Just Dance 2020

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Brisk: (bored out of his damn mind) UGH!

Xena: hey bro, what's up

Brisk: I'm bored

Xena: Really? Me too.

Brisk: There's gotta be something fun to do.....hey, didn't dad buy that game just dance 2020 for us

Xena: yeah.

Brisk: Let's give it a shot.

Xena: Can we invite the others

Brisk: Sure

5 minutes later

Maesi: Hey guys

Brisk: First one to make it

Maesi: After I heard the just dance part I zoomed right over

Amber: I wanna dance

Shade: I don't

Maesi: Too bad! You're dancing! (pulls him inside the house)

Shade: (thinking about his life choices) *how did I get stuck with these people*

Brisk: Okay, we're playing on the nintendo. Shade, did you bring yours?

Shade: No

Amber: Not me

Maesi: I did!

Brisk: Good to know someone is always prepared

Amber: Like how you're prepared for school?

Shade: (chuckles)

Brisk: shut up, you can do that after we dance. Xena, turn on the Switch

Xena: (turns on the nintendo switch) Just dance 2020

Brisk: Alright, you know the rules guys.

Xena: First song, we'll flip it. Also a song called kill this love-

Maesi: Wait, kill this love by blackpink

Xena: Yes?

Maesi: I'm in!

Amber: Me too

Shade: No way I'm dancing to that

Brisk: Me neither

Shade: How about bangbangbang

Brisk: For once I agree with you

Xena: heads for kill this love, tails for bangbangbang (flips quarter which lands on heads)

Amber: Yes!

Brisk: No!

Maesi: Now suffer

Shade: Fine, let's get this over with.


(Amber is the far left, Brisk and Shade are the ones in the middle and Maesi is at the other end)

Boys: (out of breath)

Brisk: That was a hard one

Maesi: pfft, so?

Amber: this is why I love to dance

Shade: Well, it's our turn.

Brisk: You wanna play dirty? Fine, we can play that game.


(Brisk is the one in the middle, Shade is on the right and the girls are on the left)

Girls: (out of breath)

Maesi: Why you!

Brisk: Hey, you started it.

Shade: Now, we're even

Amber: (pouts)

Xena: My turn

Brisk: uh oh

Amber: What.

Brisk: She's gonna choose the chihuahua song again.

Xena: No I'm not!


All: (out of breath)


Maesi: A crime against humanity

Xena: (laughs) No one can stand against the power of the dance queen

Brisk: (mutters) More like a dance princess

Xena: EXCUSE ME! You wanna do it again

Brisk: N-No ma'am

Xena: I didn't think so

Amber: Okay, 30 minutes break.

30 minutes later

All: (worn out)

Maesi: Why us

Brisk: Let's try an easy one this time.


Shade: That wasn't so bad.

Maesi: my turn to choose the song


(Brisk is blue, Shade's green, Maesi orange, and Amber pink)

Xena: Can I pick the next one

Brisk: If this is another kid song I'm leaving

Xena: Please, and only you get to dance


Xena: Cause you'll love it



All (except Brisk): (laughs)

Brisk: (blushes) XENA!

Xena: (sticks out tongue)

Brisk: Amber, you're next


Amber: (BOSS)


Maesi: That was awesome!

Shade: I'll go next


Brisk: why didn't I do that song

Xena: Stop complaining

Brisk: -_-

Maesi: Me next


Maesi: My favorite

Xena: I'll go


Brisk: Okay, that's cute

Xena: Thank you

Brisk: Now time for my song


Shade: Okay I admit I wish I did that song

Brisk: (pride going up)

Amber: Any more songs

Brisk: Nope, I'm done for today

Shade: Me too

Maesi: Me three

Amber: Okay, I'll make strawberry cake

Xena: Really?

Amber: yep!

Brisk: This is why we love you Amber. You do it so much better then Uncle Rebel

Amber: (blushes) I'm not that perfect

Shade: He's got a point

Xena: Yep

Maesi: (nods)

Amber: Aw thx guys.

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