AU TMNT Little Sister: Conny

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Name: Conny Edwards-Hamato 

Name Meaning: Brave counsel 

Nickname(s): Cutie (Mikey), Munchkin (Raph, Leo, and Donnie) Little flower (Her parents)

Age: 1 year old 

Gender: Female 

Ethnicity: Aryan/Japanese 

Personality: Bubbly, happy, cheerful, curious, affectionate, loving, kind, michevious, etc. 

Family: Ren Edwards (Father; deceased), Mary Edwards (Mother; deceased), Maria O'Neil (Adopted mother), April O'Neil (Adopted older sister), Karai (Adopted older sister), Eri (Adopted older sister)

Friends/Allies: Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Splinter, Casey Jones, Irma 

Likes: Playing with toys, exploring new places, books, shiny objects, her family and friends, causing mischief, butterflies, books, watching shows, April, funny stuff, etc.

Dislikes: Snakes, having her toys taken away, being yelled at, getting hurt, broccoli, seeing her family and friends sad, Shredder, etc.

Backstory: Conny was born to Ren and Mary Edwards who loved their daughter more than anything, the only thing that was special and unique about her was she was born with her purple eyes. Ren's mom had purple eyes and he never knew that his daughter would be born from them since his family is descended from a butterfly goddess, but he and Mary still loved her so much. But one night at work a group of bad thugs broke in to kidnap Conny, Ren told Mary to run as he held them off but them off but they shot and killed him.

Mary quickly ran with Conny and she left her in an alleyway to keep her safe and she then ran off, but the thugs found Mary and killed her too, but they didn't find Conny. But not long after April's mom found Conny and took her inside where she later adopted her.


And this is Conny! Isn't she cute? This AU of TMNT belongs to my good friend @hannathecartoonlover, I hope you like her info!


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