Casey's First Dare

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Kayla: Hey! Welcome back! In this next round of turth or dare, we are continuing from the last chapter. Which is (sighs) me and Donnie eating Mikey's 'master piece'

Emily: If only we can get Donnie out of the lab

Casey: He'll come around

Donnie: *from the lab* NO I WON'T!

Bella: *sighs* lets just get on with the game

FROM: @Lila-Hamato

DARE: A dare Donnie to come out of the lab and stop being a big baby

TRUTH: Oh, and a question for Donnie who do you like more? Kayla or April?

Kayla: That's a no brainer

Mikey: It is?

Everyone but Mikey: *moan*

Raph: Why do ya think Donnie acts like a total fool every time April comes around?

Donnie: *from the lab* I HEARD THAT!

Casey: If you think of it, Donnie and Kayla would make a good couple

Sabrin: That's weird coming from you

Casey: Will yea, their both nerds, so win win for both teams

Kayla: -_-

Abbie: *smacks Casey on the back of the head*

Casey: Ow!

Leo: *rolls eyes* DONNIE GET OUT HERE!

Donnie: *from the lab* NO!

Raph: Don't make me go in there!

Donnie: Is that a threat?!

Mercedes: Was that a trick question?

Mikey: C'mon dude! Your pizza is getting cold!

Donnie: Don't care!

Emily: You have no say in the matter!

Donnie: I do now!

Everyone: *moan*

Sabrin: How are we going to get him out?

Abbie: The only way we know. By FORCE

Bella: And how are we going to do that?

Abbie: Easy. All I need is Leo, Raph, and Emily

Emily: Why me?

Abbie: You'll see *smirks*

The four him them get into a little huddle whispering something. They then nod and barge into the lab. After hearing some screaming and things crashing. All four of them have Don tied to his spinning chair.

Mercedes: Was that really necessary?

Raph: Yup *grins*

Donnie: *trying to get loose* Let me out!

Kayla: Not until this chapter is over! Mikey go get the pizza!

Mikey: On it! *runs into the kitchen*

Donnie: Once I get out of this! You all are in for a world of hurt!

Casey: Oooh we're so scared. Well maybe Kayla

Kayla: *growls*

Mikey: *comes in with two slices of pizza* Eat up dudes!

Kayla: Mikey, the heads are still on the sardenes!

Mikey: I know. Good right?

Donnie: NO!

Kayla: I'm not eating that!

Leo: I got the rope

Emily: I got the chair

After forcing me into a chair

Donnie and Kayla: -_-

Mercedes: How are they going to eat while they're tied up?

Mikey: I call feeding Donnie!

Sabrin: Ooh! I wanna feed Kayla!

Sabrin plugs my nose and makes me take one bite. Which I happily spit back on her. Donnie, on the other hand, had to have Raph and Leo hold his head still until Mikey finally got the pizza into his mouth.

Donnie: *groans* That pizza is going to mess up my insides for weeks

Kayla: Tell me about it

FROM: @SandyGraves

DARE: I dare Leo to dress up like Lady Gaga and sing Bad Romance. Also, I dare Casey to watch My Little Pony while wearing pink and purple clothes, and having Donnie put makeup on him.

Casey: O_O

Leo: Who's Lady Gaga?

Bella: Me and Abbie will do Leo. While the rest of you do Casey *takes Leo and Abbie to a different room*

Casey: There is no way I'm doing-

Mercedes: Do you wanna end up like them?

Casey: *sees me and Donnie half blacked out and tied up to chairs* *groan* No...

Emily: Ready for a make-over ladies?

All the girls except me: *sequels* Yes lets do this! *takes Casey to a different room*

Abbie: Leo's ready!

Leo comes out wearing a half torn apart blue long dress. With a weird white wig.

Mikey and Raph: BAWHAHAHAHA

Leo: *eye twitching* When did I agree to play this game?

Kayla *moan* You didn't

Bella: *hands him a sheet of paper* Here ya go Lady Gaga. 

Abbie: Start the music, Mikey!

Mikey: *turns on music*

Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it's free
I want your love

I want your drama
The touch of your hand
I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand
I want your love
I want your love

You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad, your bad romance

I want your love and
I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your love and
All your lover's revenge
You and me could write a bad romance

Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Everyone exept me and Donnie: *claps and cheers*

Raph: Nice job Leo-Gaga! *dies of laughter*

Leo: *goes into the lab* It's my turn in the lab!

Sabrin: Hey guys! Check this out!

Looks and sees Casey dresses in a pink T-shirt with light purple pants.

Casey: *blushes*

Bella: Awe Casey you look so cute!

Casey: Shut up! *pouts*

Mikey: Hey dude your show is on *giggles*

Casey: *groans and sits in front of the tv*

Emily: *unties Donnie* Ready Donnie?

Donnie: *moan* My stomach hurts too much

Kayla: *moan* Preach

Mercedes: *whispers* This might ruin his chances with April

Donnie: *jumps up* Where's the make-up *runs into the living room*

Leo: Kayla?

Kayla: Hm?

Mikey: Aren't you gonna do your weird ending with a wink?

Kayla: *moans louder and shakes head*

Abbie: Oh well keep voting

Sabrin: Keep daring

Emily: Keep asking questions

Bella: And don't forget to follow

Mercedes: See you next time *wives* BYE!

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