I will defend you (Ghost x OC Phanthom)

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Phantom wall down the halls of her school. It's been a week since Ghost's encounter. Ever since he touched her hand. She began to think. They were so soft. Like and angels. So warm. So strong. So-oof. Phantom ran into something. She thought it was Ghost again so she smiled a little. But soon realized it was only a wall. Then, she heard laughter. She looked to the left to see two boys. Ones name was Striker and the other was Havoc. "Dumb girl bumped herself into the wall. What a piece of shit." Striker said as he and his brother laughed.

Phantom felt tears in her eyes. She was crying. "Aw tears already baby doll?" His time, it was Havoc who said that. "Leave me alone." Phantom demanded as she shoved him away. It didn't do any good. Havoc shoved back so hard she fell to the ground. "Whatcha gonna do about it bitch?" Striker said as he kicked her. "Ouch, stop it!"

"It ain't like you special." Havoc said as he kicked her leg. "Cut it out! It hurts! Stop it!"

"Yea right!" Striker picked her up by her neck making her drop her books. "Let....me....g-go!"

"Not a chance." Just when Striker was about to punch her, a gun was activated. All three of them turned to see a very pissed off turtle with a loaded shot gun in his hand. It was Ghost. "Let the girl go." Havoc spit on the ground and laughed. "Or what?" Ghost aimed the gun at there heads and the two brothers immediately put there hands up in surrender making Striker drop Phantom to the ground. "Good choice boys. Now run before this gun gets shoved up your asses." The two brothers didn't think twice as they ran down the hallway and turned the corner.

Once they were out of sight, Ghost quickly ran over to Phantom. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. "Yea I'm fine." Phantom said as she coughed up some blood. "You're not fine at all." Ghost then brought out his phone and called Donnie. "Hello?"

"Donnie, I need your help. I'll meet you at your house."


Phantom woke up to see a strange room. Her head was hurting and so was her stomach. Even her legs hurt. She tried to sit up but something pushed her down back on the bed. "Hey hey take it easy." She turned to see a familiar turtle. "Donnie, what're you doing here?"

"This is my house."

"Oh.......how'd I get here?"

"That'd be me." They both turned to see Ghost walking into the room. Donnie then, stood up. "I'll leave you two alone." Donnie said as he walked out the room. When he closed the door, Ghost walked towards Phantom. "How're you feeling?" Phantom hugged her legs over her chest. "I told you I'm fine."

"Those boy beat the shit out of you. You're not fine."

"I am now."

"What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem."

"You know what I meant."

"And I still gonna say I don't have a problem."

"You're hiding something from me."

"It's not like I have to tell you." Ghost folded his arms to his chest. "Phantom, what's going on?"

"THEY WONT STOP OKAY!" Ghost widen his eyes. "They won't stop." Phantom started to cry again. "They keep kicking me and punching me and spitting on me and they won't stop........they just......won't stop." Phantom was drowning in her own tears of sadness. Ghost couldn't leave her like this. He sat closer to her and put her in an embrace. Phantom hugged him back. "I just want them to stop." Ghost didn't say anything and let her cry in his arms.

When she was done, she lifted her head and looked at Ghost. And Ghost looked right back at her. There ruby red eyes met. And then, they kissed. They actually kissed. It felt so magical. So real. So calming. So.......everything. When they were losing air, they broke the kiss. "That was wow."

"Yea, it really was." They both smiled at each other. Though Phantom has one question on her mind. "Just out of curiosity, where did you get that shot gun?"

"It was fake." Phantom widen her eyes and laughed. "Seriously?"

"Yes I can't believe those asshats felt for it." Ghost laughed too. It was the first time he actually laughed with some one other then his brothers.


The next day at school, Phantom felt more confident. Now knowing that she's in love with Ghost. The most mysterious boy at school. Speaking of boys, the two brothers appeared in front of her again. "Hey look! It's the not so special child." Havoc said from across the hall. Phantom only rolled her eyes and flipped them off. The boys were shocked. "She wouldn't dare." Phantom looked towards them with a smirk. "Oh but she would." She said as she left them alone.

The brothers were shocked. No one has every resisted there insults. No one. "Hey boys." Both brothers turned around to see Ghost again. He had his arms folded and a smirk on his face as well. Striker and Havoc slowly backed away. "H-Hey Ghost, o-old buddy." Ghost so desperately wanted to laughed at there stupidity. ".......gotta go." Both brothers said as they ran away from him. Ghost only chuckled. "That should teach them to mess with my girlfriend.

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