The polar express prt. 13

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(All children (Brisk, Amber, Shade, Maesi) belong to my good friend HimeOfShyness )

Brisk: Emergency brake! (Goes to the back of the train)

Amber: Is there a brake



Brisk: (hears a tin can sound)

MC: Take a break kid.


MC: Have a nice co-co (drinks the coco and disappears leaving it behind)

Amber/Maesi: (scream as the train car goes into a tunnel)

Brisk: (turns the back wheel to try and slow the train down)

Maesi: Oh no, we're coming up on a stop light


All: (feels the impact of the train as they all crash into the huge brake)

Brisk: (starts to feel dizzy) Anyone else feel dizzy?

Maesi: I think...we're spinning.

All: (feels the train spinning for a while as it soon stops)

Brisk: Okay, is everyone alright?

Amber: Shhh, do you hear that...the bell. (Gets off the train)

Maesi/Brisk: (gets off as well)

Brisk: What bell?

Maesi: Like on a sleigh?

Amber: (points at one of the tunnels) Its coming through that tunnel. We should go there.

Maesi: But the tracks. There's a wide opening. Do you think we have enough balance?

Amber: We can make it. (Balances on one of the ends of the tracks and starts to walk) Come on guys.

Brisk: (follows reluctantly)

Maesi: (also follows and slips a bit but gets back up)

Amber: (stops for a moment)......

Brisk: What?

Amber: Nothing, come on.


All: (soon they make it to the normal train tracks and start running through town to find another small tunnel fit for elves)

Brisk: An elf tunnel

Amber: Do you hear it now?

Maesi: I can

Brisk: I don't hear a thing.

Amber: Come on, let's go this way,

Brisk: Are you sure?

Amber: 😑 (stops and turns around) Absolutely (turns back around and takes the lead)

Brisk: 🙄 (follows)

Maesi: (does the same)


All: (they all travel further through the tunnel)

Brisk: How come I don't hear anything?

Amber: Shhh. Quiet and stay down.

All: (slowly walks down and gets down cause they are a lot bigger than elves)

Elves: (checking over the naughty or nice list)

Maesi: (whispers) What're they doing?

Brisk: They're doing a last minute check.

Maesi: On the kids?

Brisk: Well the song does say he's checking it twice

Amber: More like the elves are.

Brisk: I wonder what-

All: (hears a huge alarm go off that says NAUGHTY)

Brisk: Oh that's what happens.

Maesi: Whenever a child is being naughty the alarm goes off.

Amber: I guess.

All: (listens to the child's tape recorded as it repeats 'I didn't do it')

Elves: (debate on whether to put him on the naughty list and start to go to a huge transport machine and switches it in to go through a huge tube)

Amber: Let's go guys.

All: (goes into another transport machine as they all get in)

Brisk: So....what now?

Maesi: You're in front Amber, press something.

Amber: Um.....(presses the middle button)

All: (the transport door closes and it zooms really fast)

Maesi: WOAH!



All: (it then stops at there destination and they all get out feeling dizzy)

Brisk: If I do one more crazy ride like that again I'm gonna throw up.

Maesi: Same here.

Amber: So now what?

Maesi: I don't hear the bell.

Amber: Neither do I

Brisk: ....I think we should follow those arrows. (Points at the arrows at they point forward)

All: (follow the arrows)

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