Skipping school prt. 4

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Phil: So, you guys ready to go

Brisk: Yep

Amber: So, where should we go next?

Shade: The cinema

Maesi: Oh I can't wait. I wanna see IT chapter 2

All: O_O about Sonic instead

Maesi: That to

Brisk: (steps on something) Huh? (it was a snake bite) a snake bite (looks at the inisiales) Oh crap

Amber: What is it?

Brisk: Amber, duck

Amber: why?

Brisk: (swings swords towards Amber)

Amber: OH SHIT! (ducks)

Sword: (collides with the trees causing someone to fall down)


Brisk: (points at someone)

All: (looks at the person)

Maesi: DAD?!

MC: Ouch! Did you really have to bring your weapon?

Brisk: Comes with growing up-one sec (swings sword at Maesi)

Maesi: WHAT THE FU-(ducks)

Sword: (collides with another branch causing three other people to fall down)

Shade/Amber: DAD?!

Brisk: Sup dad


Brisk: You're the one who taught me how to listen to my surroundings

Swift:.....why did I teach you that?

Brisk: Because I persuaded you

Swift: -_-

Rebel: Still, why did you skip school

Maesi: Why did you follow us

Shade: And who told you

Ghost: Luigi

Shade: Oh yeah that guy.

Amber: You were gonna try to get on the bus and become villains were you

Swift: Wha-HOW!?

Brisk: Dad, I read your diary

Swift:.....I'm gonna kill you

Brisk: Sure. I literally just spotted you in the forest. And I didn't even have to look

Swift: (sighs) you have your grandfather's speed

Brisk: Aw thx

Ghost: We're still telling your parents

Maesi: Do our moms know about us skipping school

Swift: Yes

Maesi: Do they know that you were following us

Rebel: yes

Maesi: Do they know that you were gonna try to do a hot police chase with us on the bus

MC: Ye-.....oh.

Ghost: You wouldn't.

Maesi: Oh but I most certainly would

Swift: What, you'll call the police?

Maesi: No, I'll call our mothers, explain what we did, they'll forgive us easily, ground us, but forgive us easily. Unlike you guys...well, let's just say you guys will be sleeping in a grave tonight (smirks with pure evil)

Street punks: (scared for their lives)

MC: okay, okay, okay, we'll let you go somewhere of your choice, but after this we're going straight home.

Maesi: Good, cause school's pretty much over already

Swift: She really is your daughter

MC: You should see how she convinces me to bring her to the bar.



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