Halloween prt. 2 🎃🎃

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The light turn back on

Dick: what happened. (Looks at his light saber and touches it) Ouch! It burns! (Picks it up by the handle)

Alexis: (looks at her self and realizes her tail is different like a squirrel) What's going on?

Gabby: (sees that she's flying) am I...flying?

Sadie: (realizes she's a cat hybrid) woah, I got cat ears.

Alexis: what happened to us

Dick: I think we became our own costumes. I'm luke skywalker. And you must be squirrel girl.

Alexis: I guess I am. (Moves her tail a little)

Gabby: and I'm Wonder Woman. (Flies around) wow! This is awesome

Sadie: and I'm a cat! Meow!

Alexis: So What do we do now

Gabby: we have to find a way to get back into our normal selves.

Dick: hold on, I wanna test out my saber (swings it at Alexis)

Alexis: HEY! (Jumps out of the way) Careful!

Dick: sorry cuz

Gabby: well at least we know it works.

Fe-Fe: (barks)

Alexis: what is it girl

Fe-Fe: (points at a closet)

Alexis: (Goes over to the closet) I wonder what's in there

Gabby: please don't let it be a body

Alexis: (opens the door to reveal a small box chest) weird. (Goes to touch it)

Unknown: DONT TOUCH IT!!!

All: AHHHHH! (Goes over to each other)

Unknown: (reveals to be a ragged old woman)

Sadie: my gosh what happened to you?

Woman: He.

Gabby: He who?

Woman: he did this...to me...you must destroy him.

Alexis: destroy who?

Dick: What're you talking about

Everyone suddenly heard a low chuckle

Alexis: Uh Dick, bows not the time to laugh.

Dick: that...wasn't me.

Gabby: RUN! (Grabs Fe-Fe and Sadie and flies away)

Alexis: (Runs on all fours while Dick's on her back)

The voice chuckles again

Sadie: who is that

Alexis: I'm not sure

Gabby: we have to get out of here

Dick: there's the exit! (Points to it)

Gabby: Yes! (Flies towards it but gets bumped back) what the-

Alexis: we can't leave!

Dick: this is crazy.

Gabby: oh now you think it's crazy. It was already crazy enough that you brought us here.

Dick: hey if I knew about this I would've just left

Gabby: ugh! You're just one big idiot aren't you

Dick: well maybe if-

Alexis: guys that's enough. If we keep fighting, we'll never leave this place.

Sadie: then how are we suppose to leave.

Alexis: we have to go back to the old woman

Gabby: Alexis's is right. She knows something. In order to know what's going on we have to destroy whatever's in this house

Dick: looks like our Halloween turned into a rescue mission

Sadie: So...you gonna say it (Smirks at Alexis)

Alexis: (Smirks) I thought you'd never ask. Cmon team, lets do this!



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