Chapter 4: The Mane 7 Meets the Turtle Mages

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The girls were terrified when the turtle were trying to act scary. But the one of the turtles start to grow some interest on one of the girls. The blue one looks at Twilight, the purple one looks at Rarity, the red one looks at Sunset, and the orange one looks at Pinkie with interest.

"Hey guys, are you feeling somethings really interesting about these girls." Whisper the purple turtle so the girls wouldn't hear him.

"Yeah it's like we were supposed to meet." Whisper the red turtle.

"Yeah and it's like we're supposed to be friends." Whisper the orange turtle.

The blue turtle stop his aura and turn back to normal and walk up to Twilight and held out his hand. Twilight open her eyes and saw the blue turtle held out his hand to her and she was a bit hesitate and shock.

"Hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you." Said the blue turtle.

So Twilight took the blue turtles hand and was help up. Then Sunset, Rarity, and Pinkie open their eyes and saw the other turtles held their hands to help them so they took their hands and we're help up.

"Sorry if we sacred you we though that your an intruder who were working for our enemies." Said the red turtle with a calm voice.

"It's okay I probably would've do the same if someone have break into my home." Said Sunset.

The orange turtle help Pinkie Pie up and stare at her with a weird love gaze.

"Wow you're really cute." Said the orange turtle not caring if he said it out loud.

"Really well thanks that's very kind of you to say." Said Pinkie.

"We are truly sorry if we scared you and your friends here my 'lady. Said the  purple turtle acting like a gentleman.

"Oh, it's quite alright darling." Said Rarity.

Then Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack open their eyes to see what's going on and saw that the turtle like creatures are really friendly.

"Uh what just happen?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I don't know but these turtles look really friendly." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well we did trespassed their so they don't seem bad." Said Applejack.

After when the turtles apologize to the girls they went back to the the lair only to see April, Casey, and Karai and they were surprised of how the girls found the lair.

"Girls how did you found this place?" Asked Karai.

"Wait Karai how did you know these girls?" Asked the blue turtle.

"Well these are the girls we talk about." Said April." Girls what are you doing here?"

"We're so sorry April, we just followed you, Casey, and Karai to know what's going on we didn't mean to follow you here we're so sorry." Said Twilight.

"It's okay we can stay mad at you, so we forgive right you two?" Said Karai, and April and Casey agreed and the girls were relieved that they forgive them.

"So why don't make introduce ourselves." Said Twilight." My names Twilight Sparkle but you can call me Twilight.

'Twilight what a beautiful name for a girl like her.' Thought the blue turtle.

"Nice to meet you Twilight my name is Leonardo but you can call me Leo." Said the blue turtle.

'Leo so that's the turtles name.' Thought Twilight.

"My name is Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey." Said the orange turtle.

"Hi Mikey I'm Pinkie Pie." Said Pinkie.

"Ahem my name is Donatello or as my brothers called me Donnie for short my lady." Said the purple turtle and Rarity started to blush.

"Well nice to meet you Donatello my name is Rarity." Said Rarity as she blush.

My name is Raphael but you can call me Raph." Said the red turtle.

"Nice name, my name is Sunset Shimmer." Said Sunset.

"Thanks you got a nice name too." Said Raph.

"My names Applejack." Said Applejack.

"The names Rainbow Dash." Rainbow said.

"I'm Fluttershy nice to meet you four." Said Fluttershy without any shyness.

"Beg your pardon but are you four Italian?" Asked Rarity.

"I ask the same question." Said Casey.

"Well are you four are?" Asked Sunset.

"No, I named after my favorite painters of the Renaissance art." Said a 6 foot tall rat.

The girls were very surprised to see a 6 foot tall rat but Rarity started to freak out.

"Ah, a giant rat!" Yelled Rarity as she jump into Donnie's arms and Donnie began to blush and starts to like it.

'Wow I could get use to this.' Thought Donnie as he blush.

"Rarity it's okay this is Master Splinter he's a great teacher and he's my father and he's also the turtles father which makes them my brothers." Said Karai and that the girls surprised.

"Even he is a rat." Said Casey.

"Don't not worry girls rest to sure that I do not bite." Said Master Splinter.

"Well nice to meet you sir and we're really sorry for trespassing your home." Said Twilight.

"It's alright your are welcome to our home." Said Master Splinter.

"Maybe it's time to tell the girls your story father." Said Karai. Then Master Splinter ask everyone to come with him to the dojo.

"Um Donnie you can put me down now darling." Said Rarity. Donnie look at their position and blush madly.

"Oh sorry Rarity." Said Donnie as he put Rarity down and they went in the dojo.

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