I'm am loved (MC x OC Ataxia)

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Ataxia's day was the worst. She was walking home from another encounter with her bully Jasmine. She hated that girl so bad. She would call her names like 'short girl' or 'slackie' cause she wasn't very good with her grades. She was so tired of it. And today was gonna be the last day. Today, she'll do it. She finally accomplish her goal. She will finally kill herself.


When Ataxia got home, she made sure she was alone. Good. Her sister's won't come home for about another two hours. She quickly put her stuff down on the couch and went into the bathroom. She locked the door and pulled out a pocket knife that was in her pocket. She then begin to rethink all the things Jasmine said to her. "Weak." she said as she traced her knife down her left arm as blood was rushing out of her body. "Pathetic." she then said as she scared her right ankle. "Short girl." she said as she kept going and going until she was now covered with her own blood. The blood was running fast and before she knew it, Ataxia fainted.


About 25 minutes later, MC was at the window frame and knocked on the window. No one replied. "Hmm, where is she?" he asked himself as he check to see if the window was locked. It wasn't. "Strange." he said as he pulled out his metaled bat. MC walked inside the house as he soon saw his girlfriend's stuff. "So she is here." MC said a little confused now. Before he could search the house, he looked on the bottom of the floor and saw blood coming from the bathroom. MC widen his eyes and tried to open the door. It was lock. "Dammit." He then took his metal bat and banged the door down only to reveal his true love on the floor lying on the bathroom floor. "ATAXIA!" he said as he lifted her up into his arms. "Why would you do this?" he asked himself as he ran downstairs to Phantom's room.

When he was inside he saw a first aid kit on a table. He placed her on the table and begin to bandage her wound. As he was doing that, he begin to wonder. "Why Ataxia. Your friends, your family.....me. We all love you.....I love you." he said as he was soon finished with her wounds. He then checked for a pulse and was thankful that it was still there.

Before he could do something else, he heard a muffle sound. "M-MC?" MC looked at Ataxia who was weak and her eyes were half open. He immediately spoke. "Ataxia!" he said as he hugged her. "MC, you didn't have to-"

"Yes I did. Ataxia.....why would you try to kill yourself." Ataxia looked down in shame. She didn't mean for him to find her. She was suppose to die. She was suppose to finally leave this world. She started to cry a little bit. "Hey look, it's okay." MC said as he hugged her and kissed her forehead. "It was that girl."

"You mean Jasmine?"

"Yes." Ataxia said as she cried more into his chest. "I'm sorry MC. I'm so, so sorry." she cried more loudly this time. "I shouldn't have tried to kill myself. I should've talked to you. I should've done something different. I should've-" Ataxia was cut off by a kiss. MC just kissed her. "Do you forgive me MC?" she asked waiting for an answer from her soul mate. MC was quiet. He was a little angry that she tried to leave him by killing herself, but all teenagers felt that way when they're being bullied. And they were still teenagers. "Of course I do." he said as he kissed her cheek. It made her feel better. "And please don't tell my sisters about what I did."

"Are you sure?"

"They already worry about me. I don't want them to worry more." MC understood completely. Though he might only tell half of the story. "Alright, I won't. As long as you never harm yourself again. Promise?" Ataxia nodded. "I promise." she said as she hugged him. "Remember, you're loved especially by me and your sisters." Ataxia smiled. She was loved. She was loved by everyone. "Now that we got that out of the way," MC said as he picked her up bridal style. "let's go watch some TV." he said as he walked out of Phantom's room and into the living room with a giggling Ataxia with him.


Hey guys. Sorry if it was a little bit of violence and self harm but it's okay. Hope you liked it.

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