Tickle war

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(pretend raph's mikey and mikey's raph)

Mikey's POV

Ugh, I hate it when my brothers do this to me. Welp, this is how I'm going to die. "Raph, I swear, I will put cockroaches in your bed if you do this." Before I could even blink, Raph jumped on me and started to tickle my sides.

Raph's POV

I know its not what I usually do but its a family thing so what the hey? "No Raph, stahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Why hahahahahahahahahaha do you hahahahahahahahahaha do this hahahahahahaha to me?!" Mikey shouted in between laughs. I only grinned. "Because you're the little brother. What'll we do without you?" I moved my right hand down to his knees. "Wow, I didn't realized how ticklish you were Mikey." I smirked. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha LIAR!" I laughed. "Oh ho ho ho, you should've never said that dork. Goochie goochie goo!" I said as I started to tickle faster. Mikey started bursting into tears but I wasn't done yet so I keep going. Then I started tickling his feet with my left hand as I moved my right hand to his neck. "Say I forgive you Raphie." I said in a baby like voice. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA forgive you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Raphie!" I wasn't done yet. "Now forgive Leo." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA forgive you HAHA Leo.!" "Now say the usual."

Mikey's POV

Say the usual, no way. "HAHAHAHA NEVER!" "Well then, you left me with no chocie." My back was turned while he was tickling me so he turned me around so I can face him. Then I saw him take a big breath. 'Oh no not that anything but that.' I started to sweat. "Ok ok I'll say the usual." Raph chuckled and smirked. "Too late Mikey." Raph slammed his mouth down on my stomach and started to blow raspberries.

Raph's POV

'Wow, Mikey really is ticklish on his stomach.' I thought as I blew as much as I can. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mikey screamed. I threw my head up to take another breath but before I did I said. "Say it." Mikey gulp. I took another breath and started making raspberries again. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OKAY OKAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA RAPHAEL IS THE ALL WISE AND POWERFUL NOW HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE STAPHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I smirked. did as I was told, and helped him up. I chuckled and wiped my mouth. "You have been set free Michelangelo." I said playfully. Mikey breathed heavily. "Really....bro?" "Yep." I started to look down. "Hey, do you really forgive us?" "Ummmmmm... yea, I forgive both you and Leo." Mikey smiled. Wait, smiled?

Mikey's POV

I smiled. I finally smiled. Raph chuckled. "What?" I asked. "I knew I could make you smile." he smirked.

Raph's POV

I glanced at Mikey's clock which read 11:23 PM. "Alright Mike, time to get some sleep." "Aw but I'm not tired." Mikey whined. I quickly jumped on him and did another (yes another) raspberry. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OKAY OKAY I GO TA BED!" Mikey shouted. I stopped and Mikey quickly went into bed and said, "Goodnight." I chuckled. "Goodnight, lil bro." I said before I turned of his light, closed the door went to my room and fell asleep.

Aw Raph, what a good big brother your are. (smirks)

Raph: (blushes) Sh-shut up Nicky!

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