7 Minutes In Heaven

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Kayla: Hey! In this next round of truth or dare we are continuing from the last round. *gulp* Which is...all of us players have to play 7 minutes in heaven.

Mikey: I still don't know what that means!

Leo: And you never will!

Mikey: *pouts*

Abbie: So, how are we going to do this?

Donnie: I have. No. Idea.

Raph: That's a first

Kayla: Okay, before we continue, I just wanna say this: WHY!? You guys already had me kiss TWO turtles in one chapter! Not one, but TWO!!! *trying to catch breath*

Bella: *pats my back* You done?

Kayla: I think so

Leo: Why don't we do this, we'll have all our names in a hat, and the first two names that are picked will go first.

Donnie: Sounds simple enough

Abbie: Fine with me

Mikey: *scratches head* I'm still confused

Raph: *sighs* We'll have him drink the pickle juice after

Bella puts names into the hate, and pulls out two names.

Leo: Who is it?

Bella: *sighs with relief* Donnie and Kayla

Donnie: *blushes*

Kayla: -_- I swear my readers hate me

Raph: Just get it over with ya babies

Both of us blushing we go into the hall closet.

Mikey: What exactly do they do in there?

Abbie: Later Mikey

In the closet...

Donnie: What exactly do we do?

Kayla: Uh...I...guess what ever we want *blushes*

Donnie: *blushes* Uh..okay

Don wraps his arms around my wast, pulling me closer to him. My cheeks burning up, I put wrap my arms around his head, and move my head towards his. Our lips meet in the middle, staying like that, we were now in a deep passionate kiss. He then leans me against the wall going deeper into the kiss. Making me pull his head closer

Bella: *knocks* You guys have three minutes left!

We slowly break apart, both blushing like crazy.

Donnie: W-well, that was...uh...

Kayla: Interesting?

Donnie: Uh...sure?

Kayla: *giggle* Now what?

Donnie: I-I'm not sure...

Bella: You guys have like 35 seconds left!

Kayla: *pulls away from Donnie* They probably expected more then just a passionate kiss, ya know

Donnie: *blushes, then clears throat* Maybe, but I'm curious what they're going to do

Kayla: *chuckle*

Bella: *knocks* Times up!

Kayla and Donnie: *comes out*

Abbie: So, how'd it go?

Kayla: Uh...

Donnie: ...Interesting?

Kayla: Y-yea

Mikey: So, can I play?

Everyone but Mikey: NO!

Bella picks two different names, her face goes pale

Mikey: Who goes next?

Bella: M-me...a-and Leo

Abbie and Raph: Oooooh

Leo: *blushes* Why don't you two grow up!?

Abbie: Neh

Leo: *growls* I've said this twice already. I hate you all

Bella and Leo entire the closet and close the door. They keep silent, using some of their time.

Bella: S-so...

Leo: So?

Bella: What do we do?

Leo: I'm not sure...but c-can...I...um

Bella: ...Kiss?

Leo: *blushes* Yea. I-I if you want to...I mean uh-

Bella smashed her lips with Leo's wrapping her legs around his waist, and wrapping her arms around his head. Holding onto his bandana fins. Leo hesitates, but kisses back, wrapping his arms around her. Then Leo went down to the side of her neck, kissing her.

Raph: *pounds on door* Times up!

Bella pulls away from Leo, blushing, but also grinning.

Leo: Wow...

Bella: *giggling, while walking out*

Kayla: Have fun?


Kayla: Just wondering

Bella: *rolls eyes* Who's next?

Donnie: It's actually just Raph and Abbie

Raph and Abbie: *face goes pale*

Leo: *pats Raph's shell* Go get her tiger! *pushes him towards the closet*

Raph: *growls, and goes into closet*

Abbie: I don't know about this guys

Donnie: Do you wanna drink pickle juice?

Abbie: NO!

Kayla: Then get in there! *shoves her in the closet*

Abbie: *falls onto Raph*

Raph: Hey! Why'd you do that for? *pushes her off*

Abbie: That was so not my fault! *shoves him*

Raph: Stop pushing! *shoves her back*

Abbie: Why don't you!? *shoves him back*

Outside Of The Closet...

Everyone: *listening to the conversation*

Mikey: So, that's what you do?

Eveyone but Mikey: *sighs*

In The Closet...

Raph and Abbie wasted like five minutes shoving and arguing

Raph: Man, your so annoying!

Abbie: *crosses arms* And your a baby!

Raph: Am not!

Abbie: Am too!

Raph: Am not!

Abbie: Am too!

Raph: Am not!

Abbie: Am-mmff

Raph smashed his lips into hers before she could finish. He then pinned her against the wall, holding her arms above her head, going deep into the kiss. Raph pulled away and started to kiss Abbie's ear, sending chills down her spine, and making her cheeks burn.

Leo: Times up!

Raph pulls away blushing and smirking at Abbie

Raph: *whispers* Am not

Abbie: *blushes*

Mikey: What did you guys do?

Donnie: For the last time, Mikey! You are not going to find out!

Mikey: *pouts*

Abbie: *sighs* Mikey, let's just get you your pickle juice and milk

On que, Bella and Leo comes out of the kitchen with a glass of green stuff

Bella: Drink up, Mikster 

Mikey bring the glass up to his mouth and takes a sip. To everyones surprise, he chugs the whole thing down.

Mikey: *burps*

Kayla: Gross!

Mikey: Can I have some more?

Raph: You actually like that stuff?

Mikey: Yea. The milk gave the pickle juice a very good after taste

Everyone but Mikey: *gag*

Abbie: I don't get why we're so surprised, his already puts jelly-beans on his pizza

Bella: That is true

Kayla: *chuckle* There you go guys, everyone except Mikey did 7 minutes in Heaven! I hoped you enjoyed our weird and awkward chapter. We are now expecting more dares and questions. So comment down below, what you want to see go down. See ya next chapter! ;)

Mikey: *whispers* And could you tell me what 7 minutes in Heaven is?

Everyone: MIKEY!

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