I'll love you til the end of time (Swift x OC Rapid Future AU)

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Family AU

Rapid opened the door to her house. She just got off work and was so tired and bored. "Man, I wish I was a hair stylish. I mean, I'm going to dye my daughter's hair soon." she said as she stepped inside her house and locked her door. She took in a full breath of air. "Finally, home sweet home."

Then, she heard laughter. It sounded like it was coming from upstairs. Rapid put her purse on the couch and walked upstairs towards her daughters room. When she walked inside, she saw her husband Swift tickling her to death. Rapid rolled her eyes and smiled. He always did this to her every time she was either sad or angry. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! DADDY STAPHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What did I say about messing with my swords?"


"So what happened here?" Both Swift and Bliss (the name of there daughter) looked towards Rapid. "Oh, well this little girl," Swift said as he poked her and Bliss fell back laughing. "thought it was a good idea to mess with my swords."

"Oh well that makes much more sense." Rapid said as she sat down on her daughter's bed as Swift gave her a kiss. "Uh, hello? I'm in the room here." Bliss said sarcastically. Swift and Rapid laughed. "Then why don't you go watch TV in the living room."

"Why can't I have my own TV?" Bliss asked as her father raised his hand up to tickle again. "Uh, on second thought..." she said as she quickly zoomed out of her room to the living room. Rapid chuckled. "Really big daddy?"

"What, she messes with my swords, she gets the boot."

"Of course." Rapid replied as she leaned over to Swift and put her arms around his neck. "I still can't believe it though."

"Yea, we've been high school sweet hearts."

"You proposed in this house, right in the living room."

"We got married, and then Bliss came along."

"And now your brother Rebel is having his first child." Rapid leaned in for another kiss. Swift took it as he fell back on his daughter's bed with Rapid on top of him. Once Swift broke the kiss, he said, "I can't believe it. It's true what they say, time does fly fast."

"I wish we were still teenagers again." Rapid said as she kissed her husband again. "Yea, me too but that's okay."

"How come?"

"Remember how I said I'd love you until the end of time?"

"Up, you said it loud and clear." Rapid smiled as she begin to snuggle with Swift. "And I meant every word."

"As the song says, 'I will love you until the end of time.'" Rapid sang as she refereed to the song 'End of time' by Beyonce. Swift chuckled and kissed her cheek. "I love your voice, you know that?" Rapid giggled. "You love everything about me."

"And you love everything about me."

"Well......more or less." Swift widen his eyes and smirked. "Oh really, more or less? I'll show you more or less." Swift said as he started to wiggle his fingers down Rapid's stomach. Rapid laughed as she turned over on her back. "HAHAHAHAHAHA, HONEY STAPHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Say you'll love me until the end of time."

"I'LL HAHAHAHA LOVE YOU HAHAHAHAHAHAHA UNTIL THE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA END OF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA TIME!" As soon as she said that, Swift stopped. Rapid breathed heavily as she playfully smacked his chest. "You know I hate it when you do that." Swift laughed. "I know. By the way, will you really love me until the end of time?"

"Does this answer your question?" Rapid asked as she slammed her mouth against Swift's. There kiss went deeper and deeper and deeper until- "Hey, what's for dinner mom?" Bliss yelled from the living room.

The husband and wife both pulled back and chuckled. "We should probably get down there." Swift said as he took Rapid's hand. Rapid smiled. "Yea, we should."

Sry for the delay. I've been grounded all week so I don't have my phone. But don't worry, I'll probably have it back by the end of the week. Enjoy your summer guys (if you still have school, don't worry I feel your pain :( )

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