Meeting him again

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Gabby: (sitting in her room thinking) Man, I can't believed he kissed me


Gabby: What're you doing here

Ryan: (smirks) Just came by to do this (kisses her)

Gabby: (frozen)

Ryan: Cya around (smirks and leaves)

Gabby: O///////O What have I gotten myself into

End of flashback

Gabby: Man, that was wild. (hears a vibration) Huh another dare? (unlocks phone whci pulls up a text from Ryan) O/////O O-Oh.

Ryan: Hey how's it going

Gabby: Good, tending on how you kissed me last night

Ryan: But you loved it didn't you

Gabby: *Dammit I can feel him smirking from the other line* Very funny -_-

Ryan: hahahahahahahahahaha well at least you enjoyed it

Gabby: I didn't enjoy it

Ryan: Then how come you didn't push me

Gabby: O///////O c-cause it was u-unexpected that's all

Ryan: Yea but a girl would automatically push me away and say, 'Whoa what the hell?!'

Gabby: Shut up

Ryan: Yea whatever

Alexis: (comes in) Hey cuz who'e you texting?

Gabby: (quickly puts phone away) N-No one

Alexis: Yea right (grabs phone and sees who she's texting)

Gabby: Alexis give it back!

Alexis: (smirks) Oooooohhhhhhh Ryan! The hot guy from school. ;) ;)

Gabby: -_- I hate you

Alexis: Love you too (smiles mischievously)

Gabby: If you tell the others I'll rip that smirk off your face.

Alexis: Don't worry my lips are sealed (walks out)

Gabby: Great.........just great.

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