Jumping Mice Circus

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(Where we last left off. Raph was having dinner breakfast food with his other family, and Other Leo tells him Mr. Rockwell invited him and his friend to see his jumping mice perform. Other Donnie reveals that his friend is none other than...)

Raph-Great... another Angel. Hello, Angel not from heaven.

(She nods, button eyes shining)


(She just makes a shy smile, doesn't answer. Raph's confused)

Other Leo-I thought you'd like her more, if she spoke a little less. So I fixed her.

Raph-So she can't talk at all?

Other Leo-Nope.

Raph-Hmm, I like it.

Other Leo-Now go and have fun.

(Raph heads out the door with the mute version of Angel)

(The Other House ­ lit by amber spotlights looks magical with glowing topiary in the yard. The kids come out the front door)

Raph-You're awful cheerful, considering you can't say anything.

(Other Angel nods in agreement)

(Raph and Other Angel start up the stairs to Rockwell's)

Raph-Uh...It didn't hurt, did it, when he... (He points to his mouth)

(There's an awkward moment and then she points past him, excitedly: a small blimp is flying towards Rocksteady's door. They run up the stairs and watch it slip through an opening above his door. Raph knocks and the door suddenly spins, throwing them inside. Angel falls to the floor, but Raph lands on his feet and helps Angel up. Ahead of them are two rows of small cannons that face each, and a miniature circus has been set up, with a Ferris wheel beside it)

Raph-Whoa... ! (He goes right to the Ferris wheel where a mechanical chicken eats dried corn on the cob, fires up its belly, then pours out popcorn into paper bags. Other Angel stomps a firing button and cotton candy shoots out of a cannon. She catches the cone, then starts firing off all the cannons. Raph looks back to find her covered in the cotton candy) Hahahaha!

(Spotlights come on in the big top, the entrance opens, and a voice is heard over loudspeakers.)

Other Rocksteady-Lady and gentleman! For to tickle your eyes and ears and making hearts to thump, I Ivan Steranko Rockwell ­am introducing... (They race to the entrance, stoop down to crawl inside) ... my as-tound-ishing, stu-pen-dulous and AH-MAZING Jumping Mouse Circus!

(They sit between miniature grandstands and watch as the little blimp, bathed in spotlights, enters through a flap. It circles around, rising to the top of the tent, then nose-dives towards the ground! It crashes in the center of the circus ring, and opens from which 50 jumping mice spring up like Chinese acrobats to spell out
R A P H A E L)

Raph-Whoa! My name!

(The jumping mice leap to the ground in formation, brandish tiny instruments, and drummers start pounding. The drum major mouse parachutes down and whips out a baton. On his signal, the group launch into a wild Russian circus march. Raph, grinning, turns to the Other Angel. She smiles and nods to the beat of the bass drums as the hopping band marches in and out of ever changing formations - pinwheels, X's, circles within circles. They hoppers begin to spiral to the center of the circus ring when the floor rises up from its center to form a six-foot tower, the mice hopping to the top. The drum major balances on the tippy-top on a colorful circus ball. He runs the ball down and around the spiral as the mice hope off, and when he hits the ground, the tower drops away to reveal the Other Rocksteady! He cracks a whip. Raph and Other Angel stand and clap. Other Rocksteady ­in a ringmaster's outfit with a full length cape ­bows graciously, doffing his tall black hat. He also has black buttons for eyes)

Raph-That was awesome!

Other Rocksteady-Very very thank you, gentlaman and lady. (On cue, the entire jumping mice band disappears into the other Rocksteady's sleeves while the drum major swings up the mutant rhino's horn and onto his head, where he's quickly hidden by the tall black hat)

Raph-Rocksteady, it was ... so ... so--

Other Rocksteady-(coaching) AHHHHHH---


Other Rocksteady-You are very velcome anytime you like, you and also your good friend there. (He happily turns to Other Angel, beaming with joy.
Dosvedanya, Raphael and Angela. (He takes Angel's hand to kiss it)


(Other Leo kisses Other Angel's forehead, sits back in the bedside chair. Other Mikey, close by, pulls a cotton candy cone off Other Angel and munches it. Raph's Other Family smile warmly, knowing something secret that makes them glad)

(Everything fades to black)


(Raph once again wakes in his own bed in the real world, the little doll ­ left on the chair ­ now clutched against his chest)

Raph-Ughhh. (Tosses the doll aside) (His gaze moves from the doll to where he left the cheese by the door. It's gone)


(Raph tries the small door in the corner wall. It's locked)

Raph-What the heck?

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