuff called pizza. Totally amazing," Michelangelo says immediately as the elevator arrives.

The five boys pile inside, chatting aimlessly as they go up to their awaiting floors.


Destiny and Shelby stand next to each other, trying to act causal but still sneaking glances at each other every now and then. They don't need to introduce themselves, yet they both seem too cautious to strike up the conversation.

"You're fighting for someone you love?" Destiny whispers.

"Yeah," Shelby answers.

They fall silent for another second, the elevator climbing.

"The scars bring back bad memories?" Shelby asks.

"Yeah," Destiny answers.


Another beat of silence.

"You can turn into a wolf too?" Destiny murmurs.


The darker wolf-girl almost smiles, the points of her fangs showing at the edges of her lips.

"We aren't so different after all."


Taylor and Kaitlin arrive at their floor, entering their room as their mouths fall open. Everything is lavish and expensive looking, more luxurious than anything either girl has seen in their life.

"Thisss-" Kaitlin starts.

"Is-" Taylor adds.

"Amazing," they both whisper together.

"Only the finest," their escort, a perky woman with bright pink hair and long purple eyelashes. "Everything is here for you to enjoy for the next four days. Isn't that wonderful?"

The two girls nod as their escort struts off. Kaitlin looks to her older friend, her neutral expression shifting to curiosity for a second as her black eyes flash yellow.

"Everyone is ssso friendly with one another," she comments, her tone silky and smooth. "I wonder if anyone will be able to kill."

"The training centre is different than the arena, Kate," Taylor responds. "Everyone's nice until the death toll rings."

"Ssso? What will you do when the Gamess start and the handsome turtle you winked at turnsss on you?"

The dark-haired girl smiles weakly. "Just pray that he finishes it quickly."

Kaitlin doesn't respond, her stomach churning a little.

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