Stop Fighting

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Mikey's POV

"I'm the leader on this team!""Who said I wanted to be lead!?"(haha refrence XD). My two twin brothers where at it again. Everytime we go on a mission, they always fight. ALWAYS. And I'm tired of it and so is Don. Wait, hold up. You guys probably don't know why they're fighting. Lemme refresh my memory.

2 hours earlier

I was sitting on the couch reading comics. I was on issue #24 of my comic. Until my other older brother Donnie said, "Hey guys, I found something." Me and my brothers ran towards him. "Talk to me Don." said Leo. (another refrence XD) "I found some Purple Dragons sneaking into an enchanted museum.""Alright boys, lets roll." Leo said.

In the shellrazor, Leo was driving, Donnie was navigating in the back, and Raph was on look out. I, on the other hand, was reading comics. "Stop reading comics dork." Raph said slaping the book out of my hand. I was, of course, angry. But I knew I couldn't do anything even if I tried. I only picked up my book and made faces behind his back.

When we arrived, we went topside to check the view. "Alright guys, full on stealth." Leo said. "Ugh, its always 'full on stealth' with you!" Raph blurts out. "Uh, yeah because we need to go stealth!" Donnie and I just sighed. Again they're fighting and again, its gonna take a while.

Present time

So, now you know what happened, great. Oh, by the way, the Purple Dragons got away. "ALL BECAUSE OF THESE TWO IDIOTS!" Everyone started to stare at me. Dang it, I said it out loud. "All because of what to idiots Mikey? asked Leo. "I'm talking about you guys! You always fight! I'm sick of it!" I stormed out of the living room and headed to my room bursting in tears.

"Why?" I asked. "Why, are my two brothers always fighting?" I almost screamed that time. My two brothers always fought. Even when they were kids. There first fight was when they were 5. If I'm correct, they had, in estiament, 5,620 fights. And thats just a guess. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

Wow Mike, I didn't know you were the science type sometimes. XD

Anyway, whadya think's gonna happen to Mikey, Find out in the future.Peace :P

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