The revenge begins

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Lexi: (looks through Lizzie's truth or dare and sees the new chapter) hmm it seems that Lizzie hasn't learned her lesson yet. (Snaps fingers and Lizzie appears out of nowhere

Lizzie: 😏 what're you gonna do now. Make him tickle me for 6 hours.

Lexi: no I'll make you turn into a baby and then let him tickle you for 6 hours

Lizzie: WHAT!?

Lexi: But you get breaks b/c you're only a child (Snaps fingers and Lizzie is a little baby girl)

Lizzie: (pouts)

Lexi: Swift get in here

Swift: (Sees baby Lizzie) Aw (picks her up) she's so cute. (Moves his thumbs to tickle her armpits)

Lizzie: (tries to hold her laughter)

Swift: oh no you don't (blows raspberries on her cheeks)

Lizzie: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Lexi: now you get to tickle her for 6 hours but she gets a 30 minute break every 2 hours

Swift: I can live with that (keeps kissing her)

Lizzie: 😂😂😂😂😂

6 hours (including 30 minute breaks) ltr.

Lizzie: 😂

Swift: (talks in a doggy voice) who's my good girl. You're my good girl. (Runs his nose against hers)

Lizzie: 😂

Lexi: Swift her 6 hours are up

Swift: But she's so cute

Lexi: But i gotta change her back

Swift: Fine (Gives her one more kiss)

Lexi: (snaps fingers and Lizzie is back to normal)

Lizzie: Finally free from the tickling.

Lexi: time for you to go back home

Swift: bye Lizzie. I'll tickle you harder if you do it again

Lizzie: (pouts) (teleports back to her dimension)

@LeoGDraws it is on like donkey Kong

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