Behind the Door

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(Leo takes a burned up casserole dish out from the oven while Donnie closes up his laptop. Raph sits at the table with the doll. Donnie  sets the dish on the table. Raph pushes it away, disgusted)

Raph-Mikey, why aren't you cooking?

Leo-Raph, we've been through this at least ten times: Mikey always cooks so we decided to give him a break once in a while.

Mikey-But I still gotta teach you guys how to make spaghetti. It's just boiling grains.


Donnie-Don't worry, I'll go food shopping soon as I finish the catalog.

Mikey-(indicates Raph plate) Try some of the chard.

Raph-Looks more like slime to me.

Leo-Well, it's slime or starve.

(Raph looks to the doll)

Raph-Think they're trying to poison me? (He makes the doll's head nod "yes.")


(Raph falls back on his bed. He puts the doll on the chair beside him, then scratches his wrist, still covered in his poison oak rash.

(Raph looks at a framed photo that shows him, his brothers, April, and Casey)

(He hits the light switch over his bed and, looks over at the doll)

Raph-Good-night... Weird doll. (he starts to fall asleep)


(Stars spread across the walls. Something in the room goes moves around. Raph sits up, awake. He hears under his bed. He leans over his bedside, head first, peering underneath when a kangaroo mouse jumps out and scurries out the door.


(Raph, down the upper hall, down the stairs, snaps on the lower hall light, and sees it run into the living room)


(Raph enters. The mouse hops frantically toward the small door behind the wallpaper! Raph grabs the door's edge and pulls it open. Instead of a brick wall, there is a dark expanding tunnel, with the mouse heading towards a bluish light at the far end)

Raph-Whoa... (reminiscences about the times he went through different portals and shrugs)

(He catches his breath, pulls the door wider and crawls through and towards the light ahead)

(Raph steps out through the same little door, into what looks like the exact same living room he just left, only something is different. It looks cleaner)

Raph-What the? (From across the hall, warm light comes from the kitchen and the smell of delicious food and he goes to see what's going on)

(In the kitchen, Raph sees Mikey cooking at the stove. The light and colors are much warmer and the details more perfect in this kitchen. Mikey is facing away from Raph as he works)

Raph-Mikey? What are you doing here in the middle of the night ya knucklehead?

(Mikey turns from the stove to greet him, and Raph is dumbstruck. He has baby blue buttons for eyes!)

Raph-Holy chalupa.

Mikey-I wouldn't say knucklehead, it's only twelve a.m.. And You're just in time for lunch, bro!

Raph-... Y- you're not my brother. Mikey doesn't have b-b-buh... (points to his own eye)

Leo-B-b-b-buttons? (We see Leo has blue button eyes) Do you like them? (taps Mikey's button with his finger) This is Other Mikey, and I'm you're Other Brother, but you can call me Other Leo. Now go tell Other Donnie that lunch is ready...

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