Bully terminators

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What the kids do when someone talks about there parents


Brisk: (eats his lunch at the mall)

Random person: yo, have you noticed how the street punks haven't been doing any gigs lately

Brisk: (silently listens)

Random person #2: yeah, they're so over

Random person: and the fact that they had kids just makes me wanna puke

RP #2: that's what got there business destroyed in the first place. Swift's suppose to be the leader, not settle down and have kids

Brisk: (literally on the urge of killing someone)

RP: yeah, it's not like the kids aren't gonna make anything better.

3 seconds later

RP #1 and 2: (got there asses beat)

Brisk: say it to my face. I DARE YOU!!!!!!!!

RP #1 and 2: (runs away)

Brisk: that's what I thought


Amber: (walking home)

Girl: ugh, have you tried that women's cooking

Girl 2: yeah, her name was Rogue wasn't it

Amber: (stops to listen)

Girl: her cooking is so terrible that I have to pay not only for the meal, but the puke bucket as well

Girl 2: no way

Girl: and done even get me started with her daughter. She can barely cook two meals without making a mistake.

Amber: (eyes on fire of rage)

3 seconds later

Girl 1 and 2: (cry as they watch there purses being burned to the ground)

Girl: MY PHONE!!!!!!

Amber: (chuckles to herself)


Shade: (on his phone relaxing on a bench)

Boy: hey bro, have you heard about that guy in the gun range yesterday

Boy 2: yeah the one named Ghost

Shade: (listens to them)

Boy: that guy is a complete douchbag

Boy 2: Ikr. He nearly killed that guy last time in the ring. I don't know why he's still doing that stuff

Boy: because it's the only thing he can do. Let alone look after his family

Shade: (almost breaks his phone because he's clenching his fist)

3 seconds later

Shade: (has two guns at the boys' heads) Never. Mention. A word. About this. To anyone. (Sees That one of the guys wet themselves) (walks away so they wouldn't hear him laugh)


Maesi: (working at Six Flags)

Women: did you read the news last night

Women #2: the one about that giant turtle

Maesi: (immediately stops working to listen)

Women: that women in the photo was the Mistress of Mischief. I heard she's still out there stealing god knows what

Women #2: why would a women with a husband and daughter steal jewelry

Women: Idk but she needs to be in jail for her crimes

Maesi: (breaks a glass of water with her hands)

3 seconds later

Women 1 and 2: (have food poisoning)

Maesi: (smirks cause she put salt, pepper, and a giant eel from the lake in there food)


Xena: (planting some flowers)

Bully 1: hey did you hear about Quick the turtle

Bully 2: what about her

Xena: (listens)

Bully 1: Quick is actually a gross mutant. I think she's a turtle.

Bully 2: No freaking way

Bully 1: yeah, and she had two kids and they're both mutants. I don't know what they look like but I gotta tell you if I ever meet them, I'd be disgusted.

Xena: (gently puts the flower down and god a to the bullies)

3 seconds later

Bullies: (grossed out cause they have dirt and bugs in there purses)

Xena: (happily puts there jewelry and makeup in her room) adding another to my collection (smiles sweetly with deadly eyes)

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