Luigi's birthday

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Lexi: everyone ready

All: ready

Lexi: great!

Luigi: (comes through the door and sees the light off) Huh?

All: (lights turn on) SURPRISE!

Luigi: Holy- (Falls over)

Anthony: you okay baby (Runs over to him)

Luigi: yep I'm fine

Lexi: happy 14th birthday Luigi

Luigi: thx Lexi

Lexi: oh and I'm older than you

Luigi: 😑 of course you point that out

Lexi: 😁

Anthony: oh almost forgot (Grabs Ariel) Cmon Ariel, tell him what you told me.

Ariel: h-h-h-happy b-b-birth-day daddy

Luigi: (gasp) Awe! (Grabs her and hugs her) my baby girl can talk!

Ariel: 😁

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