The best dad ever

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Brisk walked down the halls of his god forsaken school. He was in a good mood actually. Why? Because it was time to finally go home. Yes! The last day of school is finally over!

"Yo punk!" Brisk turned around in annoyance. It was Derick. He was the bully of the school. The most hated person here. He was also taller than Brisk which made him more vulnerable. And if there's something that Brisk hated, it was being a target. Great. Just great. "What do you want Derick? It's the last day of summer and I don't wanna waste it talking to your sorry ass." The whole hallway fell silence. No one has ever stood up to Derick. And I mean no one. Derick was in complete shock and soon turned to hatred. "Oh yea we'll says the one who thinks his dads a whimp."

That was it. That was enough to piss him off. "Derick, let me tell toy something. My father is the best father in history and if ANYONE says otherwise I won't let them hit summer without a punch to the face!" Derick had enough. He hate it when Brisk would always stick up for people. He jumped toward him and tackled him to the floor. Then he started to punch him in his gut. "Shit! Why you little-" Brisk replied as he punched him in the face and kicked him in the knee. It also caused Derick to get off of Brisk and land on his ass. "You son of a-Hey! Get back here!" Before Derick could finish his sentence, Brisk got up and started to run. "I wish we could continue this but I gotta a summer to catch!" And with that Brisk ran all the way home leaving the bully behind. "I'LL GET YOU ONE DAY BRISK!!! YOU'LL BE SORRY!!!" Derick shouted as the words filled Brisk's head as he continued to run with a smile on his face.


"YOU GOT INTO A FIGHT!?" Xena said as she patched up Brisk's wounds. When Brisk ran home, his sister immediately helped him to the couch. Good thing his parents were still at work. "Yea."

"How badly did he hurt you?"

"He only pinched me in the gut."

"And the principal?"

"Don't know. I ran out of the school." Xena frozen and looked up at her brother in complete shock.........then laughed. "I can't believe you did that!!" Soon, Brisk laughed too.


"Serves him right though. At least you gave him something to remember you by."

"Ha! And he deserved it too."

And with that, Brisk and Xena talked about how Derick will 'love' his summer vacation.......well until there parents found out. 😅😅


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