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(Raph moves briskly, gripping the key that's tied round her neck. Dark clouds reach like fingers across the glowing moon)

(Raph is talking to himself as the Beldom's hand creep-crawls after him)

Raph-Can't believe I was so stupid. Who would just crawl through a small door and hang out with people that look like your family and have buttons for eyes?

(At the well, Raph jams a tree branch under the well's cover, lining it up over a rock)

Raph-... "Oh, I'm your Other whatever! I'll give you whatever you want in exchange for your eyes!"

(Circling around behind the big stump, the hand runs behind one rock to a bush to a tree, coming closer. Raph manages to lever the well's cover off to one side, leaving well open. He then takes the key string that's around his neck. The hand, seeing what is about to happen, races towards him! Raph lifts string and key, not quite over his head. The hand jumps onto the big stump and springs through the air to grab the key and pull Raph to the ground! Raph makes a choked yell, his fingers caught between the key string and his neck! The hand wants to drag him back to the house and the little locked door, when all of a sudden, a blinding headlight hits the hand and Raph; an air horn blared out; and Angel comes speeding on her electric bike)


(Angel guns the throttle, and, leaning out, grabs the hand with tongs! She circles around and heads towards the well, readying to throw the hand in. But the hand gets free, and grabs her handlebars. Out of control, Angel's bike hits a rock, and Angel along with the hand are thrown right down the well. He just manages to hang on with one hand! The Beldom's hand, caught on Angel's jacket, scrambles up her body and face and onto the well's edge where it stabs at her fingers to make her fall)

Angel-Aahhh!! Get off of me you creep!!

(Raph rises to his feet. He grabs the blanket, runs and throws it over the hand. It fights like crazy as he wrestles to control it. The hand stabs through the blanket and shakes it off. It crouches to attack him)


(And then Angel is back, she hurls a big rock down on the hand and it breaks into needles. She struggles to catch her breath.

Raph, also breathing hard removes the key and string from around his sore neck. He pulls up the corners of his blanket with the needles on it around the rock, and ties it all together with the string. The key is left attached. The two carry the heavy package to the well and drop it down never to be seen again)

Angel-I-I'm really sorry I didn't believe you about all this ... evil stuff, Raph.

(She called him by his real name for the first time)

Raph-Why did you change your mind?

Leo-We told her.

(His brothers are behind him, and Mikey is holding Ice Cream Kitty)


Donnie-After we came back, Mikey found an old photo album in the closet with some photos of kids who used to live here. What's weird is that they all have dolls that look like them.

Mikey-Don't forget the button eyes.

Angel-They left their flat and came over to my place. Then my grandma showed us this photo. (She takes out an old B&W photo from her jacket) Ya know, after I called you crazy.

(It's two girls dressed in old-fashioned clothing stand in front of the Pink Palace, before it was divided into apartments. One looks just like the sweet ghost girl, and holds the doll with button eyes, which looks just like her)

Angel-It's my grandma and her sister, before she disappeared.

Raph-The sweet ghost girl.

Leo-Sorry we didn't believe you about this stuff, Raph.

Raph-I wouldn't believe me either.

Mikey-(He hugs him) I'm gonna believe everything you say, for the rest of my life.

Donnie-You're gonna regret those words someday.

(Angel's grandmother, loud and worried, calls from the distance)

Angel's grandmother-Angel! Come home!!

Angel-Oh, man...what am I going to tell her?

(Raph looks up from the photo and smiles)

Raph-Just bring her by the house tomorrow. We can tell her together.

Angel-We...we can??

Raph-You know, I'm glad you decided to stalk me. (He gives Angel a playful punch on the arm and laughs)

Angel-Wasn't my idea.

(Shadow and Ice Cream Kitty jump up on the tree stump. Raph smiles... The next day, a white balloon floats against a blue sky with puffy, white clouds. A small gathering is set up in the garden. Raph picks up a tray of drinks and heads out to the hard-working guests, all wearing garden gloves and showing signs of having helped plant hundreds of tulips. Shinigami and Renet, along with their dogs, are set up at a table below the steps. Empty plant cartons are stacked nearby along with some garden tools and empty bags of peat moss)

Raph-Thanks for helping me, Shinigami, Renet.

Ms. Renet-(straining to see) Oh, look Shinigami. Pink Ladies!

Raph-Actually, it's just lemonade. (He hands them the beverages, then nods towards the grey dog digging in the flowers) How's Angus doing? (Miss Shinigami sighs)

Ms. Shinigami-Oh, much better, dear... But he can't duck his wings forever!

(Raph heads up the steps to find his brothers. Leo is dumping a heavy bag of moss around the dead-looking tree in the stone circle, Mikey is planting some tulips, and Donnie is watering the tree)

Raph-Cold drinks?

(Mikey nods, then grabs some for Leo, Donnie, and himself)

Leo-You were right, Raph. I really hate dirt, but the tulips look nice.

(Raph moves on, then comes upon Rocksteady in the bottom of the drained fish pond. He's stealthily pulling just-planted tulips from the dirt there, and putting beets in their place)

Rocksteady-(Pulling beets) Ooo, dret nican...neit, neit...da, da, dat iz possible.

Raph-(Clears his throat to get his attention) How are the mice, Mr. R?

(Surprised and looking very guilty, he tries to cover up his activities. He smirks and hands him a drink)

Rocksteady-Dey tell me that you - are saviour, Ralph. And -- soon as dey are ready -- dey vish to give special tenks-you performance. (He drinks his glass of lemonade. A familiar voice is heard approaching)

Angel-This way grandma.

Angel's grandmother-Angela, I know where I'm going. (They walk through the garden gates) I grew up here.

(Raph sees Angel and waves)

Raph-Hi, Ms. Bridge!

(The old lady looks up and smiles. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey join Raph

Angel's grandmother-Oh, hello.

Angel-These are the guys I was telling you about.

Raph-I'm Raph, and these are my brothers. We've got so much to tell you.

(On top of the sign for the apartment sits the Shadow and Ice Cream Kitty, who look at each other, blink, then walk behind the thin post that holds the sign and disappear)


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